Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 483 To Live Well

Chapter 483 To Live Well (4)
"My shikigami stays on the ghost, it will only appear when you are in danger, then what did you do to it?"

"Who allowed you to keep that thing on my Qi Ling? You made me put it..." Feng Qianyun blurted out, braked in time, and shut up obediently.

"What did you do with it? Huh?" Lie Que raised his eyebrows, his smile was so bright that Feng Qianyun was extremely depressed.

"Nothing!" Feng Qianyun puffed up her chest, refusing to admit what she had done to Lie Que's shikigami!
Lie Que grabbed Feng Qianyun's waist with one hand, lifted her up, and met Feng Qianyun's eyes.

"Yunyun, I don't seem to have told you that Shikigami's actions are controlled by the main body, and what he sees and hears will also be what the main body sees and hears."

Lie Que whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear.

When Feng Qianyun heard this, her face burned with a "boom"!

In other words, what she... is facing is not just a thing that looks like Lie Que, but...

Feng Qianyun had the urge to bite her tongue and kill herself for a moment.

Affected by Jin Jianming's ability, when her mind was in chaos, she suddenly saw Lie Que appearing in front of her and pulled her back.

Affected by Jin Jianming's ability, she is very interested in Lie Que...

No, she wants to forget, she wants to forget!Just don't think about it!It's so shameful, that's what horny women do!

She has fallen.

In stark contrast to Feng Qianyun's gloomy appearance was Lie Que's brisk laughter. He gently touched Feng Qianyun's flushed face, "Grow up a bit, and let me take her away!"

A slightly hoarse voice is like a charm with a wonderfully seductive power.

Feng Qianyun muttered sullenly, "Who will let you take her away."

"That's fine, you can take me away." Lie Que changed his method.


Feng Qianyun left for five full days, and Han Mojue lost his temper every day there.

"Young master, just take a rest, Yunyun should be fine." He Ying was almost dizzy by Han Mojue, young master, even if you are worried about her, you don't have to wander around the room, right?His eyes are dazed.

"What does it mean that nothing will happen, what does it mean that it should? It is sure that nothing will happen!"

Han Mojue glared at Heying fiercely, whoever dares to say that his little daughter-in-law will have an accident, he will be in a hurry with whoever!
"Yes, yes, nothing will happen!" He Ying quickly changed his words, lest the young master get anxious with him again, "Young master, I know you are worried about Yunyun, but you are like this, when Yunyun comes back I don’t even know you when I see you.”

He Ying reminded Han Mojue that the current Han Mojue has two huge dark circles on his face. If he took a picture of this appearance and showed it to the female students and teachers who are obsessed with Han Mojue at Z University, he would probably cry die a few.

"Who said I'm worried about that stinky girl? She hasn't come to class for five days! As a teacher, I'm very angry, very, very angry!" Han Mojue roared.

"Okay, okay, then just be angry." He Ying echoed the excuse Han Mojue had made for himself, but anyone could tell that someone was clearly too worried to sleep.

Jia Bing entered the door, saw Han Mojue still wandering in the living room, shook his head, thought he had treated him badly, he came to their villa to report every day, but just stayed in the living room and waited, came in and saw Well, [-]% of them think that they treat their guests badly and don't even arrange rooms for them to sleep in.

"I said Han Mojue, the boss and Miss Hefeng are on their way back, and they will be there in half an hour." Jia Bing informed Han Mojue, it's better to tell him earlier, if he is afraid that he will go crazy again, he should call an ambulance to pick him up. leave him.

Hearing this, Han Mojue jumped from the sofa in front of him, jumped directly in front of Jia Bing, and clasped Jia Bing's shoulder, "Are you serious?"

"Of course." Jia Bing wasn't worried at all, with the boss around, there was nothing to worry about.

"Is she injured? Is there any accident, are all hands and feet still intact?" Han Mojue quickly confirmed to Jiabing.

Jia Bing is speechless, you still say that you are not worried, who are you lying to?
"Miss Feng is fine, she is fine." Jia Bing replied, if there is anything, their BOSS will definitely take care of it.

Are you okay?That's good!
Jia Bing was still about to say something, but saw the man clasping his shoulder desperately, suddenly fell down, and fell headfirst.

He Ying hurried forward to check, only to find that Han Mojue was fine, just fell asleep...

When Feng Qianyun came back, Han Mojue had already fallen asleep.

"Yunyun, young master, he hasn't slept for five days in a row, and when he heard Jia Bing say that you came back safely, he fell asleep." He Ying said to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun glanced at Han Mojue who was sleeping on the sofa like a dead pig. The dark circles on his face showed how long he hadn't slept.

"Mr. Heying, I got the thing back, but it seems to be very different from what I imagined." Feng Qianyun wondered this question all the way, she wanted this thing at first because she wanted to use it to drive away Han Mo Jue's body was filled with demonic Gu, but in the end what she got back was a weapon. Could this thing really be useful?
"What you got back was a sword?" He Ying asked hurriedly, unable to hide the excitement on his face.

Feng Qianyun nodded, then stretched out her right hand, and saw a glowing white sword coming out of her palm, slowly revealing the entire body of the sword, and the hilt was held in Feng Qianyun's hand .

"That's right, that's it!" He Ying said excitedly, "It's what we need! Seven Star Dragon Abyss! Use it to kill demonic Gu!"

"But the demonic Gu is inside Han Mojue's body." If he wanted to cut the demonic Gu, wouldn't Han Mojue be chopped at the same time?
"You don't have to worry about Yunyun. Qixing Longyuan, as an ancient sword, naturally has its advantages." He Ying was so excited that tears filled her eyes. She was quite old, and she cried in front of the younger generation Zongheng, "It has been more than 100 years since Qixing Longyuan disappeared, and the master has been looking for it in front of him. The master said that Qixing Longyuan has been affected by the curse, and his ability and form are very different from before, but she has been unremittingly looking for it. It's a pity that she died before the investigation was completed."

That's why He Ying knew the true face of Qixing Longyuan.

However, He Ying actually didn't know what the cursed Qixing Longyuan looked like, otherwise he would have told them before Feng Qianyun and the others went.

That's it.

Feng Qianyun glanced at Han Mojue again, and got the method to kill the demonic voodoo, but it is still not possible to get rid of the demonic voodoo, because there is no way to make the two bloods in Han Mojue's body compatible.

These two steps must be carried out simultaneously.

Han Meiren, remember to live well.

(End of this chapter)

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