Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 478 Secret Technique

Chapter 478 Secret Technique
"Looks like we're not too late."

Peng Yilun said to Xia Wufeng beside him, the two of them rushed back to the arena after finishing Elder Bai and Elder Xing.

When fighting with Elder Bai and Elder Xing, Peng Yilun noticed that there was unusual spiritual power and internal power on the playing field.

The Left Protector of the Golden Lotus Holy Land has infiltrated the arena, this matter cannot be treated as a trivial matter.

"The scene is too lively, right? Can anyone tell me what's going on now?"

Peng Tianyou was very puzzled by the situation in front of him, Feng Qianyun was actually protected by everyone, what's wrong, she has been promoted to a national treasure after only a while?

Xia Wufeng's eyes were dim, he only knew that the person he was looking at was Feng Qianyun.As for what he was thinking, I am afraid that only he himself knows.

"Peng Yilun, we meet again!" When Bailiyu saw Peng Yilun, he knew that he had missed the best time to deal with these people because of Feng Qianyun.

It's all Feng Qianyun's fault!

"Mr. Baili, what you did today is to completely break the relationship between the Golden Lotus Holy Land and the alliance." Peng Yilun said.

The relationship between the Golden Lotus Holy Land and the alliance is not good, but they have never been hostile. People have always regarded the Golden Lotus Holy Land as a sacred existence, and rarely deal with other sects.

"You don't need to worry about this, because I came here to destroy your alliance. Peng Yilun, if this little bitch wasn't here today, I would have bloodbathed the entire arena right now, turning everyone in the alliance into a pool of blood It's time." At this time, Baili Shark didn't bother to hide his ambition and purpose.

"Mr. Baili really underestimated us, and the people in our alliance are not at your mercy."

Things have developed to this point, there will inevitably be a bloody storm in the arena.

Peng Yilun is not a three-year-old child, and he will not be so naive as to think that the matter in front of him can be solved by talking.

As soon as Peng Yilun arrived, their aura immediately increased, and the confrontation between the two sides was on the verge of breaking out.

Baili shark took out the golden lotus treasure again, and said to Peng Yilun: "The golden lotus treasure is useless to that stinky girl, but unfortunately you are no exception."

Peng Yilun felt the unusual power of the Jinlian Zhibao before he arrived, and now he is really surprised to see the Jinlian Zhibao.

Baili Shark urged the golden lotus treasure in his hand, and the holy light gradually became stronger, as if the holy light could envelope the entire arena in the next moment.

It was too late to say it, but at the same time that Bailiyu used the golden lotus treasure again, Feng Qianyun made a movement, and the holy light that was about to grow suddenly seemed to have life, completely unaffected by Bailiyu. Controlled, he ran towards Feng Qianyun.

No matter how Baili Shark drives the Golden Lotus, the holy light of the Golden Lotus will always linger on Feng Qianyun's body.

Just like what Lie Que said, as long as Feng Qianyun is there, Baili Shark has no chance to use the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, not only can Baili Shark not use the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure to hurt the person he wants to hurt.

It's one thing for Lie Que to say it, but another to see it with his own eyes.

The Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure really can't hurt them!

Everyone rejoices!

The determination to protect Feng Qianyun is even more determined.

Peng Yilun deliberately took another look at Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun, she really surprised him a lot!

It seems that after the matter in front of him is over, he should have a good talk with Feng Qianyun and get to know her more.

Peng Tianyou pinched his chin thoughtfully, it seems that his title of super invincible little genius is really going to be changed!

Bailiyu was very angry, but he could only quickly put away the golden lotus treasure, otherwise the golden lotus treasure would have helped Feng Qianyun instead!With the lesson just now, Bailimao's movement of recovering the golden lotus treasure will be much faster.

"We don't have to be afraid of him! With Feng Qianyun, the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure is useless! We still have the chairman and curator here!"

The crowd shouted, kicking off the prelude to the counterattack.

As soon as the two parties fought, the entire arena became a melee scene, and the scene was more violent and bloody than when they competed before.

Lie Que and Feng Qianyun's side are quite safe, Feng Qianyun is a trump card to restrain the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, everyone has to keep her first even if they try their best, otherwise everyone will finish the game together!
Although this time Bailishark brought many masters from the Golden Lotus Holy Land, there are nearly a hundred masters on the side of the alliance, including Peng Yilun and the curator, as well as Xia Wufeng and Peng Tianyou. Baili Shark suffered a loss, and in terms of the number of top players, Baili Shark also suffered a big loss, but at this time his top trump card - the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, could not be used yet.

Hundreds of sharks, one hundred secrets, one sparse, and a wind thousand rhyme came out halfway.

Facing the joint attack of Peng Yilun and the curator, Bailiyu was obviously at a disadvantage and retreated steadily.

Bailiyu also clearly realized that if he fought Peng Yilun and the curator at the same time with his own strength, he would only lose.

He stopped suddenly, as if he had made up his mind.

Peng Yilun was taken aback when he saw this, it's too bad!Could it be that Baili Shark's battle is going to...

Really afraid of something, Peng Yilun was worried that Bailiyu would jump the wall in a hurry, but he really did!

"Everyone disperse, Baili Shark is going to use the Golden Lotus Secret Technique!"

Hearing this, the others ran away quickly to prevent themselves from becoming innocent souls.

Then I saw an abnormal change in Baili Shark's body. His originally black hair turned into snow white in an instant, even whiter than snow. At the same time, the color of the eyes showed a strange scarlet.

At the same time, Baili Shark's own strength also skyrocketed, and the accumulated and expanded internal force surged out from his body, oppressing everyone in the arena.

Seeing this, Feng Qianyun speculated: "Could it be that the secret technique he used was to consume his own life to greatly increase his strength in a short period of time?"

Feng Qianyun felt that Baili Shark was doing such a thing at this time.

Lie Kuang nodded, "This is the way to die together."

If Baili Shark does this, he will definitely die, and this state can last for an hour at most, after which he will die of exhaustion.

In this critical hour, Peng Yilun may not be able to hold on. This kind of secret technique can double the strength of a person in a very short period of time. It is very scary. Orphans are listed as secret techniques, which are not easy to spread or use.

After using the secret technique, Bailiyu said viciously: "Peng Yilun, I will not lose to you, a mere alliance, never try to win against us in the Golden Lotus Holy Land!"

Bailiyu is very proud of himself, and will never allow himself to lose to Peng Yilun, that would be his shame!He would never allow such shame to appear in his perfect life!

At this time, Baili Shark looked terrifying with fluffy white hair and a ferocious face. What was also terrifying was his strength after using the secret technique.

Peng Yilun and the curator, who were still in the upper hand just now, were struggling to face the Bailiyu whose strength had increased dramatically after using the secret. In less than 10 minutes, Peng Yilun had already received two palms from the Bailiyu.

If it wasn't for Peng Yilun's astonishing speed and his one-in-a-kind perception ability, he might not be able to survive these 10 minutes.

According to this situation, they will definitely not survive the second 10 minutes.

The people affected by the fight between the three also suffered a lot.

Feng Qianyun frowned. In this case, even if she could restrain the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, she would still be killed by Baili Shark.

As for Lie Que, in order to control this damn magical artifact, he couldn't make a move.

What should we do now?Feng Qianyun was not born to sit and wait to die, she would do something to stop what was happening in front of her no matter what.

"Girl, do you want to take risks?" Lie Que suddenly turned his head and looked at Feng Qianyun.

"I like challenges." Feng Qianyun knew that Lie Que must have a solution.

Lie Que raised his hand to let Feng Qianyun see clearly what was in his hand, "If you win, you can get it, if you lose, you will lose your life."

Lie Que told Feng Qianyun what the price of taking the risk was.

"Of course, I will always protect you and try my best to ensure your safety." Lie Que added.

Feng Qianyun hardly hesitated, "Okay, tell me what I need to do."

As soon as Feng Qianyun finished speaking, her eyes suddenly went dark, and then she fell into darkness.

"Lie Que, where did you get me?"

Feng Qianyun looked around, but couldn't see anything except darkness.

"I just let this thing suck you in."

Lie Que's voice sounded in all directions, as if the whole incident was wrapped up by Lie Que's voice.

The current Feng Qianyun is inside the magic vessel in Lie Que's hand, and Lie Que talks with Feng Qianyun in the magic vessel with his heart.

"Before you do this, shouldn't you say hello to me?"

He actually brought her into this dark place without saying a word!
But now is not the time to discuss this, Lie Que probably had his intentions for letting her in, she wanted to know what she should do next.

"Tell me what I need to do, it's pitch black and there's nothing here." If there's nothing, Feng Qianyun doesn't know what to do.

"What you have to do is very simple, find the spirit of this magic weapon and purify it." Lie Que said, "If you can't, you will be completely swallowed."

purify it?

Feng Qianyun secretly made a note, so the first thing to do now is to find the Qi Ling.

"How can I purify it?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que.

When Feng Qianyun was talking with Lie Que, a ball of will-o'-the-wisps lit up behind her, slowly approaching Feng Qianyun.

Sensing something behind her, Feng Qianyun suddenly turned her head, facing a blue flame floating in mid-air, and inside the flame was a human face.

(End of this chapter)

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