Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 482 To Live Well

Chapter 482 To Live Well (3)
What Feng Qianyun has to do is to implant the golden lotus treasure into Shang Xiaoye's body, and let the golden lotus treasure provide Shang Xiaoye with spiritual power so that she can survive. Doing so is also very dangerous, because Shang Xiaoye's body may not be able to bear it. , if she couldn't bear it, she would die on the spot. This matter was very risky, but Feng Qianyun had to do it.

After everyone else went out, Feng Qianyun took off Shang Xiaoye's clothes and asked her to lie on the bed with her back facing up.

Feng Qianyun took a scalpel and cut Shang Xiaoye's epidermis along the back spine.The wound is an inch deep, neither too deep nor too shallow.

He took out two elixirs for hemostasis, kneaded them into powder in his hands, and sprinkled the powder on them while cutting the hole to prevent Shang Xiaoye from losing too much blood.

A thing like the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure itself can change its form, just like it can regain the appearance of a complete golden lotus after being taken away, and the part that was taken away can also become a golden lotus by itself.

Feng Qianyun urged the golden lotus to turn the golden lotus into a liquid.

Originally, only the Holy Lord and Dharma Guardians of the Golden Lotus Holy Land could do such things as mobilizing the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, but because Feng Qianyun's body absorbed part of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, she could also mobilize the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure.

The golden liquid dripped onto Shang Xiaoye's back, and then flowed into her body from the wound.

After all the golden lotus treasures entered Shang Xiaoye's body, a beautiful golden lotus pattern appeared on Shang Xiaoye's back, like a golden sashimi, gorgeous and noble.

Feng Qianyun stitched up the wound on Shang Xiaoye's back and gave her the medicine.

The Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure has been implanted in Shang Xiaoye's body, whether it can be revived depends on Shang Xiaoye's own good luck.

Feng Qianyun sat by the bed, waiting for Shang Xiaoye's body to change.

She could feel the spiritual power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure had entered Shang Xiaoye's Eight Extraordinary Meridians.

If you're lucky, the Jinlian Zhibao can maintain this state of sending spiritual power to Shang Xiaoye's body, and in this case, Shang Xiaoye can successfully survive.

Feng Qianyun sat by Shang Xiaoye's bed for more than half an hour, and also observed for more than half an hour.

Very good, the transmission of spiritual power is very stable, and the situation is better than Feng Qianyun expected.

At this time, Shang Xiaoye, who was unconscious, gradually woke up. She tried to open her eyes, and saw the bright room with a dazed expression.

"Are you awake?" Feng Qianyun breathed a sigh of relief seeing that she finally woke up.

The moment she heard Feng Qianyun's voice, Shang Xiaoye thought she was dreaming!Then she saw clearly that the person beside her was really Feng Qianyun, and then she rushed over, holding Feng Qianyun and crying.


Shang Xiaoye was so excited that she couldn't say anything other than Feng Qianyun's name.

She was trapped in the secret room for several days. Several people in white coats who looked like researchers injected her with some strange medicines every day. Those things made her body uncomfortable. She was so scared that every day I dare not fall asleep, for fear that once I fall asleep, I will never wake up again.

But then the medicine they gave her made her fall into a daze, and then she didn't know anything.

Feng Qianyun gently stroked Shang Xiaoye to calm her down.

"Okay, okay, sister Xiaoye, it's all right now."

Shang Xiaoye held Feng Qianyun and cried for a long time before she stopped sobbing.

"Yunyun, where are we now? Are you also..." Shang Xiaoye asked worriedly.

"It's okay, we're outside now." Feng Qianyun comforted Shang Xiaoye.

"Really?" Shang Xiaoye breathed a sigh of relief, unable to hide her joy, Yunyun is so good, come to save her!

"Really! Don't move, I made a slit in your back and just sewed it up, and if you break, I'll have to sew it up again."

"What?" Shang Xiaoye was terrified when she heard the words, a cut was made in her back?
No, then why doesn't she feel pain?
"I said I stabbed you in the back! It's so long and so deep!" Feng Qianyun gestured to Shang Xiaoye with her hand.

"But I don't hurt! Wow, Yunyun, I'll find you for surgery in the future, it won't hurt at all!" Shang Xiaoye exclaimed delightedly.

Feng Qianyun shook her head secretly, she didn't feel the pain not because of her good medical skills, but because her body has changed from this moment on, what will keep her alive is the golden lotus treasure implanted in her body up.

Feng Qianyun will not discuss this matter with Shang Xiaoye for the time being.

Feng Qianyun opened the door, Lie Que stood at the door, smiled at Feng Qianyun, and at the same time handed Qixing Longyuan back to Feng Qianyun.

"You guys finished talking?" Feng Qianyun glanced at Lie Que, and then at the Seven Star Dragon Yuan in her hand.

Column defect header.

"What did you talk about?" A sword and a person, what is there to talk about when they meet for the first time?

"A topic between men." Lie Que replied with a smile.

"You and him? Between men?"

Lie Que can barely be considered a man, but Qixing Longyuan is not even a human being!
Forget it, don't entangle this issue with these two, "Now that you have finished talking, it's my turn now."

Feng Qianyun reached out, pulled Lie Que's sleeve, and pulled Lie Que in, and then closed the door.

Feng Qianyun pressed Lie Que to the door, imprisoning him between herself and the door.

Pulling people into the room, and setting up such a formation, it's easy to make people fantasize about it!
But, isn't the location a bit wrong?

"Yunyun, even if you want to do something to me, shouldn't you wait a few more years?" Lie Que was suppressed by Feng Qianyun, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

"Who, who wants to do something to you?"

Feng Qianyun was not shy at first, but when she remembered something, her face turned red.

Shang Xiaoye, who thought she was fine, had already sat up, but when she saw the fierce scene at the door, she immediately twisted the corner of the quilt.

"Ah... I feel my head is still dizzy, I'm going to faint, I've already fainted, I can't see anything!"

Then with a quilt, Shang Xiaoye covered herself tightly, trying to make herself invisible.

"Yunyun, you don't seem to have told me, what did you do to my shikigami?" Lie Que looked at Feng Qianyun with the eyes of a big bad wolf looking at a little white rabbit, and deliberately moved his face closer to Feng Qian Yun, seeing the blush on her face with satisfaction.

It's fine to be shy.

" can I do anything to your shikigami." Feng Qianyun's voice became lower and lower, "I haven't blamed you for what you did to my weapon spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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