Chapter 474: Barry Shark (2)
"Curator, you, are you okay?" Gu Anshun walked over in surprise, is the curator okay?Then why did he just lie on the ground without moving.

"I'm fine, I just performed a show with him." The "he" in the curator's mouth refers to Lie Que.

The curator had been dragged and tossed by Lie Que just now, Feng Qianyun couldn't see his appearance clearly, now he stood up, Feng Qianyun could clearly see that he was A hunchback, very old considering his age, gray hair, and a beard, just reaching the position of his Xuanji point.

Although the old man was hunched over, he seemed to be in good spirits, and he was still smiling when he stood up.

"Curator, why do you want to... accompany him in this play?" Gu Anshun was puzzled, the other party was just an ordinary young man, and he was a thief who stole their president's prize, why did the curator listen to him?

"Yes, he is my old acquaintance. He told me that there was a big problem in this competition. There were a lot of 'idle people' in the arena. He also gave me an idea. Of course I It’s a must.”

The curator explained to Gu Anshun.

Obviously, the curator knew Lie Que before today, so he believed Lie Que and chose to cooperate with Lie Que.

That is to say, before Bailiyu showed up, Lie Que already knew that the purpose of the people in Jinlian Holy Land was not that simple.

Feng Qianyun nudged Lie Que's stomach in displeasure, and whispered, "Man, when did you find out and why didn't you tell me!"

Fortunately, she notified him of any situation, and he was lucky, but he didn't tell her when he found out, which made him feel depressed.

"Girl, don't be angry. I only found out after I separated from you. Then I informed the old man and asked him to accompany me in this play."

Lie Que explained that he originally intended to take things away, but when he got down there, he found something unusual. The people in the Golden Lotus Holy Land were behaving abnormally. It happened that he knew a little about Bailiying, and then he knew The matter was not as simple as they initially imagined, it was purely aimed at Xia Wufeng.

The entire family alliance that is the target of the Baili shark.

"Then what is the purpose of Jinlian Holy Land to destroy the alliance? Aren't they invincible?"

Lie Que explained for Feng Qianyun, "Golden Lotus Holy Land has always considered itself to be the most sacred existence, and it also has the ambition to dominate one side. If it is a single family, it must not be compared with Golden Lotus Holy Land, but family alliances exist in many It was established years ago, and although there are occasional minor problems, it has developed well in recent years under the leadership of Peng Yilun, and it is not surprising that Jinlian Holy Land regards it as the biggest obstacle to its vision and ambition."

"Inexplicably, I feel that this Golden Lotus Holy Land is a bit cheap." Feng Qianyun muttered, you are called "Holy Land", shouldn't you look a little holy?It's the same as the mistress who wants to be superior by any means!
Seeing that these people only discovered his plan one step ahead, as if they had already defeated him, Bailiyu couldn't help feeling amused.

"I really don't know what you guys are happy about. So what if you know in advance? It's not the same as waiting to die. I really don't know what is the meaning of your performance!" scoffed.

"Who said it's useless!" Feng Qianyun suddenly said with a smile, and then spoke to the audience in a mid-spirited voice, "Everyone, you all heard, this hundred-year-old from the Golden Lotus Holy Land For his own selfish desires, Mr. Li tried to hurt everyone's lives. It is the arena's fault if the arena is not thoughtful, but today we will put these aside for the time being and deal with this evil person together. At this moment, we The interests are the same. Then the arena is willing to compensate everyone for their losses."

When Feng Qianyun spoke, he used his internal strength, so more than a thousand people in the audience could hear what he said clearly.

"And friends of the Xia family, the matter between you and Xia Wufeng is your private matter and has nothing to do with us. In the beginning, when you tried to deal with Xia Wufeng, you never thought of hurting us all. It was Mr. Baili who deceived you. You are also a victim, now we are dealing with this super invincible villain together, what will you do with Xia Wufeng after the incident, that is your private matter."

Feng Qianyun said lightly while avoiding the seriousness.She said that these words that made her own goosebumps almost drop a few kilograms were intended to unite everyone in the scene.

There is no one to guide, and being intimidated by Bailiyu, everyone is in a state of disunity. Many people don't know each other, and no one trusts anyone. It is difficult to make a difference.But if someone gives them a hint at this time and gives them a goal to work together, then everyone will have the reason and motivation to unite, and it will be very different.

Lie Que was almost amused by Feng Qianyun's "righteous words" and "passionate" rhetoric.

"Girl, it's too wasteful for you not to give a speech." Lie Que whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear with a smile.

"Man, if you don't become a private investigator, you are really sorry to the whole universe!"

Feng Qianyun also replied to Lie Que that this guy is definitely suitable for a private detective.

"Girl, I have to control this thing, and the Baili shark may have to be dealt with by you."

Lie Que couldn't be distracted at this time, while controlling the things in his hands, he was a bit reluctant to deal with Baili Shark at the same time.


Feng Qianyun nodded heavily, Lie Que, I won't always let you shield me from the wind and rain, you have to believe that I have enough ability to protect myself.

"Papa, papa." There was a burst of applause, and Bailiyu clapped his hands, mocking with disdain, "These inspiring words are quite wonderful, but don't you underestimate me a little too much? "

From Bailiyu's point of view, these actions of Feng Qianyun and Lie Que are just useless tricks, and they will not have any substantial impact on his plan.

Feng Qianyun took a few steps forward and walked towards Baili Shark in a leisurely manner.

"I said, you are Baili Bing's father?" Feng Qianyun still has some impressions of Bai Libing, the woman who was madly in love with Xia Wufeng, finally died in Xia Wufeng's hands.

"That's right. Bing'er is my daughter. It seems that you know my daughter."

"Oh, that bitch, I have a little impression."

(End of this chapter)

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