Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 480 To Live Well

Chapter 480 To Live Well (1)
Just when Qixing Longyuan no longer had any hope for Feng Qianyun, suddenly, a white breath flowed from Feng Qianyun's body, and began to resist the invasion of red runes.

The white aura that emerged was weak at first, and then grew rapidly, pressing back the rune that had already invaded Feng Qianyun's chest.

This person still has a little ability... Qixing Longyuan originally had no hope for Feng Qianyun, but seems that there is no hope at all.

The rune faded a little, and stopped when it reached the position of Feng Qianyun's shoulder. It was at odds with the white aura on Feng Qianyun's body, maintaining a state of balance. The rune did not invade Feng Qianyun's body any further. And the white aura in Feng Qianyun's body did not force the runes back.

If the rune wins, Feng Qianyun will be attacked by the rune, and there will be no bones left. If Feng Qianyun wins, the curse seal will be shattered, and Qixing Longyuan will return to normal.

The petite body is covered by two kinds of red and white lights, and it looks a little scary at first glance, especially those densely packed runes.

Lie Que was outside, holding the cursed Seven Star Dragon Yuan with both hands, his pretty brows were frowned.

Lie Que knew what was going on in Seven Star Dragon Abyss, and he also knew that Feng Qianyun had to do some things by himself.

Feng Qianyun's eyes looked at the situation in the arena. The situation was not optimistic. It had been another 10 minutes since Feng Qianyun entered Qixing Longyon. Peng Yilun and the curator couldn't hold it anymore. serious injury.

And the other people on the scene were not Baili Shark's opponents, they were not even qualified to fight, and they were powerless in the face of the situation in front of them.Even Xia Wufeng and Peng Tianyou were obviously not good enough to be the opponents of Baili Shark at this time.

Seeing that Peng Yilun was retreating steadily, the initial momentum on the arena side was gone, leaving only fear.

It was as if death had come.

Peng Tianyou watched his father being beaten up all over by Bailiyu, and felt anxious, but he couldn't help him.

He could only curse: "This bastard Baili Shark actually used secret techniques, damn it, damn it, damn it!"

When Peng Tianyou cursed in a low voice, Xia Wufeng approached him specially, "Peng Tianyou, cooperate with me and take your father away. If he doesn't die, the alliance will not fall."

Hearing this, Peng Tianyou was stunned for a moment, this was definitely the first time Xia Wufeng had spoken to him on his own initiative since he knew Xia Wufeng to now!
Time does not allow Peng Tianyou to think too much, his father can't hold it anymore, "Okay!"

Then Peng Tianyou followed Xia Wufeng towards the center of the field.

Peng Yilun's inner strength is not low. After using the secret technique, Baili Shark was thrown out after receiving the opponent's palm.

When Peng Yilun's body was about to hit the stone wall of the arena, Xia Wufeng caught him.

"Wufeng!" Peng Yilun turned his head and saw Xia Wufeng, regardless of his injuries, he wanted Xia Wufeng and Peng Tianyou to leave quickly, and he could resist for a few minutes.

Xia Wufeng ignored Peng Yilun, and after catching Peng Yilun, he threw Peng Yilun to Peng Tianyou, and went to Baili Shark without saying a word.

Peng Tianyou helped Peng Yilun up, "Dad, I seem to understand why you chose him as your successor."

Peng Tianyou himself has no interest in the position of the alliance, but he still has some complaints about Peng Yilun's selection of Xia Wufeng. Xia Wufeng's ability is good, but his temperament is too bad. To be the chairman of the alliance is not enough only by strength, so he thinks Xia Wufeng Difficult to do.

But looking at it now, Xia Wufeng is actually not as bad as everyone sees. Sometimes he does things a little ruthlessly, and sometimes his methods are a little cruel, but he is also affectionate and has a heart...

"God Bless, you have to help him, he is no match for Baili Shark!"

Peng Yilun is very aware of Xia Wufeng's strength. It is a recognized fact that Xia Wufeng's strength is extraordinary. Even though he is still young at Xia Wufeng's age, he has not achieved such an achievement.

But Xia Wufeng was still young after all, even he couldn't deal with Baili Shark, Xia Wufeng would have to die.

"Dad, I can't listen to you." Peng Tianyou refused.

"God bless, Wufeng..."

Before Peng Yilun could say it, he was interrupted by Peng Tianyou, "Dad, it's not that I don't want to save him, but I, like him, know what is the most important thing to sit on now. Dad, if you are still alive, the alliance will not fall. , if you die, the rest of the alliance will be in disarray, without a core leader, the alliance will be slaughtered by the Golden Lotus Holy Land! So Dad, Xia Wufeng and I have the same purpose, in this case, to protect you from leaving !"

Today in the arena, only some members of the alliance, not all.

At the critical moment, Peng Tianyou had the same consideration as Xia Wufeng, this is the best way at the moment, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out, and they will really lose nothing left.

Peng Yilun looked at Xia Wufeng who was caught in the battle with Bailiyu from a distance, and saw the fighting around him, his eyes couldn't help turning red.

How could he leave the others and escape alone?

The alliance suffered a catastrophe today, is there really no other way?
Peng Yilun prayed in his heart, hoping that there would be a miracle again.

Peng Yilun closed his eyes in pain, with a pained expression.

"Dad, don't hesitate! We have to leave immediately!" Peng Tianyou supported Peng Yilun, who was seriously injured. Knowing his father's pain, he also felt uncomfortable, but now they must hurry up and retreat.

Peng Yilun's heart is very painful, but he has no choice, God is right, he can't die yet...

But, he is really not reconciled, not reconciled...

The moment Peng Yilun and Peng Tianyou turned around to escape from the arena, suddenly there was a strange light on Lie Que's side.

The strong light shocked the audience, even Baili Shark and Xia Wufeng stopped.

In Lie Que's hand, white light was shining between the original pair of dragons and phoenixes, and then the sword body grew out from between the dragons and phoenixes, and finally grew into a complete sword, and the original dragon and phoenix also became a protuberance hovering on the sword body. up texture.

Then, Feng Qianyun, who had disappeared for a while, reappeared, holding the sword, which was surrounded by white light, revealing incomparably pure spiritual power.

what is that?
That feeling has completely changed, completely different.

"This is..." Peng Yilun turned his head and stared at Feng Qianyun in a daze.

As soon as Feng Qianyun, who was holding Qixing Longyuan, moved, the sword in her hand would draw a trace of white light, and when the sword edge of Qixing Longyuan moved, it seemed like a bolt of lightning.

"Could it be... Seven Star Dragon Abyss?!" Baili Shark's voice trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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