Chapter 473: Barry Shark (1)
The mysterious artifact brought to the scene by Lie Que has become a time bomb, causing great panic.

The scene was suddenly in chaos, many people ran away, and many people in the audience still stayed.

Feng Qianyun observed these people, there are many experts among these people, if these people don't leave, maybe they are the people they want to deal with, or there may be other reasons.

However, this is only the beginning of the chaos.

"No one wants to leave!"

In the midst of the noise, the special announcement for the venue suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, black tights appeared around the venue, holding rifles, surrounded the huge arena, and trapped everyone including the audience.

The opponent was clearly prepared and premeditated.

"No one wants to leave here!"

The evil man's voice on the radio repeated again.

what happened?

Some people are surprised, some people are even more surprised.

The most surprised people are the innocent spectators and arena employees who don't know anything.

What was even more surprising was the person sent by Xia Wufeng's father to assassinate Xia Wufeng.

Because this move is obviously not in the plan.

Xia Wufeng's father wanted to kill Xia Wufeng, and most of the insiders knew the reason, but no matter how much Xia Wufeng's father wanted to get rid of Xia Wufeng, it was impossible for Xia Wufeng's father to make life difficult for the entire alliance.

But now, as soon as these people make a move, the audience and the arena are all involved. This is obviously something the Xia family will not do.

"Everyone stand still and don't move!"

This time it was a warning, and the other party obviously wanted to control the entire venue.

"Who are you? You are too courageous! Do you know what the consequences will be if you do this!"

While Gu Anshun wanted to take care of the mysterious magic weapon, the stalemate caused dense drops of sweat to drip from his forehead. On the other hand, the situation in front of him was completely out of his expectation. For dozens of years, such absurd things have never happened.

"Mr. Gu can't protect himself, you should take care of yourself first!"

The man's voice was full of sarcasm and sarcasm, obviously mocking Gu Anshun's innocence.

The shock came one after another. I thought that the incident was caused by Feng Qianyun and the mysterious man beside her, but in the blink of an eye, the entire venue fell into the hands of unknown opponents. The spectators were all pointed at guns.You must know that the audience at the scene has a high status and status in Province Z.

Then I saw a middle-aged man appearing in everyone's field of vision. He walked slowly on the uneven playing field that was shattered by the change just now, and walked towards the center of the playing field, where Feng Qianyun and Lie Missing where it is now.

The man has beards and looks about 40 years old at first glance. He is of medium build and wears a light gray suit. He looks like a businessman.

At this time, a supervisor rushed up and grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar, "Guardian Zuo, what are you doing? Didn't you agree to wait until the game is over?"

The man known as Zuo Guardian coldly brushed away the hands that were holding his collar, "Did I say that? Maybe, but something happened now, didn't it? Since all the people present knew If you don’t know what you shouldn’t know, and see what you shouldn’t see, it’s better not to do anything but to kill them all.”

"What did you say? Are you going to kill them? Are you crazy? Do you know who they are? Do you know how much impact they will have on Province Z if they all die here?"

Imagine that nearly one-tenth of the powerful, high-ranking officials and wealthy people in a province were killed overnight. How much impact would it have on the economic, political, security, etc. of Province Z?This can even trigger a turmoil of no small scale!

This is just crazy!
"Really? Then what does it matter to me?" The man sneered, not only was he not worried at all, but he was looking forward to causing such a situation.

"No! As you said, it's enough to avenge your illegitimate daughter, and it's enough to kill Xia Wufeng. Our goals are the same!"

The dead Baili Bing was the illegitimate daughter raised by the middle-aged man in front of her, so even though Bai Li Bing was not born in a wealthy family and her aptitude was average, she became a foreign disciple of the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

This middle-aged man is no ordinary person, he is the noble left protector of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, Baili Shark!
Lie Que chuckled, "Compared to avenging his illegitimate daughter, Mr. Baili seems to be more interested in destroying the alliance, am I right?"

Baili Shark was stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes lingered on Lie Que for a long time, "It seems that you know a lot."

"Not much, enough to understand what happened today." Lie Que replied flatly.

God knows how much there is in his mouth!
"Let's listen." For Bailiyu, it's okay to listen to Lie Que's words, anyway, they are all fish in his net and cannot escape.

"Someone in the Xia family wanted to get rid of Xia Wufeng, so Mr. Baili joined forces with the Xia family in the name of avenging his daughter. The Xia family is inextricably linked to this arena. With the help of the Xia family, people from the Golden Lotus Holy Land It will be very easy to sneak into the arena, but in fact, what Mr. Baili wants is not to kill Xia Wufeng to avenge your dead daughter, but to destroy the alliance and the stumbling block of the Golden Lotus Holy Land."

Lie Que said unhurriedly, Baili Shark's thoughts and plans were completely seen through by him.

"You are really not an ordinary person, you can actually know my plan, but you seem to know it a bit late."

Bailiyu said with a smile, this young man seems quite capable, but his ability is limited to seeing through the truth earlier than others.

"Maybe it won't be too late." Lie Que's expression was still calm.

Then I saw him slowly walking towards Gu Anshun and the others, raised his hand, cut off the arm of the man whose arm was caught in the mysterious magic weapon, and at the same time took the mysterious magic weapon back with lightning speed. Back in hand.

The stalemate between Gu Anshun and others was resolved by Lie Que.

Miraculously, as soon as the thing fell into Lie Que's hands, he immediately became calm, as if Sun Monkey saw the Tathagata Buddha.

Even Baili Shark was shocked by Lie Que's actions. Who is he and why can he make that thing safe? It's impossible!

"Old man, it's cold on the ground, it's time to get up after lying down enough."

Lie Que said something without beginning or end, making Monk Zhang Er confused.

But after Lie Que said this, the curator who was supposed to be in a coma got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and stroked his beard.

(End of this chapter)

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