Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 479 Seven Star Ryongyeon

Chapter 479 Seven Star Ryongyon
Feng Qianyun is speechless, it's not scary to be so scary, is this a weapon spirit or a ghost?This form is really scary, the surroundings are dark, and it is natural to be regarded as a ghost.

From this point of view, Guigui is really too cute, and it's not bad to have no entity silently.

Speaking of Momo, Feng Qianyun touched the Godly Bracelet on her wrist, the temperature... It really wasn't an illusion before, as she was inside the Magical Artifact, the Godly Bracelet had always maintained a high temperature.

"That guy let you come in after all this time?" Grimace spoke, gloomy and terrifying.

"That rascal?"

Seeing that the face floating in the air spoke, although the tone was a bit aggressive, but at least they could communicate, Feng Qianyun breathed a sigh of relief.It's better than fighting as soon as you come up.

"The man who suppressed me outside, or do you think you can still be safe now? I swallowed you early in the morning!"

The ghost face has a fierce expression, and it looks like it is in a bad mood.

"As a weapon spirit, can you not be so arrogant? As a weapon spirit, swallowing people? Aren't you afraid of indigestion?" Feng Qianyun crossed her arms and chatted leisurely with this fierce grimace God.

"Why can't you eat people?" Grimace asked back with a funny face, and then flew around Feng Qianyun.

"Honey, I'm going to get dizzy if you fly around me like this. Swallowing people is fun? Or is it your skill to swallow people? You're so cowardly! You're so weak!"

Feng Qianyun looked at the other party with disdainful eyes, and despised its ability to swallow people.

"You know how to fart!" "Human Face" was not very happy to be told that he was cowardly.

"I don't understand?" Feng Qianyun pointed at herself with her index finger, "What do I not understand? You are definitely the most useless magic weapon I have ever seen. Look at other magic weapons of the attack system, the ones with explosive spiritual power At that time, the sword has a silver light, and it cuts mountains and rivers. It is so brave! Look at the magic weapon of the healing system, which can save lives at critical times. It is a must-have item for travel! Look at the magic weapon of the energy system. It can help people improve their abilities, and money is hard to find! Another example is the magic weapon of the space system, good storage products, travel, moving, storage, it is very suitable. What are you? Harmful? Yinren? Too bad Already!"

Feng Qianyun snapped her fingers, belittling the other party to nothing.

"You're talking nonsense!" The man's face became anxious, and he yelled at Feng Qianyun, his face, which was not very kind, became even more ferocious, "You know what a fool, I was originally a magic weapon of the attack system! But, It's just... a little accident happened!"

"You said you are a magic weapon of the attack system? You're talking nonsense!" Feng Qianyun said without looking at her face, saying that she didn't believe what it said.

"Why did I lie to you? I lied to you as a puppy!"

"Anyway, you are not a human being, so swearing such a poisonous oath is not convincing at all. What an accident, who knows if you made it up, attacking magic weapons, that is more noble than a low-end magic weapon like yours How many levels do you know!"

Feng Qianyun snorted, saying on the surface that she didn't believe what the other party said, but she said to Momo in her heart, "Momo, what is this guy's true face?"

"Master, although I don't know exactly what it is, but I don't know why... I..." replied silently.

"What's the matter with you? Every time I get close to this magical artifact, the God's Bracelet will get hot. I thought it was a coincidence before, but now I'm inside the magical artifact, and the bracelet has always maintained a high temperature." Feng Qianyun was also very concerned. Wondering what happened to Momo.

"Nothing, just a strange feeling."

"Forget it." She still asked the grimace directly.

After communicating with Mo Mo in her heart, Feng Qianyun met the eyes of this weird Qi Spirit, with a look of disdain, making it clear that she looked down on the other party.

"Ghostface" was so angry that no one could doubt its ability, "Hmph, I'm not afraid to tell you that there is a curse on me, which is something I can't control myself. If it wasn't for the man outside suppressing it, I would It's impossible to talk to you so calmly now."

"Are you cursed? Why?" Cursing a magical artifact was a little strange.

Mentioning this matter, "Ghostface" became furious, "My cheating former master fell in love with someone she shouldn't have liked. That man was in deep trouble. In order to save him, she herself fell into a curse. As her legal Not one of the weapons was spared."

In fact, it doesn't like what it is now at all, like a monster, anyway, it used to be a magical weapon.


"Hey, ghost, so you used to be an offensive magic weapon? Really powerful?" Feng Qianyun asked tentatively. In fact, Feng Qianyun knew the answer to this question very well. Just by looking at its power after being cursed, one can get a glimpse of its original ability.

"That's all in the past." "Ghostface" said a little discouraged, and then shouted at Feng Qianyun, "Hey, you, it's rare for me to be sober, and I don't know how long I haven't talked to anyone."

Affected by the curse, it lost its original sanity.

If it wasn't for the man suppressing the curse seal, it would not be able to regain its senses, and it would be even more impossible to talk to people in such a calm manner.It is not very clear how many years it has been since it was cursed.

"What's your name?" Feng Qianyun doesn't know the name of this weapon spirit, nor does she know the name of this magic weapon, so she can't call it "ghost face".

"Forget it, since you are the first human being I have talked to in so many years, I will tell you, I am Qixing Longyuan, my former master called me... Uh, forget it, the thing about the cheating master I don't want to mention it, a stupid woman who fell in love."

It gets angry when it thinks of that woman.

"Did your previous master call you Xiao Qiqi, or Xiao Xingxing, or Xiaolonglong? Xiao Yuanyuan?" Feng Qianyun jokingly guessed that it was purely disgusting Qixing Longyuan.

"You..." Qi Xing Long Yuan paused for a moment, as if he had been electrocuted by something, and then read a sentence, "Sure enough, women are so wicked."

Bad taste?But she thinks such a name is very good!

"I said Seven Star Longyeon, you don't look like Seven Star Longyon at all now, are you going to continue like this?"

"So what if you don't want to?" It didn't want to either, but it couldn't be helped.

"If I help you undo the curse, how about you follow me from now on?" Feng Qianyun seduced, "Think about it, you won't suffer from this deal!"

To coax a guy in a dangerous situation, Feng Qianyun admitted that he had a little bit of taking advantage of others, but hey, hey, some people do things like taking advantage of others, Feng Qianyun is still very willing to do it.

"It's up to you? Are you sure you have the ability to control me?" Qixing Longyuan somewhat despised Feng Qianyun's ability.

"You seem to have no choice now, either go back to the days when you were cursed and lost your mind, or live a normal life with me, a master you despise." Feng Qianyun was not in a hurry, and waited for the other party's answer with a smile.

Qixing Longyuan thought about it, and Feng Qianyun's request was not difficult to accept. It really had no other choice now. Although it might not have a bright future with her, nor could it be as majestic as before, but at least it was better than it is now. The situation is much better.

"Okay, I agree, but I'll say it first, I don't care if I can't get rid of the curse and put my life in it instead."

Qixing Longyuan wasn't trying to scare Feng Qianyun, it was the truth, the curse on him was no joke, if it could be undone so easily, it wouldn't be trapped until now.

"You come with me."

Saying that, the blue flame began to float forward, and Feng Qianyun followed.

It was pitch black all around her, and the only light was this grimace-like weapon spirit.

After walking for a while, in the distance, Feng Qianyun saw some red light flashing again.

"Is this the curse mark?" After Feng Qianyun approached, she could clearly see the abnormal red light in the darkness.

Inside the red circle are some symbols that Feng Qianyun doesn't recognize. These characters look very old, some of them are like the characters Feng Qianyun saw in the secret room before.

Feng Qianyun stretched out her hand, but she hadn't touched the glowing red rune, her hand was burning hot as if it had been scalded by something.

Feng Qianyun suddenly withdrew her hand.

What the hell is this?

"I have already warned you, don't underestimate this thing, you may risk your life."

Qixing Longyuan once again reminded Feng Qianyun that what she was doing was endangering her life.

Of course Feng Qianyun knew that she was doing a dangerous thing, and the cursed Seven Star Longyuan itself was a danger.

There are some things that you will not back down, Feng Qianyun is Feng Qianyun, once you make a decision, you have to go forward, some things, Feng Qianyun likes to be a villain, and some things, Feng Qianyun has no reason to back down.

After calculating the time, the situation outside is probably not optimistic. As long as she gets rid of this thing, Lie Que will be able to regain her freedom. She doesn't need to be distracted to suppress this thing and her behavior will be restrained.

Feng Qianyun closed her eyes and let her mind empty.

Resisting the pain, Feng Qianyun once again stretched out her hand towards the curse seal.

The glowing red runes began to move, crawling towards Feng Qianyun's hands, and gradually wrapped around Feng Qianyun's hands, both of her hands were covered by red runes, and these runes continued to flow Shifting upwards, towards Feng Qianyun's arm, the body invaded.

When the rune invaded her whole body, she was finished. Qixing Longyuan's weapon spirit was watching, and it really overestimated her. If this continues, within 5 minutes, her body will be gone. The curse seal cannot be endured by human flesh and blood.

Seeing the red runes gradually cover Feng Qianyun's body, Qixing Longyuan's weapon spirit sighed, a little disappointed, but in fact, it was rather looking forward to a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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