Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 477 Special Existence

Chapter 477 Special Existence (2)
That's right, no wonder the girl didn't respond to the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, but was able to absorb the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure.

"Lie Que, do you know something?"

Feng Qianyun saw Lie Que's appearance, he should know something.

Lie Kuang nodded, and smiled at Baili Shark who was still confused, "I think your plan will come to naught, not only that, you may even lose this golden lotus treasure."

"What do you mean?" Baili Shark was shocked, what nonsense he was talking about!
"More than a hundred years ago, there was a rebellion in the Golden Lotus Holy Land. At that time, the Right Protector stole part of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, and fled with it. But its strength will be lost. Therefore, the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure in your hand is incomplete with a part missing."

"I know all this, why are you talking about this? Even if a small part is lost, the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure is still beyond the reach of ordinary people like you!"

What happened in the Golden Lotus Holy Land more than a hundred years ago is a disgrace to the Golden Lotus Holy Land. It is true, but this cannot affect the status and reputation of the Golden Lotus Holy Land!
"What if the lost part of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure is absorbed by another person?" Lie Que asked with a smile, with a faint smile on his lips.

Absorbed?How is this possible?

Even their Holy Master is cautious when directly absorbing the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, and the speed is very slow. A person's life is only a few decades, even if he is absorbing it from birth, there is no way to absorb it in his lifetime. That part of the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure was absorbed.

What's more, the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure has the function of absorbing the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth as one's own spiritual power, so as long as there is the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, the spiritual spring of the Golden Lotus Holy Land will be endless and endless.

"It's impossible!" Baili Shark refused to believe Lie Que's words.

"It's true that an ordinary body can't do it, but her body is not ordinary." Lie Que's words, he knew Feng Qianyun's special physique early in the morning, "She ate part of the golden lotus treasure. , her body is special, and there is a resonance between them that you can't understand."


Baili Shark suddenly realized that not only was Feng Qianyun's body not wasted, but her spiritual power was being transferred to her body!

"Master, hurry up and take this opportunity to practice Yushen Jue!" Momo quickly reminded Feng Qianyun, such a good opportunity, time is waiting!
When Feng Qianyun heard the words, she immediately focused on her luck. The practice of Yushen Jue has been stagnant for a while. This time is such a good opportunity, no matter what, you can't miss it!
Oops!Baili Shark was alarmed that something was wrong and stopped immediately, but it was already too late, Feng Qianyun had already absorbed a lot of spiritual power.

The moment Baili Shark put away the golden lotus treasure, Feng Qianyun also made a breakthrough!

The Tiangang vitality in Feng Qianyun's body has been developed like never before, breaking through the third level of Yushen Jue, entering the fourth level, and completing a qualitative leap!
"Damn it, you actually use our Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure to improve your own strength!" Bailiyu was indescribably angry, this is something that belongs to their Golden Lotus Holy Land, how can a girl use it?

Who would have expected such a shocking change?

There are actually some people who are not only not interested in the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, but can use the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure for themselves.

While controlling the things in his hand, Lie Que explained to Feng Qianyun, "Girl, as long as this Mr. Baili uses the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, you will guide the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure to yourself, and you absorb the golden lotus treasure. At the same time as the spiritual power, other people here can also avoid being hurt by the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure."

Feng Qianyun nodded, she knew what to do, this kind of thing that benefited others and herself, she tried it time and again, but Feng Qianyun still had some doubts in her heart, "Why is the small part of the golden lotus treasure lost in my inside the body?"

"Guigui said you ate a golden lotus, right?"

Feng Qianyun nodded.

"I think the golden lotus you ate should not be an ordinary golden lotus, but a small part of the golden lotus that was stolen. If you eat it, it means you have a part of the power of the golden lotus." .But only you can do this. The body of an ordinary person cannot bear such a large amount of spiritual power injected at once."

Damn, that's how it is!

"However, you are eating too fast. Although your body is different from ordinary people, there is no way to absorb such a large amount of spiritual power at once, so you only absorbed part of it, most of which your body can't bear. It will be dissipated in the form of sweat, etc. If you can eat it in batches, the effect will be much better."

Uh... Feng Qianyun felt a little regretful, she had finished eating, and it was too late to regret, wasting so much spiritual power, it's a pity to think about it.

"Since part of the golden lotus treasure that was stolen is in your body, I will take it back from your body now!" Baili Shark was angry and annoyed at this time, and Feng Qianyun became his top priority. enemy.

Seeing that Baili Shark was going to deal with Feng Qianyun first, Lie Que said unhurriedly to everyone present, "Without Yunyun, Mr. Baili would be able to use the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure without any scruples. I don't know what everyone thinks Mr. Baili is easier to deal with, or Jinlian Zhibao is easier to deal with?"

Nonsense, this must be easy for Baili shark to deal with!

No matter how tough Baili Shark is, he is just an individual, so if they team up, are they afraid they won't be able to deal with him?Once Baili Shark can use the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, the situation will be different!

"Brothers, let's go, protect that girl!"

"Yes! Protect Feng Qianyun, don't let Baili Shark hurt her!"

"As long as Feng Qianyun survives, we don't have to worry about the golden lotus treasure on Baili Shark's body!"


Don't underestimate people's will to survive. In this situation, protecting Feng Qianyun is tantamount to saving their own lives and winning a chance for them to survive!
(End of this chapter)

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