Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 485 Han Mojue's Unusual Reaction

Chapter 485 Han Mojue's Unusual Reaction (2)
"He came to see you?" Ouyang Zhimin asked.

"I think he might have come to find Feng Qianyun?" Tang Luo thought he didn't have the ability to get the young master of the alliance chairman to come and find him.

"Well, let me open the door and have a look." Ouyang Zhimin stood up and opened the door, "I warn you, don't cheat while I'm away!"

"Go ahead. Cheating is not a rare thing for us. If you do it openly, we can make you lose so much that you keep your pants!" Tang Luo said confidently.

Ouyang Zhimin glared at Tang Luo and opened the door.

"Sir, who are you looking for?"

If it was before, Ouyang Zhimin would definitely yell at the other party as soon as he came up, what the hell are you pressing, are you arguing, talk quickly if you have something to say, and fart quickly, I don't have time to talk to you!

Sure enough, Ouyang Zhimin has changed a lot during this period.

"I'm looking for Feng Qianyun, is she there?" Peng Tianyou asked patiently when he saw that the other party was quite polite.

"She's gone out and won't be back in a while. What can you do with her?"

"My friend wants me to tell her something. If it's convenient, can I wait here for her to come back?"

"Come inside and wait with me." Ouyang Zhimin invited Peng Tianyou to wait inside.

"Thank you."

Lie Que and Feng Qianyun came out after watching the shop together. They walked on the street for a while, and Lie Que's footsteps suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Feng Qianyun sensitively sensed that Lie Que seemed to have discovered something.

"It's nothing, Yun, you go back first, I'll come back later." Lie Que explained to Feng Qianyun.

"Well, good." Feng Qianyun nodded.

After watching Feng Qianyun walk away, Lie Que lowered his head and glanced at the trash can beside him, the smooth surface of the trash can reflected a blurry figure.

Lie Que smiled, this should be considered an old friend, right?The figure flickered for a moment, probably knowing that Lie Que had discovered it, perhaps from the very beginning it knew that it would be discovered by Lie Que, and it deliberately wanted to lure Lie Que over.

Lie Que followed the figure, walked into a nearby park, and was led to a corner of the park.

Lie Que stopped in his tracks, with a smile on his lips.

"Lie Que."

A middle-aged woman came out from behind the tree, with a delicate face, a little slack, and heavy makeup. If she was ten years younger, she should also be a beauty.

"You're still alive, it's not easy." Lie Que said to the visitor in a half-appreciative, half-sarcastic tone.

"Thanks to you, I don't dare to die so easily." The middle-aged woman said sarcastically, "The most hateful thing is that I still don't have the ability to get rid of you."

The woman laughed at herself, and at the same time took out a pack of women's cigarettes from her pocket, lit one and started smoking.

"Maybe you will never have it." Lie Que told the other party this cruel fact very bluntly.

"You still have the same conceit. It's better that you have the same conceit for those around you. I heard that you care about a little girl recently. I didn't expect you to have such a special hobby."

"I have many hobbies, not just this one, but I don't think you have a chance to learn about them all." Lie Que chose a tree to lean against, with a casual attitude.

"Really? Oh, I hope you can protect her by her side 24 hours a day! Don't let me catch the chance."

"She doesn't need my protection, she can protect herself." Lie Que shrugged indifferently.

"What I hate the most is your expression that never takes others seriously!" The woman was very displeased with Lie Que's self-confidence and calmness, as if she would never look good enough in front of him.

Lie Que smiled and said nothing, and didn't bother to explain anything.

"Just wait, I will let you know what will happen to you when you underestimate me!" the woman said angrily.

"Whatever you want." Lie Que didn't care about the woman's hatred for him.

The woman glared at Lie Que angrily, her eyes wanted to tear Lie Que to pieces, but at the same time, she was afraid of Lie Que.

That feeling is like a mouse locked in a cage looking at the person who locked it up.

After the woman left, Leque leaned against the tree trunk to rest for a while, and another man in black sportswear came out.

"Boss, you have been resented. It seems that she liked you at first." Jia Bing said with emotion, this woman who hates because of love!

"It seems to be her wishful thinking from head to toe, right?"

"It seems to be like this. She seems to have followed people from the National Security Bureau recently. It seems that she intends to fight against you, Boss." In the end, it was out of love and hate, but this woman seemed to be thinking too simply.

"Don't pay too much attention to her, but the National Security Bureau should know about her past, and maybe they want to use her on purpose." Lie Que didn't care much about the woman herself, and Lie Que cared more about the recent National Security Bureau trend.

"Do you need me to be by Miss Qianyun's side 24 hours a day?" Jia Bing knows that the person Lie Que cares about most is Feng Qianyun. Qian Yun's body.


She doesn't like being controlled by others in everything.

When Feng Qianyun went back, Peng Tianyou was already waiting there.

"Peng Tianyou? What are you doing here?" Feng Qianyun and Peng Tianyou didn't seem to have any friendship, but there was "enmity".

"Don't worry, I'm not here for revenge, I'm just here to deliver something!"

With the mentality of making a quick decision, Peng Tianyou handed a kraft paper bag to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun took the brown paper bag, "What is this?"

"You can just open it and have a look yourself. That cold guy asked me to give it to you." Peng Tianyou murmured, he didn't deliver the things by himself, but let him run errands. Seeing that others are not bad For his sake, he didn't bother with him.

Feng Qianyun knew who the cold man Peng Tianyou was talking about was Xia Wufeng.

"Okay, I got it." Feng Qianyun accepted the document, although she didn't know what Xia Wufeng asked Peng Tianyou to give her, it should be something real.

"I have nothing else to do, so I'm leaving first." Peng Tianyou wanted to leave first.

"I just came here and I'm leaving? Why don't you stay and have a meal." Out of politeness, Shang Xiaoye asked Peng Tianyou to have dinner.The other party sent something to Feng Qianyun, is this politeness always required?
Shang Xiaoye swears that she never invited Peng Tianyou because of his good looks. Today she would do the same thing if it were someone else. Whether the other party is willing or not is another matter.

But Ouyang Zhimin didn't think so, he thought sullenly, Dead Xiaoye must regard him as a dead person, so sad!

Feng Qianyun also nodded, "Don't worry, I won't drug you this time!"

When it came to the matter of administering medicine, Peng Tianyou's face flashed with embarrassment.

"Okay!" Peng Tianyou thought, it just so happened that he was also quite interested in Feng Qianyun, so he just stayed to observe her more.

"Yunyun, Han Mojue just woke up, why don't we have a party today?" Shang Xiaoye suggested.

She herself survived a catastrophe, which is worthy of celebration. Yunyun returned safely and brought what Han Mojue needed, which is worthy of celebration.

"Okay!" Feng Qianyun nodded, she didn't have any objection to this, and it's okay for everyone to have a good time once in a while.

If Feng Qianyun knew in advance that this party would make her make the biggest mistake in her life, she wouldn't agree to it even if she was killed!

(End of this chapter)

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