Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 487 I will be anxious too

Chapter 487 I will be anxious too
"Boss, why did you lie to Miss Qian Yun? Nothing happened between you and her."

Jia Bing is sure that nothing happened to Lie Que and Feng Qianyun.

"How can you say that nothing happened?" Lie Que pointed to his back, "It's all her masterpiece."

"But you definitely didn't do that kind of thing." Jia Bing dared to vouch for his own head.

Lie Que smiled slightly, "I didn't say anything happened between me and her, it was the first time in my life that someone grabbed my back, hehe, what a precious first night!"

Lie Que never said that he and Feng Qianyun had done anything that he shouldn't have done, but he had been misleading Feng Qianyun and giving her such an illusion.Coupled with the picture of what happened when I woke up that morning, it's hard not to think about it.

Feng Qianyun was drunk, and she also showed her little paws, but she just scratched his back, left a large paw print on Lie Que's back, and then fell asleep.

"Boss, this doesn't look like your style of doing things at all."

Jia Bing assures that Feng Qianyun must still think that something really happened between him and Lie Que, but the boss can't "bully" Feng Qianyun who is not yet an adult, this is absolute.

"Jia Bing, don't you think there are too many men around Yun?" Lie Que walked to the wine storage cabinet, opened a bottle of red wine, poured it into a goblet, and took a sip lightly. His red lips touched, and the picture was reminiscent, "I will be anxious too."

Of course he will be anxious, some can't wait for her to grow up.

"But Miss Qian Yun will know sooner or later that nothing happened between you and me."

"Yeah." Lie Que knew it, indeed, if she knew about what happened this time, she would be furious, right?

Thinking of this, a funny smile appeared on Lie Que's face.

After a while, Lie Que suddenly said to Jia Bing: "Jia Bing, go and open the door, we have guests coming."

"Okay, BOSS." Hearing that Jia Bing did not doubt him, he went out to open the door for the coming visitor, but who would this visitor be?

Outside the gate of the courtyard, Yan Sihang just got off his car, and just as he was about to ring the doorbell, Jia Bing came out.

"Inspector Yan, please come in." When Jia Bing saw Yan Sihang, he noticed that the other party seemed to be angry and even a little bit like hatred.

Yan Sihang froze for a moment, then didn't ask any more questions.After entering the door, since the other party is Lie Que, it shouldn't be surprising that anything strange happened.

Yan Sihang entered the villa, he was brought into the living room by Jia Bing, Lie Que was already sitting on the sofa waiting for him.

"Inspector Yan? Is there anything you can do for me?"

"You are Lie Que." Yan Sihang fixed his eyes on Lie Que, and couldn't believe that the man in front of him was the Lie Que he knew.

"Since you know who I am, why come to me alone?"

Lie Que is reminding Yan Sihang that in this case, what he should do is not to come alone, but to call a group of people to arrest him.

"What is the purpose of your coming here, and Feng Qianyun, what is your relationship?" Yan Sihang couldn't guess why Lie Que's purpose was, and it was hard to imagine the relationship between him and Feng Qianyun.

"I'm not interested in answering your question." Lie Que didn't cooperate with Yan Sihang.

"Lie Que, you are a wanted criminal at the SSS level. As a police officer, I cannot turn a blind eye to your appearance!"

Ordinary wanted criminals will be disclosed to the public. Wanted criminals of S rank and above are high-level wanted criminals with a very high degree of danger and should not be disclosed to the public. Lie Que is precisely a wanted criminal of SSS rank.

Before, he wondered why Lie Que was always wearing a mask, sunglasses and a peaked cap. It turned out that he was totally shameless!
Lie Que's reaction was very calm. When he saw Yan Sihang, Lie Que could probably guess that he already knew who he was. According to Yan Sihang's nature, he would not let him go, so Lie Que knew that Yan Sihang was the most powerful person. what might be done.

"Then what does Inspector Yan want to do after he finds out that I am Lie Que?"

Yan Sihang took out his gun, "Lie Que, now that I am arresting you as a senior inspector, you have the right to remain silent, but every word you say may become evidence in court."

Hearing this, Lie Que didn't take it seriously, pointed to the sofa next to him and said to Yan Sihang, "Sit down first, the National Security Bureau has been chasing me for so many years without any result, if you arrest me now alone, you let me go Where is the face of the National Security Bureau?"

"You..." Yan Sihang paused, and understood what Lie Que meant. Lie Que didn't pay attention to his appearance at all, and didn't think he had the ability to arrest him.

"Who told you that I belonged to Lie Que." Lie Que asked Yan Sihang unhurriedly. Although Yan Sihang was born in the military, it doesn't mean he has the authority to know about his arrest warrant.

"Why do you ask that?" Yan Sihang felt that Lie Que's question was a bit strange.

"Because you are likely to be used by someone. If that person happens to be a member of the National Security Bureau, the National Security Bureau has regulations that do not allow the disclosure of information on wanted criminals above S rank, even if you are a senior inspector."

Although the police station and the National Security Bureau are both state agencies, they belong to two different systems, and the two have nothing to do with each other.

Lie Que's words made Yan Sihang hesitate for a while.

Because his source of information is indeed not very...orthodox.

"Looking at your expression, I should be right." Before Yan Sihang could answer, Lie Que had already reached the conclusion he wanted, "Don't you think that the person who told you the news had no good intentions? Even if you will I arrest you and go back, do you think you can do nothing? Leak the information of the National Security Bureau, and the people of the National Security Bureau have the right to execute you directly, even if you are Yan Songbai's grandson, you can't keep it."

Yan Sihang was shocked, before he said anything, Lie Que had almost analyzed the matter of his appearance here.

"What else do you know?" Yan Sihang began to really feel the horror of Lie Que, the oppressive feeling he gave was too strong, as if everything was under his control.

Yan Sihang couldn't help feeling that he had been held in the palm of the hand by the man in front of him, and this feeling made Yan Sihang's back break out in cold sweat.

"I should ask you this. I don't know who told you this, but one thing is for sure, the person who told you this should have a good relationship with you, and what's more, he should also be with you when he told you your identity. You said something else that made you come to me so recklessly."

Lie Que was only analyzing based on what he already knew, and he couldn't guess what he didn't know.

The cold sweat on Yan Sihang's body involuntarily increased. Lie Que was almost right. The reason why he came to him so impulsively was indeed because of what a person he knew said, and it was true that the other party said some other things that made him feel uncomfortable. He couldn't wait to come to Lie Que's door.

It is difficult for Yan Sihang to describe his mood at the moment. He came to Lie Que with anger, but was defeated by the opponent in the first contact with him. He defeated him, but not by force.

"Ten years ago, there was a bank robbery case with extremely bad social impact in City M. A pregnant woman was shot to death in that case. Are you the mastermind behind that incident?"

"Ten years ago? You're talking about the Qiao's bank robbery?" Lie Que recalled for a while, and he probably guessed that what Yan Sihang was concerned about, and that incident was indeed a big one, and because he did have He had appeared in M ​​City, so the National Security Bureau put that matter on his head. Lie Que didn't care what kind of charges he was charged by the National Security Bureau, and they wanted to arrest him.

"Yes, the person who died was my aunt." Yan Sihang's aunt happened to be in the bank that day and unfortunately died. The media did not report the identity of the deceased, but Yan's family requested to block it.At that time, Yan Sihang was only in his teens, but he was impressed. This is why he chose to come to M City as a senior inspector after retiring from the team. He always wanted to find out the truth for his aunt who died ten years ago. .

"I don't know why you think that Joe's bank robbery is related to me, but I can tell you that Joe's bank robbery is a play written and directed by Joe, believe it or not."

"Impossible, why did Qiao's do such a thing!"

"I said it's up to you to believe it or not." Lie Que gave the answer Yan Sihang wanted, and it was up to Yan Sihang to believe it or not.

"The reason, you said that Qiao Shi directed and acted by himself, tell me why?" Yan Sihang didn't know why, and had a feeling that Lie Que wasn't lying.

Lie Que glanced at Yan Sihang, "At that time, Qiao's seemed to be in danger of bankruptcy, because of the bank robbery, Qiao's stock reversed its continuous decline."

Public opinion is a very interesting thing, and it has the magical function of increasing popularity, just like celebrity scandals. A certain amount of even negative scandals can attract public attention and increase popularity.

Yan Sihang had a feeling of blood flowing backwards all over his body, Lie Que's words seemed to open a big hole in Yan Sihang's world, and the inside was pitch black.

Something collapsed in Yan Sihang's mind.

Seeing Yan Sihang's frustrated expression, Lie Que shook his head, "It's rare that there are people like you in the police force, so I'll give you an answer."

"What do you mean?" Yan Sihang didn't quite understand what Lie Que meant.

"Just listening to what I say, you may not be able to believe it. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Bring the handcuffs."

Lie Que reached out to Yan Sihang for handcuffs.

"What are you doing?" Yan Sihang was confused by Lie Que's behavior.

"Give you the answer you want, and by the way, I also want to know who is behind it."

(End of this chapter)

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