Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 484 Han Mojue's Unusual Reaction

Chapter 484 Han Mojue's Unusual Reaction (1)
"Little daughter-in-law!" Han Mojue suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling in a daze, not knowing where he was.

After a second of thought pause, he rushed out.

After rushing out of the room and reaching the stairs, I saw Ouyang Zhimin, Shang Xiaoye, Qin Miaoyun and Tang Luo playing Doudizhu on the first floor.

He knew Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye, and who were the man and woman?
"Hey, Han Meiren, you're awake!" Ouyang Zhimin raised his head to see Han Mojue, and greeted Han Mojue in the tone of Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue paused, then walked down the stairs, "Ouyang, who are these two?"

"Oh, they, they are the friends Boss Yunyun met in the arena. This is Qin Miaoyun, and this is Tang Luo." Ouyang Zhimin introduced the two to Han Mojue, and Han Mojue was still there when they came. In a coma.

"Hello, Mr. Han." Tang Luo greeted Han Mojue with a big smile.

Han Mojue nodded politely.

"Ouyang, where did my little daughter-in-law go? Didn't she just come back? Where did she go?"

Han Mojue was dissatisfied that he didn't see Feng Qianyun.

"Didn't you just come back, Han Meiren, you've been sleeping for two days!" Ouyang Zhimin told Han Mojue, this guy didn't know how long he had been sleeping.

"Is that so..." Han Mojue overslept, and couldn't figure out how long he had been asleep. "Where did that girl go now?"

Even if you have rested for two days, it is still not enough!

"She! I went out with Lie Que! It seems that I went to see the house." Ouyang Zhimin replied after thinking for a while.

"You said she went to see the house? Or did she go with Lie Que? Did Lie Que make a mistake! The little daughter-in-law is still very young, how could he be in such a hurry! Well, I know that the laws of some countries allow He was married a long time ago, but no matter what, Yunyun is only 13 years old this year, and he himself is quite old..."

Ouyang Zhimin and the others stared blankly at Han Mojue's eloquence, exchanging glances with each other.

When a normal person hears that Feng Qianyun and Lie Que are going out to look at the house together, they probably won't think about it. Is Han Mojue's thinking a little too strange?
"Well, Han Mojue..." Shang Xiaoye couldn't help interrupting Han Mojue, "The house Yunyun and Lie Que went to see is a shop, not a house to live in."

"Ah?" Han Mojue froze for a moment.

"Yi Che came here. Yunyun's pharmaceutical factory in M ​​city has been remodeled and can start operation. Yunyun is going out to prepare for the opening of her store in the future. In other words, these Aren't you always in charge of things? Don't you know?" Shang Xiaoye further explained to Han Mojue.

When Han Mojue heard the words, he realized that what he said just now was so wrong.

"This... I've slept for too long, and I still can't turn my head around. You just pretend that I never said those words! Don't tell anyone!" Han Mojue's face was full of embarrassment.

Shang Xiaoye and Ouyang Zhimin looked at each other and smiled, pretending not to know, just pretend not to know!

"By the way, Han Mojue, there is a courier for you. I signed for it for you when you were asleep, and put it on the coffee table over there." Ouyang Zhimin pointed to the side of the coffee table.

"Express delivery? Who sent it?" Han Mojue was a little curious, who else could he receive the express delivery from?
"I don't know, it didn't say who sent it." Ouyang Zhimin replied truthfully, in fact, he had been guessing with Shang Xiaoye in private for a long time.

Han Mojue walked to the side of the coffee table, picked up the courier and looked at it. His eyes, which were still a little confused, were clear. Although the other party didn't write his name, he did recognize the font.

"How is it? I sent you the above things?" Ouyang Zhimin continued to play Landlords with Shang Xiaoye and the others, while wondering what kind of gift Han Mojue had received.

"It's nothing, a friend sent it over." Han Mojue didn't open it immediately, and ran upstairs mysteriously with the package.

Ouyang Zhimin touched his chin, pretending to be thinking, "Tell me, who sent him the package?"

"Don't ask me, it's the first time I've seen him!" Tang Luo waved his hand, it was the first time he and Han Mojue had met, who knows what kind of friends he has.

The same is true for Qin Miaoyun.

Shang Xiaoye spread her hands, "Although it's not the first day I know him, I know very little about him. I think it's more straightforward for you to ask Yunyun about him."

"Okay, what you said makes sense." Ouyang Zhimin said helplessly, and then turned the topic to Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun, "By the way, Tang Luo, Qin Miaoyun, what are you going to do next?"

"I listened to Feng Qianyun's arrangement. Anyway, I'm alone. When I left the arena, she told me to follow her in the future. I'm very happy!" When I was young, I could only study vocational high school, so I didn't study at all. I was very talented in fighting, so I went to the arena to earn a living, and my income was higher than those white-collar workers who went to college.I'm pretty comfortable on my own.

"I..." Qin Miaoyun lowered her head, "Feng Qianyun said she would help me, I believe her."

"It's good. We won't be bored if we join a table to fight the landlord in the future!" Ouyang Zhimin agreed with both hands.

Shang Xiaoye glared at Ouyang Zhimin, "Don't forget what else you have to do!"

"I won't forget it! I'm talking about the leisure time after finishing business, hehe!" Ouyang Zhimin added with a smile.

The four of them were chatting when the doorbell rang.

"At this point, who rings the doorbell?" Ouyang Zhimin looked out through the huge window next to him, and saw the man standing in front of the black railing from a distance.

"Wow, what a good-looking man." Shang Xiaoye instinctively stared at the handsome guy, "Couldn't you come here to find us?"

Ouyang Zhimin got a little bit of a taste, what's this, that man is so good-looking, he looks like a glib young boy, far worse than him!
"Cut, the oily-faced noodles look like a boy!" Ouyang Zhimin murmured.

"No way, it's obviously very eye-catching!" Shang Xiaoye retorted, and Yunyun said, it's a woman's nature and instinct to see handsome guys!

Ouyang Zhimin was depressed, she was his girlfriend, and she was crazy about other men in front of him!
"We met that person in the arena. He is the son of the chairman of the alliance, Peng Tianyou." Tang Luo looked outside and recognized the person ringing the doorbell as Peng Tianyou.

(End of this chapter)

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