Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 489 I am a family member

Chapter 489 I am a family member (1)
"I thought you were hopelessly stupid!" I couldn't understand how this man, who was so stupid that he didn't even know he was cheated by his subordinates, could handle Lie Que. "Take off your gun and give it to me I."

Yan Sihang paused, followed Qiao Yun's words, and handed over his own gun to Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun took Yan Sihang's gun and tied Yan Sihang's hands behind his back with a rope, as well as his feet.

"This rope is specially made, and its bearing capacity is eight times that of a steel wire of the same thickness. You can't stop struggling." Qiao Yun reminded Yan Sihang.

Then she went to check on Lie Que's situation.From the moment Lie Que was brought into the car, half of her attention had been on Lie Que. Even at this moment, she couldn't believe that Lie Que was handled by Yan Sihang.

"How did you handle him?" Qiao Yun glared at Yan Sihang.

Yan Sihang asked without answering, "Is there any purpose for you to do this? You have a grudge against Lie Que? So you want to use me to help you deal with Lie Que?"

"It's not wrong for me to have a grudge against him, but I never thought of using you to deal with him. You are not qualified enough." Qiao Yun wanted to deal with Lie Que with her own hands.

"You're a lunatic." Yan Sihang looked at Qiao Yun's fierce eyes, and didn't think Qiao Yun's behavior was normal.

"Even if I'm a madman, I was driven mad by Lie Que!"

Qiao Yun roared.

"I'm not interested in driving you crazy." Lie Que's leisurely voice sounded from behind Qiao Yun.

Qiao Yun turned around abruptly and saw Lie Que standing soberly behind her. After Qiao Yun's first reaction of shock, she felt that such a situation was more reasonable. The senior inspector was arrested, so the slap from the National Security Bureau was loud enough.

Then Qiao Yun smiled, very heartily.

"Lie Que, Lie Que, pretending to be caught to force me to show up? It really doesn't seem like something you would do!"

Qiao Yun was very happy, because it proved that Lie Que valued her, and she was no longer that woman who couldn't even catch his eyes, she was an opponent who needed to be taken seriously.

Lie Que's eyes only stayed on Qiao Yun for a second, then turned to Yan Sihang, "Now do you have the answer?"

Yan Sihang's face did not show the joy of getting the answer, but the anger of being betrayed.

Lie Que bypassed Qiao Yun and walked up to Yan Sihang, bent down, and reached out to help Yan Sihang untie the rope.

"No, I'll do it myself!" Yan Sihang exerted force with his hands, and the tendons in his hands emerged.

After the sound of the rope breaking, several cut ropes fell to the ground, and there were a few more bloodstains on Yan Sihang's arm.

With his own flesh and blood, the strong rope was broken.

Yan Sihang may not be enough to deal with Lie Que, but he is not a vegetarian either!
Yan Sihang is angry, because he was deceived by his trusted subordinates, no matter how short the time they have cooperated with each other, it is unforgivable for Yan Sihang to have such a thing happen.

Lie Que slightly hooked his lips, but didn't say anything more.What to do next is Yan Sihang's own business.

Lie Que's goal had been achieved, so there was no need to stay any longer. He opened the car door, jumped out of the running car, and landed firmly.

"Lie Que, what do you mean?" Qiao Yun stood in the car and shouted at Lie Que's back.

Lie Que automatically blocked her voice.

Qiao Yun jumped out of the car and went after Lie Que.

Feng Qianyun came back here after class, and just got off the bus when she saw Lie Que and Qiao Yun chasing him.

Feng Qianyun watched with great interest as Lie Que was chased all the way by a woman who was obviously older than him.

"get out of class is over?" Lie Que came over and took the crossbody backpack from Feng Qianyun's hand smoothly.

Feng Qianyun pointed to Qiao Yun behind Lie Que with her finger, and asked Lie Que with her eyes.

"The suitor." Lie Que replied.

"Lie Que, what kind of taste do you have? At least find a younger one!" One look at the woman could tell that she was old, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were exposed!
"Don't pay attention to Obasan on the street." This is the position Lie Que gave Qiao Yun.

To Lie Que, Qiao Yun is considered an old friend, but in fact he has no relationship or intersection with him. If there must be one, Lie Que promised one person not to kill Qiao Yun.

To say she is Obasan is being polite.

Qiao Yun thought she was delusional, but Lie Que was actually smiling, so softly!
Qiao Yun walked up to Feng Qianyun and blocked her way, "Who are you?"

Qiao Yun's aggressive questioning was not kind at all.

"Aunt who are you?" Feng Qianyun replied naturally.


Many women hate being called old, especially Qiao Yun.

In fact, for Feng Qianyun, calling Qiao Yun "Auntie" is not a problem at all. Feng Qianyun is 13 years old, Qiao Yun is in her thirties, and the difference between the two is more than 20 years old.

"Lie Que, who is this person?" Qiao Yun pointed to Feng Qianyun's nose and asked Lie Que.

"I'll give you three seconds to disappear from my fiancee and me, otherwise, you will know the consequences."

Of course Qiao Yun knew that Lie Que's words were not meant as a joke.

"In broad daylight, how dare you do anything to me? You don't know who I am now, and since you know it, you should know what the consequences will be if you touch me, not to mention that you won't kill me at all!"

This is something Qiao Yun is very sure of. If Lie Que would kill her, she would have died countless times in the morning.

"Qiao Yun, you are a person with parents, elders and brothers." Lie Que reminded that he did promise someone not to kill Qiao Yun, but he didn't say anything about Qiao Yun's brothers and sisters.

"You!" Qiao Yun was angry, did Lie Que ignore her like that?So what is her hard work all these years for?
Fiancee, he actually said that this little girl is his fiancee!
"You actually want a little lolita to be your fiancee? Lie Que, you are too lowly! You look like you are only twenty, but you should know exactly how old you are this year! You are older than me!" Qiao Yun yelled at Lie Que angrily.

Qiao Yun scolded and scolded, but she was still afraid of Lie Que, so she turned around and ran away after scolding, leaving the green hills, not afraid of every firewood!

After Qiao Yun ran away in a panic, Feng Qianyun stared at Lie Que.

"Are you older than that woman just now?"

Feng Qianyun expected that Lie Que would be quite old, but she never thought that she would be that old. In this way, if Lie Que and her were really married, they would be a very standard uncle and loli. At one point, Feng Qianyun got goose bumps all over her body.

(End of this chapter)

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