Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 476 Special Existence

Chapter 476 Special Existence (1)
Baili Shark and the golden lotus treasure in his hand are invincible existences!
How can this be won?
Some people collapsed to the ground on the spot, decadent enough to accept the reality.

It's not that they are too pessimistic, but the facts before them tell them that it is impossible to win Bailiyu and the golden lotus treasure in his hand. As long as Bailiyu moves his fingers, they will all die. deal.

They have no chance of winning, and they can't do anything except wait for death pessimistically!
"Bailishark, you won today. I can't beat you. You have the golden lotus treasure in your hands. It only takes a moment for us to die. What you have to deal with is the alliance. Many people present are innocent, and I ask you to let them go."

The curator knows that he is definitely not Baili Shark's opponent, but he has always been kind and does not want innocent people to be implicated.

"As the curator of this bloody arena, won't your words be too unappetizing?" Bailiyu sneered, "But you are right, the alliance I want to deal with, there are indeed some Few people are innocent, but it's a pity that they see what they shouldn't see, and know what they shouldn't know. Our Golden Lotus Holy Land has always been a sacred existence in people's hearts, and it will be the same in the future. How can we let these people go out and talk nonsense Does the language ruin our reputation?"

Baili Shark is very despicable. While he is doing bad things, he still wants to preserve the good reputation of the Golden Lotus Holy Land. Beneath the gorgeous appearance is a filthy essence!

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that Bailiyu had made up his mind to wash the arena with blood.

The fear of death enveloped everyone.

At this moment, Baili Shark's gaze rested on Feng Qianyun.

"Smelly girl, you were the one who provoked me just now, right? Now I will be the first to send you to hell!"

Naturally, the cheap-mouthed person will be the first to die. He can indeed send everyone to the west at once, but he just doesn't want to do that, let Feng Qianyun surrender to the fear of death, and let her stand in front of everyone. Die under the watchful eyes of her, this is the consequence, the punishment, of her disrespect to herself.

A shot of holy light was emitted from the golden lotus treasure in Baili Shark's hand, and then the holy light drew an arc in the air, directly covering Feng Qianyun under the holy light.

No one can be faster than the speed of this holy light.

The golden light covers the body, and anyone who is eroded by this holy light will turn into a puddle of corpse water, which will be used as flower fertilizer to raise more golden lotuses.

"In 1 minute from now, you will turn into a puddle of smelly and dirty corpse water, which is my reward for disrespecting me!"

Bailiying smiled and said that he would not pay attention to a little girl like her. No one can hide from the golden lotus treasure.It was exactly the same as the man who died just now!
Feng Qianyun, who was captured by the holy light, blinked, so she should still feel pain now, right?But why after being enveloped by this holy light, not only did she not feel pain, but instead she felt extremely comfortable?

This feeling only takes a moment to distinguish.

"Master, you are absorbing the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure!" Silently called out joyfully.

What?She is absorbing the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure?

What happened to this Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, not only did it not make her feel pain, but it also made her body absorb energy continuously?

Could this thing be fake?It is difficult to be convincing if you bring a counterfeit product to trouble and find a professional one.

Then what happened to the man who quickly turned into corpse water just now?An extra actor invited by Bailiya?
Feng Qianyun's reaction in the Holy Light was a bit unusual, and Baili Shark also smelled something unusual.

One minute passed in a flash, and the eyes of everyone looking at Feng Qianyun changed from horror and sympathy to surprise.

The promised 1 minute has passed, and now it's almost 3 minutes, Feng Qianyun is still standing there, not to mention turning into a puddle of corpses, and even his face has not changed.

"What's going on here?" Baili Shark was startled first, what's going on here?It doesn't make sense that the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure will fail!This is absolutely impossible!

Feng Qianyun took out the jade pendant that she "shunned" from a disciple of the Golden Lotus Holy Land just now, "Could it be that this thing is affecting it?"

Since they are all from the Golden Lotus Holy Land, could it be that this thing protected her?

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that she was carrying something from the Golden Lotus Holy Land, no wonder she was fine!
Only Baili Shark and other people who knew the situation didn't think so, it was impossible, the jade pendant had no power to resist the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure at all.

"Who exactly are you?"

Bailiya couldn't believe that such people existed in this world, and this incident shocked him too much.

"Are you talking about this jade pendant? It was snatched from your people just now." Feng Qianyun replied very frankly, without any sense of guilt at all.

"Miss Feng, although the jade pendant in your hand belongs to the Golden Lotus Holy Land, it is not enough to help you resist the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure." The curator explained to Feng Qianyun at the right time.

That's what I said, but why is the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure ineffective against Feng Qianyun?There is no answer to this question either.

Others' reactions Feng Qianyun felt that things were unusual, especially now that her body was still absorbing the spiritual power of the Holy Light, absorbing the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure into her body.

Seeing this phenomenon, Lie Que was thoughtful, and then called out ghostly.

"Ghost, come out."

Guigui is the most flattering, as soon as Lie Que yelled, he appeared like a dog and hugged Lie Que's thigh, "Brother Lie Que, what can I do for you?"

Guigui is a tool spirit, not a human being, and is not affected by the holy light of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure.

"Have you ever come into contact with anything related to the Holy Land of the Golden Lotus before, girl?" Lie Que asked Guigui, who was by Feng Qianyun's side all the time, and should be the most aware of what happened to Feng Qianyun.

Something related to the Golden Lotus Holy Land?Guigui thought about it seriously, and suddenly remembered what happened to Feng Qianyun when she was in the Yi clan, "Yes, the woman ate a golden lotus before, but I don't know the species of that golden lotus."

At that time, Guigui was still arguing silently about the variety of the golden lotus that Feng Qianyun ate.

"The golden lotus grows in an underground cave, and the spring water near it is full of spiritual power due to its influence. The local people use the water of the spiritual spring to heal diseases and wounds. The woman said that there must be treasures down there, so she went down. After searching, she found a golden lotus, and she ate it."

After listening to Guigui's explanation, Lie Que thought of something, and then smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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