Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 488 Calculation

Chapter 488 Calculation
A Mercedes-Benz 747 self-propelled C-type car was parked on the side of the road not far from Lie Que's villa. There was a woman and a man in the car.

At this time, the two people were closely watching the situation at Lie Que's villa. It had been almost half an hour since Yan Sihang entered, and everything that should have happened should have happened.

"Did you say that Yan Sihang was killed?" one of the men, Wang Dasheng, asked. He was wearing plain clothes, but his police ID was pinned to his chest. It was obvious that he was a police officer and Yan Sihang's colleague.

"Whether there is or not, it doesn't matter." The woman smiled brightly, Lie Que, this is just the beginning, I will definitely take revenge, and give you back all the pain you caused me!
This woman is the one who was cited to leave the park earlier.

She didn't want to use Yan Sihang to do something big, Yan Sihang was just the beginning, she wanted to tell Lie Que that she was no longer that Qiao Yun whom he didn't even look at!

Qiao Yun hated, hated that she had never caught Lie Que's eyes, that he was not even interested in fighting with herself!
She is not reconciled!So in the past few years, she has climbed to her current position at all costs. She can prove it to Lie Que!
The two people in the RV waited for a while, and finally when there was movement from the villa, Yan Sihang came out!
In Qiao Yun's prediction, Yan Sihang was more likely to die, but now, Yan Sihang appeared unscathed.

"What's the matter? Yan Sihang was not killed by Lie Que? Sister Qiao, didn't you say that Lie Que is cruel, so Yan Sihang's trip must be very dangerous?"

Wang Dasheng was a little anxious. He is Yan Sihang's colleague and subordinate. This time he agreed to help deceive Yan Sihang because he heard from Qiao Yun that Yan Sihang would die. Because as long as Yan Sihang dies, his position will be his, and he no longer has to succumb to it. Yan Sihang is down.

But if Yan Sihang didn't die and knew that he was lying to him and his ambition, he would have no way to hang out in the police station in the future.

"Why are you so nervous?" Qiao Yun gave Wang Dasheng a hard look, "If Lie Que hadn't killed him, wouldn't you have killed him yourself?"

Qiao Yun disdains Wang Dasheng's weakness.

"I'll go by myself?" Wang Dasheng was terrified when he heard that, "Murder is against the law! And the person who killed was Yan Sihang, if caught, the Yan family will definitely kill me, and I will definitely be sentenced to death!"

"You have already lied to Yan Sihang. Even if he doesn't find out now, he will always find out in the future. Man, what are you doing so timidly? Now that you have done it, you must do it to the end!"

"Sister Qiao, you taught me what I told Yan Sihang!"

How did Wang Dasheng know so many things? Qiao Yun came to him and told him about it, saying that as long as he said so, Yan Sihang would definitely go to Lie Que impulsively, and according to Lie Que's brutal temperament, he would definitely kill Yan Sihang Lose.

"Aren't you very happy at that time, and I also made it very clear to you at the time that Lie Que is very likely to kill Yan Sihang, and Yan Sihang will not be able to resist Lie Que, I did not say definitely Yes, so you have to be prepared for accidents, if you don’t even think about this, your policeman for so many years is really useless!"

Qiao Yun's words made Wang Dasheng's face turn green and pale. It was really useless for a woman to say that.But what Qiao Yun said was the truth. She did tell him clearly that the matter was not 100%, and he agreed immediately because after Yan Sihang died, the stumbling block on his way to promotion was gone.

"Wang Dasheng, if you can't do it, I'll do it for you."

Qiao Yun didn't expect Wang Dasheng to do anything that she could praise.

This man is really useless!
While the two were talking, Yan Sihang had already left the villa, and at the same time, threw a person into his car.

The man who was thrown into the trunk by Yan Sihang...

Qiao Yun was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe what she just saw, just now... Lie Que was thrown into the trunk by Yan Sihang?

How can it be?

Qiao Yun, who had always set Lie Que as her lofty goal, couldn't accept that the man she wanted to deal with was thrown into the trunk like a captive by others.

"Wang Dasheng, didn't you say that Yan Sihang is just an ordinary senior inspector, because he is a descendant of the Yan family, and he got what he is today by relying on the power of the family?" Qiao Yun glared fiercely at Wang Dasheng beside him.

"I, I..." Wang Dasheng was a little terrified by Qiao Yun's too ruthless eyes, and also a little guilty. He did try to hide a little bit, that is, although Yan Sihang is a descendant of the Yan family and has a strong background, but his own ability Not bad, "I, how do I know that he can handle Lie Que..."

"Hmph, I'll settle the score with you later!" If it weren't for the usefulness of keeping this Wang Dasheng, Qiao Yun wanted to kill Wang Dasheng right now! "Go and bring Yan Sihang over to me now, and bring the person in the trunk along with me. I want to know if that person is Lie Que!"

Wang Dasheng hesitated for a moment when he heard the words. After all, he had deceived Yan Sihang, and it would be very difficult to guarantee that he would not reveal his lies when facing him again.

"Hurry up!" Qiao Yun scolded.

After all, Wang Dasheng is a weak person. After being yelled at by Qiao Yun, he hurriedly got out of the car and ran to Yan Sihang.

Yan Sihang was about to get into the driver's seat when Wang Dasheng hurried over.

The moment Yan Sihang saw Wang Dasheng, his heart turned cold.

"Sir Yan, you're here, but it's easy for me to find you. I couldn't find you anywhere, so I guessed that you might have come to look for Lie Que, so I ran here quickly. Did anything happen to you?" Wang Dasheng was very excited. Looking eagerly at Yan Sihang.

"It's nothing. If Lie Que is really the mastermind behind the bank robbery ten years ago, he has already been arrested. Come back with me. The interrogation can begin as soon as we arrive at the police station."

"Interrogation?" Upon hearing the interrogation, Wang Dasheng's expression turned dark. After all, he was guilty of guilt, as if all the bad things he did would be exposed once he was interrogated, "Sir, actually, I still have a little I forgot to tell you something very important."

"Is there any important matter that can't be discussed after I finish interrogating Lie Que?"

"No, no..." Wang Dasheng was so anxious that his palms were sweating, he desperately searched for a suitable reason to achieve his goal, "Sir Yan, let me tell you the truth, I learned about Lie Que from a colleague from the National Security Bureau It sounds like you know the rules of the National Security Bureau, and if you bring Lie Que back like this, isn't that the same as telling everyone that someone has leaked the secret?" Wang Dasheng was not too stupid after all, and quickly carried him out of the National Security Bureau.

"I won't mention the fact that he is a Lie Que. He will be detained as an accomplice of Feng Qianyun." Yan Sihang replied.

It is not a matter of a day or two for Yan Sihang to catch Feng Qianyun. Almost the entire police station knows that Yan Sihang wants to seize Feng Qianyun's handle and deal with Feng Qianyun. It is also true that Lie Que has a close relationship with Feng Qianyun. There is nothing wrong with Yan Sihang's method of concealment.

Wang Dasheng became anxious, "That's fine too... But it seems a little bad for you to stuff him into the trunk. Well, I drove the car over, you can get him on top of my car."

Wang Dasheng pointed to the RV parked not far away and said to Yan Sihang.

"Wang Dasheng, when did you buy this kind of car?" Yan Sihang frowned. Anyone who knows the price of this kind of car knows the price of this kind of car. Wang Dasheng's family background is very simple, and Yan Sihang is also very clear about his own salary. It is impossible to afford such a RV under economic conditions.

Wang Dasheng was taken aback, he remembered that he wanted to get Yan Sihang and Lie Que to the RV, and forgot about it.

Right now, Wang Dasheng had no choice but to continue lying, "The car is not mine, it was lent to me by a friend of mine. Otherwise, why would I drive a caravan if I don't travel? I didn't come to you in a hurry, so I borrowed it from someone." car."

Yan Sihang paused for a while, "That's fine, you go and drive the car over."

The more he talked with Wang Dasheng, the more flaws Yan Sihang discovered, and things seemed to be getting closer to what Lie Que said.

Wang Dasheng nodded hurriedly, then hurriedly ran to drive the RV over, and when the car arrived, he went down like a dog to help Yan Sihang carry Lie Que.

When opening the trunk, Wang Dasheng looked at the man who was stuffed into the trunk for a while. The trunk was a bit crowded for this man. The poor man's good looks were reduced to the point where he was treated like this. .

What Wang Dasheng cared most about was Lie Que. He had heard from Qiao Yun a few times before that he was said to be miraculous by Qiao Yun, but Yan Sihang made him unconscious at this time, with his hands and feet bound, and he looked very embarrassed.

Is this man really as powerful as Qiao Yun said?Or is it Yan Sihang who is better?
With doubts in his heart, Wang Dasheng and Yan Sihang carried Lie Que into the RV.

As soon as Yan Sihang stepped into the RV, the people inside grabbed him, and at the same time, a female revolver was already pressed against his temple.

Qiao Yun controlled Yan Sihang with a gun in one hand, and at the same time gave an order to Wang Dasheng, "Close the door, and then go ahead and drive!"

Wang Dasheng had no other choice at this time, he boarded the thief boat, and Qiao Yun was already a grasshopper on the same rope.

Wang Dasheng closed the car door, sat in the front driver's seat, and started the car according to Qiao Yun's instructions.

Everything that happened in front of him told Yan Sihang the fact that Lie Que was right, he was being used.

"Who are you? Why did you arrest me?" Yan Sihang asked Qiao Yun.

"I have no grievances with you, but, you seem to be blocking the path of other people's imperial decrees, so I have no choice but to give you a ride."

"The person you're talking about is Wang Dasheng?"

Yan Sihang and Wang Dasheng have not cooperated for too long. Since he was transferred to the provincial capital, Yan Sihang did not dare to say that he is a good boss, but he dared to swear to God that he had never done anything to be sorry for his subordinates, so he I don't understand why Wang Dasheng wanted to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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