Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 486 You Are Always The Most Special To Me

Chapter 486 You Are Always The Most Special To Me

Looking at the engagement ring on her finger, Feng Qianyun felt unreal, she got engaged to Lie Que in a daze?

Engagement is engagement, but he grandiosely moved into her room as her fiancé!

Feng Qianyun opened the cabinet, and there were a lot of missing clothes inside, taking up half of the space.

Do unmarried couples have to live together?Never heard of this bullshit rule!

Feng Qianyun rummaged through the missing clothes in a bored manner, and when she opened the lower drawer, the drawer was full of underwear...

Feng Qianyun's cheeks flushed instantly, and her color was gone!Big pervert!

When Lie Que came in, he saw Feng Qianyun complaining about his underwear, he couldn't help laughing.

"Yun, seeing my underwear makes you feel so good?"

"What is there, do you feel it?" Feng Qianyun jumped up, she admitted that she was very horny, but usually it was only in her head, and she usually didn't show it easily, last night was an accident, an absolute accident.

"What I'm talking about is...the feeling of didn't mean it wrong, did you?" Lie Que explained.

Lie Que's smiling expression didn't look like he was asking a question purely.

You clearly did it on purpose!Deliberately saying such easy-to-distort words to make her fantasize.

Lie Que lowered his head, covered his face with his hands and smiled lowly.

How funny is this!Not funny!
"Why did you move in to live with me? There are so many rooms in the house, do you have to share a room with me?" Closer to home, Feng Qianyun decided to have a good talk with Lie Que about the issue of Liang people living together.

"Let you get used to it in advance, and cultivate your relationship along the way." Lie Que explained righteously.

"Isn't it a bit early to get used to it now? If you want to cultivate a relationship, you can do it at other times. Is it necessary to sleep in the same room?"

"Of course it is necessary." As he spoke, Lie Que stepped forward and approached Feng Qianyun, "Are you not used to me being here? Since you promised to be responsible to me, you will get married sooner or later. Of course, you have to get used to the two in advance. Now that we are living together, in order to avoid you not getting used to it after marriage, it is very necessary to make preparations from now on."

Lie Que got closer and closer, Feng Qianyun instinctively stepped back, took a few steps, her legs touched the big bed behind her, and she fell down on the bed with a plop.

Lie Que leaned down, put his hands on both sides of Feng Qianyun's body, looked down at Feng Qianyun from a height, and pretended to kiss her.

When he was about to meet Feng Qianyun's red lips, Lie Que suddenly changed direction, put his lips against Feng Qianyun's ears, and whispered: "Yun, no matter how long it takes, you are mine."

Then Lie Que gently pecked and kissed Feng Qianyun's pink cheek, got up, and began to change clothes.

Although Lie Que didn't look at Feng Qianyun's expression anymore, he could imagine that Feng Qianyun must be a little shy and cute while being angry with him.

Seeing Lie Que who was so close to her, Feng Qianyun felt awkward in her heart. As for why other people twisted their ways, Feng Qianyun herself couldn't tell.

Although she was closer to Lie Que in the past, they didn't feel anything because they had nothing to do with each other. Now when she thinks that she once threw Lie Que down, Feng Qianyun feels uncomfortable and feels that there is a relationship between the two of them. It's a little embarrassing.

"Lie Que, do you like me?" Feng Qianyun suddenly asked the doubts in her heart, and the two of them made the marriage contract hastily, no matter how you look at it, it feels very inappropriate, "I mean the relationship between men and women. That kind of liking."

Lie Que turned around and looked at Feng Qianyun. In Feng Qianyun's eyes, there was a pampering that Feng Qianyun did not read. It was not a big brother's pampering to a little sister, but a real man's pampering to a woman.

Jingfeng Qianyun's hair was pulled behind her ears, "You will always be the most special to me."

Did not say like or dislike, just said she is the most special to him, irreplaceable.

Feng Qianyun thought sullenly, what, if he doesn't answer her question directly, does he really like her or not if he answers like this?

Feng Qianyun was a little depressed and disappointed why he couldn't hear his answer.Feng Qianyun didn't quite understand what kind of mood she was in right now, anyway, it wasn't the joy she should have.

She didn't hate Lie Que, and it wasn't just yesterday that they were a fiancee, but when she was actually put on an engagement ring, she always felt that many steps were skipped between the two of them, and there was no sense of reality.

"Han Mojue, enough is enough!" Ouyang Zhimin snatched the wine glass from Han Mojue's hand, preventing him from drinking himself.

"Ouyang Zhimin! I asked you to come to drink with me. Why are you talking so much?" Han Mojue gave Ouyang Zhimin a hard look, and snatched back the wine glass that Ouyang Zhimin had snatched away.

"Han Mojue! We all know how uncomfortable you are, but drinking like this won't solve the problem!"

Ouyang Zhimin also knew that the engagement between Feng Qianyun and Lie Que had come a little suddenly, not to mention that Han Mojue would not be able to accept it for a while, he was still in a daze.

"Who said I'm uncomfortable! I'm obviously happy, happy for my little wife!" Han Mojue refused to admit that he was sad because of his broken love.

"Han Mojue, go and look in the mirror by yourself. The expression on your face is called sadness, not happiness!" Ouyang Zhimin grabbed Han Mojue, saying that he couldn't let him drink like this.

"No, you have to go by yourself!" Han Mojue yelled at Ouyang Zhimin sullenly, "If you don't want to drink with me, you can go with your Xiaoye and stop bothering me! Also, You are not allowed to say that I like the little daughter-in-law! I don’t like the little daughter-in-law at all! What is good about her from head to toe? She is fierce and not ladylike at all! The front is flat and the back is not very warped. You know it's not my type!"

Ouyang Zhimin really wanted to defend Feng Qianyun. Considering Yunyun's eldest age, she has already developed quite well!

But facing an alcoholic who drank to relieve his worries after a broken relationship, Ouyang Zhimin chose to obediently obey his wishes.

"Yes, yes, you don't like Boss Yunyun, she is not good at all!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Obviously he was talking about Feng Qianyun just now, but in a blink of an eye, he heard Ouyang Zhimin say that Feng Qianyun was not good at all, and Han Mojue quit, "She is not very good to you, You are ungrateful, and you don't even remember how nice she was to you!"

Ouyang Zhimin was wronged, he really didn't forget that Boss Yunyun was kind to him, he just said this to follow Han Mojue's meaning.

Hey, Ouyang Zhimin sighed in his heart, Han Mojue, why did you say that you are doing this, if you like him but don't tell him, now that he is booked by someone else, no wonder you regret it, right?But what's the use of regretting and being sad? Aren't people all the same?
What's the use of drinking alcohol here? You can't change the established fact even if you drink to death.

"Okay, okay, I remember she was kind to me, she is very good, is it okay?"

"No! You are not allowed to call her good! She is obviously not good, she is not good, she is not good, she is not good, she is not good at all!" Han Mojue emphasized that Feng Qianyun is not good at all like a child , I really don't know if he said it for others or for himself.

"Then is she good or not?" Ouyang Zhimin asked Han Mojue, you didn't like her if she was bad, and you didn't want to if she was good.

"She..." Han Mojue was stunned, he didn't know whether Feng Qianyun was good or not, he didn't know, he really didn't know!
Without an answer, Han Mojue could only continue drinking by himself, and he didn't want to think about some questions.

"Han Mojue, let me tell you, if you really like it, you can fight openly with others. Anyway, your conditions are not worse than him, right. If you can let it go, then let it go, otherwise you can't let it go. If you don’t act, it’s not you who suffer in the end?”

After Ouyang Zhimin said these words, he felt that he had become an eighth woman. It was rare that he would not go shopping with Shang Xiaoye to watch movies and go shopping with Shang Xiaoye, but came to drink with Han Mojue in the bar. He promised Xiaoye not to drink indiscriminately Yes, but also to help persuade Han Mojue.

"Ouyang, let me ask you, if you know that you are sick, and that someone else likes Xiaoye and treats Xiaoye well, will you still be with Xiaoye?"

Han Mojue's question stumped Ouyang Zhimin, he thought for a while and replied, "It depends on the situation, if Xiaoye didn't agree to be my girlfriend before, I really don't know what to do, but now she It's all my girlfriend now, even if I find out that I have some incurable disease now, I don't want to give up easily!"

Ouyang Zhimin thinks that sometimes people are selfish, and people's feelings are also selfish, and they can't be put down just by pretending to be generous.

"Cut, didn't you say that it's after we got together, but before we got together, we still can't figure it out!" Han Mojue said as he picked up the wine glass and poured himself a glass, as if he drank it by himself. Wine, but plain water without any taste.

"I said Han Mojue, can you stop thinking about your own physical problems so seriously? Boss Yunyun also said that, he will definitely find a way! Can you have some confidence in yourself?" Ouyang Zhimin couldn't see Han Mo Jue looked so self-destructive.

"Ouyang, little daughter-in-law, she is a human being or not a god. She is very powerful, but it doesn't mean she can control everything. My affairs are not so simple. Last time she took the risk to go to the arena, I already felt very... very sorry for her I don't want her to take any more risks for me, do you understand?" Han Mojue was actually very sad, and Feng Qianyun was also affected by his illness, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about? Boss Yunyun misses you very much, and Xiaoye and I also care about you, and that old man named Heying, by the way, and Yu Chixiu, who is a good friend with you. You must be very worried if you know. We all have confidence in you."

(End of this chapter)

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