Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 481 To Live Well

Chapter 481 To Live Well (2)
No one answered him, but the one who answered him was the sword in Feng Qianyun's hand, the white light was even worse, everyone couldn't open their eyes, and they couldn't see anything else except the dazzling white light.

The sky trembled, the stone walls cracked, and all the lights burst out.

Qixing Longyuan sank into Baili Shark's chest, and his spiritual power scattered.

"Wind, wind thousand rhymes..."

Baili Shark lowered his head and looked at the sword that pierced through his body. The sword was surrounded by strong spiritual power, and only silvery white light could be seen.

Seven Star Ryongyon, it is really Seven Star Ryongyon!

Seven Star Longyuan, who had disappeared for nearly a hundred years, reappeared in such a situation!
And he, Baili Shark, died in the hands of this little girl!

Baili Shark's body was attacked by sword energy, and then the whole body exploded!
The sound of cracking was harsh.

After drifting away, there were no bones left.

Only one golden lotus fell to the ground.

Feng Qianyun bent down, picked up the golden lotus treasure, and hid it by herself very naturally.

If there is an advantage, if you don't take advantage of it, you don't take advantage of it.

The arena was already dilapidated, and the most important thing was that the power system was destroyed by Feng Qianyun's last blow, and it was pitch black underneath, making it impossible to see anything clearly.

Everyone left the arena and found a nearby hotel to rectify.

The hotel seems to be owned by a certain family. By the time everyone moved to the hotel, the other guests in the hotel had already dispersed, and the notified medical staff also arrived one after another.

Several of these doctors are family doctors, and some of the local tyrants in the arena have family doctors, and some families have professional family doctors, or train their own family members to be called family doctors.In addition, the arena itself has doctors, and the medical team is relatively strong.

Everyone was assigned to the hotel room in an orderly manner, and the injured would be checked and treated by someone.

Feng Qianyun, Lie Que, Peng Yilun, and Peng Tianyou were in the same room. Xia Wufeng was not with him, and his injury was quite serious. In the end, when he fought with Bailiyu, he was injured. Lu Guoxing, Qin Miaoyun and Tang Lo was bandaging in the next room, and they were both wounded, too, but none seriously.

"Feng Qianyun, thank you very much this time, if it weren't for you, we would have been wiped out."

Regardless of his injury, Peng Yilun insisted on thanking Feng Qianyun first.

"Actually, you don't need to say thank you to me. We can be regarded as helping each other. I came here for this thing. If I want to get it and leave the arena successfully, I have to defeat Bailimark and the others. After all, our The goal is the same, I'm doing it for myself and I'd be in trouble without your help."

Feng Qianyun told the truth, she knew exactly why she did this.Without the help of Peng Yilun and the others, it would be difficult for her to handle it.

"Hehe, anyway, this time is thanks to you." Peng Yilun thanked him sincerely, and also liked Feng Qianyun's frankness.

"You don't need to thank me. If you really want to thank me, I have one thing to ask you. It should be easier to do it if you are the chairman of the alliance." Feng Qianyun said to Peng Yilun.

"If there's anything I can help you with, just say it."

Feng Qianyun has done such a big favor for their alliance, it is only natural for them to do something to report to Feng Qianyun.

"I have a friend who was taken away by human traffickers before, and we suspect that she was taken to the underground capital." Feng Qianyun said.

"I see. Do you have a picture of her? I'll get someone to look for it right away." Peng Yilun was a little embarrassed.

Peng Yilun is aware of the fact that there are some unfair transactions in the underground. This kind of thing has a long history, just like this arena. This arena is new, yes, but it existed a long time ago. , it's just that he moved here in recent years, and it's not something he can do if he wants to.

"Then I will trouble you." Feng Qianyun thanked Peng Yilun.

Peng Yilun was very efficient, and Feng Qianyun waited for two hours for a reply.

"Miss Feng, we have found your friend, and we will send it back to you now."

Peng Yilun told Feng Qianyun that it's inconvenient to say more about the specific situation, but Peng Yilun didn't say anything, and Feng Qianyun would know when she saw Shang Xiaoye.

If he was caught in that kind of place, he probably wouldn't end well.

Feng Qianyun was already mentally prepared, but when she saw Shang Xiaoye's person, she was still shocked.

Looking at Shang Xiaoye who was in a coma and still had a high fever, Feng Qianyun's eyes turned cold.

"I'm sorry Miss Feng, she... When we received her, she was already like this." The person in charge of sending people here said apologetically to Feng Qianyun.

"I'm asking you why she became like this, don't tell me she just has a common cold and fever!" Feng Qianyun knew at a glance that Shang Xiaoye didn't just have a simple cold and fever.

The man bowed his head, not daring to answer.

It was Peng Yilun who helped to answer, "Because it is necessary to cultivate more capable and sincere bodyguards, the underground will hire researchers to conduct experiments on some human bodies. She should be used as a test subject for drug injection and other experiments."

Shang Xiaoye was used as an experimental subject, and was injected with medicine for several days.

Feng Qianyun didn't know what kind of potion it was, but she knew with her toes that it wasn't a regular potion.

Feng Qianyun checked Shang Xiaoye carefully, and the situation is not optimistic. Shang Xiaoye's physical foundation is already relatively poor, so despite Feng Qianyun's help, she has not yet broken through to enter the mysterious stage. In fact, she herself is also very weak. She worked hard, Feng Qianyun knew, but her talent was relatively poor and her physique was relatively weak.

Shang Xiaoye in front of him was unconscious, still breathing heavily.

Her body is already empty, and her life is seriously exhausted. The possibility of rescuing her like this is too low.

Looking at Feng Qianyun's serious eyes, Peng Yilun felt very embarrassed.

Feng Qianyun took out the golden lotus treasure. She was not sure about what she was going to do next, but doing it was better than doing nothing, at least there was still a glimmer of hope.

"Please go out, all of you." Feng Qianyun said to everyone.

Qixing Longyuan said to Feng Qianyun at this time: "Feng Qianyun, let me go out with this man, I have something to say to this man."

The man Qixing Longyuan mentioned was Lie Que.

Feng Qianyun didn't ask any further questions, and handed Qixing Longyuan to Lie Que.

Lie Que took Qixing Longyuan with a slight smile on his face, as if he expected that Qixing Longyuan was going to talk about something with him.

Feng Qianyun looked at the golden lotus treasure in her hand, and then at the unconscious Shang Xiaoye, hoping it would work.

(End of this chapter)

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