Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 475 Golden Lotus Treasure

Chapter 475 Golden Lotus Treasure
"Smelly girl, who are you talking about?" Baili Shark's complexion darkened a lot in an instant, saying that about his daughter in front of him is simply not paying attention to him!
"Mr. Baili doesn't need to be so excited. You have done some shady things in the name of avenging your daughter. It can be seen that your desire to avenge your daughter is not that important." Feng Qianyun teased in a disdainful tone.

"Smelly girl, you have a good ear, but just having a mouth is useless in front of me. Do you think that if you use aggressive tactics, I will lose my mind?"

Baili Shark admits that he is very upset with Feng Qianyun, he can do some things, but no one else is allowed to talk about them!
But after so many years, he still has this determination, and he won't be so angry that he will smash the other party into pieces after just saying a few words. If this is the case, he is not worthy to be the Holy Lord of the Golden Lotus Holy Land The Left Protector is gone!
"Bailiyu, your Golden Lotus Holy Land has always been respected by the big families, why did you do such a thing?"

The curator hunched his back and approached a little bit. He knew a little about Bailiying, aside from his romantic nature, he was still a very prestigious person. When he was young, he had a relationship with Bailiying. There have been some intersections, this person, as one of the top masters in the Golden Lotus Holy Land, is indeed no match for anyone.

"The alliance is really an eyesore, and there is Peng Yilun." Bailiyu didn't hide his ambition at all. Things have reached such a point that he no longer needs to hide his ambition.

Peng Yilun is one of the rare men who can compete with himself, and it is also because of this man that the alliance that was originally disjointed is tightly united.

The major leaders in the family all respect Peng Yilun, so the alliance has unprecedented strength and power, which is very unfavorable to them in the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

"So there must be a battle between us today, right?" The curator's expression was no longer relaxed, and he put away his smile, revealing a sharper gaze and expression.

"Okay, you old guy, it's time to send you to see Lord Yan!" Baili Shame smirked, confident.

Feng Qianyun and Lie Que consciously retreated to the side, and the duel between masters might harm Chi Yu at any time. If the internal force of the two of them was affected, those who were not well-cultivated would probably die on the spot and become innocent souls.

Bailiying's people controlled the entire venue, and the audience couldn't leave if they wanted to. At this time, everyone no longer had the leisure time they had when they first came in. It is indeed a very exciting and exciting thing to watch the masters duel, but Your own life is at stake, and everyone has to hold a heart.

Feng Qianyun and Lie Que retreated to the side. Others would also avoid them when they saw them. If there were not hundreds of rifles waiting to pull the trigger at any time, the reaction of these people would have been even greater, because Lie Que He was holding something as dangerous as the Baili Shark in his hand.

As soon as Feng Qianyun stood still, she felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face.

She was relatively okay, some people couldn't stand still, and they were staggered by the wind.

As soon as the two masters came up, they fought with their internal forces, and a sense of oppression almost made people breathless.

Is this a duel between real masters?

Feng Qianyun watched the competition between Baili Shark and the curator without blinking. I don't know if I will see this kind of competition for the second time in my life.

Feng Qianyun never expected that although the curator is old and has a hunched back, his body is surprisingly flexible.

The movements of the two became faster and faster, so fast that the human eyes could not keep up. They just saw two flashes of light colliding in the air, and the air vibrated violently, making a rumbling sound, which made the ears of those who were close to it buzz. ring.

The two are evenly matched in terms of strength!
Baili Shark probably never thought of this point!

Not only Feng Qianyun had such an idea, but almost everyone present was amazed. Bailiyu, as the left protector of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, is such a terrifying existence. Those who know the truth know it well. Only chairman Peng Yilun has the ability to compete with him.

So when the Baili shark appeared, many people felt as if they had been hit by a bolt from the blue.

But now, the two have actually drawn a tie, which undoubtedly gave everyone hope of winning.

During the battle, Bailiyu who discovered this was surprised, "Old guy, I can't see that you have made such great progress in the past few years!"

"Thanks to the help of a friend, Mr. Baili, it's still too late for you to evacuate. We can still pretend that nothing happened, and the Alliance and Golden Lotus Holy Land can still get along friendly."

The curator admonished Baili Shaman, that he was more inclined to reconcile than tearing up his face with the Golden Lotus Holy Land. One thing more is worse than one thing less, and he couldn't bear the balance established over the years to be broken.

Stop now?

Baili Shark seemed to have heard some big joke, he suddenly stopped attacking, retreated quickly, and retreated to a safe distance.

"Old guy, I admit that you surprised me very much. You are quite old, and you still have such diligence. It should be impossible without adventures. But you seem to have forgotten that the main event was not me from the beginning. "

Bailiyu admitted that he was indeed surprised that the curator was able to tie with him, but there is absolutely no possibility for them to leave here alive today!

Then, I saw him take out a golden lotus from his space storage instrument.

The golden lotus is naturally in the shape of a lotus flower, but it is not big, and the Baili shark can hold it in one hand, and the golden light of the golden lotus is dazzling.

"Old guy, when you were discussing with this kid to deal with me, you must not have expected that I would bring this thing!" Baili Shark sneered.

"This is..." The curator rubbed his eyes, and saw what was in Baili Shark's hand more clearly, "Is this the Holy Treasure of the Golden Lotus?"

"That's right, this is the Holy Treasure of the Golden Lotus!" Baili Shark smiled dazzlingly, "Old man, since you know this thing, you should also know how powerful it is. Do you think you can escape this ancient treasure with confidence?" ?”

Ancient treasure?

This word jumped into Feng Qianyun's mind, and Feng Qianyun's natural sensitivity to treasures made Feng Qianyun look at that thing more carefully.

"Is the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure the treasure of the Golden Lotus Holy Land?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que. There was a mobile encyclopedia by her side, so of course Feng Qianyun wanted to ask.

"Yes. It is an ancient treasure. The Golden Lotus Holy Land exists because of this thing. Usually, this thing is placed in the spring water. After the spring water absorbs the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, it will have a unique Efficacy, people in the Golden Lotus Holy Land can improve their own abilities by citing the spring water, and it also has the effect of healing."

It really is a peerless baby!
But the spring water absorbs spiritual power and has special effects... Why does this sentence sound so familiar?
"However, about a hundred years ago, there was a civil strife in the Golden Lotus Holy Land. At that time, the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure was divided into two halves, and a small half was stolen by a traitor from the Golden Lotus Holy Land. Now Bailiyu is holding more than half of it. But because it is incomplete, its ability is correspondingly weakened.”

"Can you still be so arrogant after weakening?" Feng Qianyun asked.

Lie Que nodded. The Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure is the soul of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, because it has the Golden Lotus Holy Land, and it is one of the few known ancient treasures.

If this thing hadn't been placed in the Golden Lotus Holy Land, many people would want to snatch it.

Feng Qianyun saw the expressions of the curator and others, the shock was not feigned, it seems that Baili Shark's move was a bit ruthless.

"Are you afraid now? Unfortunately, it's already too late." Bailiyu was fully confident from the beginning to the end that he could use this opportunity to win everyone including Peng Yilun, the arena curator and others in one fell swoop.

He even brought the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, which has cost him a lot of money!

Under the holy light of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, no one can survive except their Holy Master!
"Old man, now I will let you see the strength of the Golden Lotus Holy Land with your own eyes, and let you know that the alliance is just a bunch of mobs, and there is no capital to compete with the Golden Lotus Holy Land!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden holy light emitted from the golden lotus treasure in Bailiying's hand.

Baili Shark seemed to intend to scare the curator, so he randomly selected a supervisor as his first experimental subject.

The holy light seemed to be alive, and it was emitted by the golden lotus treasure, and then locked on the person chosen by Bailiyu.

Afterwards, the body of the person under the shroud of the holy light shriveled up quickly, as if someone had taken away their vitality and soul. In less than a minute, a fresh life instantly turned into a puddle of corpse water .

This is just a small test, the power of the Golden Lotus is far more than that, the holy light can directly cover the entire arena, so that everyone has nowhere to hide, and then everyone will become like that person just now!

The Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, as an ancient treasure, its power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary magical weapons, and naturally, it is not something that ordinary people can resist.

With the golden lotus treasure in hand, Bailiyu is absolutely capable of sending everyone present to the road to hell.And in a very short time.

The curator's face was full of pain. He didn't expect that Bailimao would bring out even the golden lotus treasure. Obviously, this was not Bailimao's idea alone. Without the consent of the Holy Lord of the Golden Lotus Holy Land, it was impossible for Bailimao to bring out the golden lotus treasure. Such an important thing as the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure was brought out of the Golden Lotus Holy Land!
Baili Shark was very satisfied to see the frightened expressions on the faces of the curator and others, it was the fear of the power that he could not resist, the deep fear.

Bailimasque's gaze swept across the audience. It turned out that everyone present as spectators, the staff of the arena itself, including the curator, all had similar expressions, and fear was written on their faces.

When Baili Shark saw Feng Qianyun and Lie Que, Feng Qianyun was very calm. Lie Que covered half of his face so that no one could see his expression. Even if Baili Shark could see it, Lie Que probably didn't. There are too many expressions, I am afraid that this kind of expression will not appear on Lie Que.

(End of this chapter)

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