Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 499 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case

Chapter 499 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case (3)
"Well, where is the teacher? Haven't you come yet?" The class bell has already been rung, why the teacher hasn't shown up yet, is this the rhythm of skipping class?
"The teacher may come later." The girl answered Feng Qianyun's doubts.


"He went to be questioned by the police."

"Interrogation? About Ye Shanshan?"

"It's not Ye Shanshan! Someone died again! The class next door! He died in the biology lab. The police said that he died on Saturday night, because no one went to the biology lab on weekends, and no one knew that someone died!"

The girl's expression was a bit exaggerated, no wonder she panicked, this is the second time, it feels so scary!

"Another one? A lot of bad things have happened recently." Feng Qianyun didn't care much about this matter, and it had nothing to do with her.

"That's right, our class left the provincial capital on weekends, so the police didn't ask us to question anything. It's really lucky! I don't want to be interrogated by the police as a suspect!" The girl patted herself on the chest, "But I When I came in just now, I saw the policeman who took the lead in the investigation, so handsome!"

"I'm not interested in police uncles!" Especially police uncles who are as annoying as Yan Sihang, she is not interested!
"That's right, you already have such a handsome brother in your family! Not only is your brother handsome, but he also has super good taste!" When talking about Lie Que, the girls stared at each other.

"Hehe, hehe..." Feng Qianyun could only laugh dryly, that was not her brother, but her fiancé!

"Ah—here we come!"

The girl suddenly looked at the door and screamed.

coming?What's coming?Feng Qianyun turned her head and met Yan Sihang's gaze.

Uh, could it be that the handsome police uncle the girl mentioned refers to Yan Sihang?I have a go!
"Feng Qianyun, please come here." Yan Sihang called Feng Qianyun at the door, his voice was cold, without emotion (harmony), it was just a routine.

Feng Qianyun had a bad premonition, he Yan Sihang came to investigate the case, let's investigate the case, what would she do if she was involved?She did nothing wrong!

Even though there were all kinds of reluctance, in this case, Feng Qianyun could only obediently follow Yan Sihang out.

Everyone wondered, none of them were called, why was Feng Qianyun the only one called away by the police?

Feng Qianyun followed Yan Sihang to the empty classroom next door.

Yan Sihang didn't let anyone else in, and there were only the two of them in the empty classroom.

"Where did you go on Saturday night?" As soon as he came in, Yan Sihang asked Feng Qianyun straightforwardly.

"We're going to the beach to relax, you should know." As a senior inspector, since he has already taken over the case, he must have known about it, otherwise why didn't he ask the people in that classroom just now?
"I know that your class went to the beach, and I know you are also inside. It was during the day, and I was asking about the night."

"It happened in school. My classmates and I were not in school at the time. Isn't it obvious? You still ask me what I was doing that night?"

"That's for your classmates, it's hard to guarantee for you."

"Yan Sihang, just say that you suspect that the murder that happened in the school has something to do with me?" Feng Qianyun was speechless, anyway, it wasn't a day or two since he bit her, she was used to it.

"That was not what I meant."

Unexpectedly, Yan Sihang actually denied it.

"Then what do you mean?" Feng Qianyun narrowed her eyes, what is Yan SIR doing today?Taking the wrong medicine?
"We blocked the cause of death of those two students from the outside world, because we were afraid of causing panic. Even I have no way to accept the death report given by the forensic doctor." Yan Sihang said with a heavy heart and Feng Qianyun.

"Tell me." Seeing Yan Sihang like this, Feng Qianyun became interested in the murder case that happened in the school.

"The forensic doctor reported that there were no wounds on the body of the deceased, and the cause of death was unknown, but scales appeared on the body after 48 hours. Compared with the existing animal scales, there was no match." Yan Sihang told Feng Qianyun about the forensic report.

"Have you watched too many sci-fi movies?" Scales?what is that?Feng Qianyun had a doubt in her heart, could it be...impossible, what Feng Qianyun thought of was quickly denied by herself.

"I'm telling the truth. As for why, if I knew, I wouldn't be standing here talking to you now." Yan Sihang's expression was very serious, and he didn't mean to be joking at all. In fact, Yan Sihang never No kidding, he is a meticulous man, at least at work.Feng Qianyun never doubted this point.

"And then? Why are you telling me this?" It was rare that the senior inspector didn't insist that she was a criminal, but discussed the case with her.

"Murder cases may continue to happen. You are a student of this school. I hope you can help to pay attention. Your words will be less likely to attract attention than our police sending people in." Arranging people to come in at this time will definitely be discovered, and In Feng Qianyun's case, she is a student of Z University.

"Sir Yan, you think too much of me. I'm just a female student and I don't know anything. If I have nothing else to do, I'll go first." Feng Qianyun thought that she didn't have the time to go Doing things for the police, what's more, she herself is still being hunted down by the strict inspector in front of her, is she full?
"You don't need to answer me right away, you can tell me after you go back and think about it." It was rare for Yan Sihang to talk to Feng Qianyun like this, and this time he really needed Feng Qianyun's help.

"Don't think about it. I know very well that I won't promise to help you. If you want to find the murderer, you can find it yourself. Don't involve me. I'm just a little civilian."

Feng Qianyun left after finishing speaking, not paying attention to Yan Sihang anymore.Seeing Feng Qianyun's firm attitude, Yan Sihang looked a little ugly, but there was nothing he could do to stop Feng Qianyun from leaving. This was her freedom, and as a police officer, he had no right to ask her for help.

After returning to the classroom, Feng Qianyun found Peng Tianyou who was habitually sitting in the corner of the classroom.

"Peng Tianyou, let me ask you, I remember you told me that the reason why you came to our school is because you have something important to do, what exactly is it?"

Peng Tianyou looked at Feng Qianyun suspiciously, "Why did you ask this suddenly? Didn't you have no interest in my affairs before?"

"Is it related to the murder case?" Feng Qianyun asked, Peng Tianyou came here because of his father, Peng Yilun is not someone who has nothing to do, so it must be very important for Peng Tianyou to come here.

(End of this chapter)

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