Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 500 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case

Chapter 500 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case (4)
"Yes." Peng Tianyou nodded.

"What is it, do you know the cause of death of those people?"

Peng Tianyou shook his head, "I'm not very clear yet, my father asked me to come because he suspects that this matter has something to do with the people of the Dragon Clan."


"Yes, it belongs to the dragon clan and belongs to a foreign race. My dad suspects that the scales that appear on his body after death should be dragon scales, but we don't know why." If he knew everything, Peng Tianyou wouldn't need to sneak into the school Doing in-depth investigation, "I didn't expect the other party to choose to do it when I was not around."

Peng Tianyou was regretting that he missed the murderer.

"Didn't the Dragon Clan become extinct early?" When Yan Sihang mentioned it to her just now, Feng Qianyun also thought of the Dragon Clan for a moment, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was impossible. The Dragon Clan had been extinct for so many years. If this A group of people are still alive, why there is no news about them for so many years.

"Yeah, it should be extinct, but there is no absolute in everything. Who knows if they have survived hiding among ordinary people!"

The dragon race is a foreign race, and it looks no different from normal people in normal times, and it is impossible to tell the difference with the eyes.Only when injured, scales will appear on the surface of the dragon's body, and the wound will heal quickly, which is dozens of times faster than that of ordinary humans.

"Then what is the cause of Ye Shanshan's death? Ye Shanshan can't be a dragon."

Feng Qianyun, who had crossed paths with Ye Shanshan, was sure that Ye Shanshan couldn't be from the dragon clan, and if she were from the dragon clan, it wouldn't be so easy.

"They're not, so I don't know why dragon scales grow on their bodies." Peng Tianyou hasn't investigated these things clearly yet. "By the way, why are you asking so many questions? Are you interested in this incident?"

"I'm really interested, but I'm just asking. As long as what happens next has nothing to do with me, I'll just listen to it as a joke."

"Oh, it's really noble and glamorous." Peng Tianyou said half-jokingly.

"It's not being noble and glamorous. It's called being aloof. There are so many injustices in the world. If you see one and just get involved, it's just looking for trouble. As for me, I don't have the spirit of a hero by nature."

"Since I have known you, this sentence is the most pleasant, because I also have the same opinion as you, but it is a pity that I have a father who is full of heroic spirit, so I have suffered." Peng Tianyou said helplessly. Well, if it was him himself, he wouldn't want to do this drudgery either, his father's orders must be obeyed!

Feng Qianyun doesn't have many classes on Monday. There are two classes in the morning, and no classes in the afternoon and evening. So when the bell rang at [-]:[-] noon, Feng Qianyun planned to pack her schoolbag and go back to the villa. She was concerned about the Dragon Clan. You can ask Lie Que, he should know more things.

As soon as he left the teaching building, he bumped into Ruan Tiange who was walking in a hurry. As soon as Ruan Tiange saw Feng Qianyun, he stepped forward and blocked her way.

"This classmate, what are you doing?" Feng Qianyun instinctively kept Ruan Tiange from hell.

"Where is Lu Hexiang?" Ruan Tiange slapped his face with such a sentence.

"Where is Lu Hexiang, you ask me, it seems that you are asking the wrong person."

"I know that Lu Hexiang and the others had some quarrels with you, but they were just unhappy for a while, and they never thought of doing bad things. You punished them too, so just let them go." Ruan Tiange said seriously to Feng Qianyun It seems that Lu Hexiang's disappearance has something to do with her.

"But in fact, I don't know where Lu Hexiang is. You also said that I have punished them. The premise of my punishment is that they want to punish me. I prefer an eye for an eye with an eye for an eye. I didn't take the initiative to find others. A troublesome habit."

Feng Qianyun answered Ruan Tiange's words very seriously. Could it be that Ruan Tiange still suspected that she had kidnapped Lu Hexiang?Is she that untechnical?

"Who else would it be if it wasn't you?" Ruan Tiange didn't believe what Feng Qianyun said, and grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand, "Come with me!"

Feng Qianyun shook her hands twice, but Ruan Tiange grabbed her so tightly that she couldn't shake her off. Can she be violent in the campus under the eyes of everyone?

It doesn't seem to be possible, this is a school, if she acts recklessly, she will be demerited.

Feng Qianyun was dragged to the gymnasium by Ruan Tiange, and Ruan Tiange took out her mobile phone to show Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun saw a text message from Lu Hexiang displayed on the mobile phone, the content was: "Tiange, I have already arrived at the gymnasium, I will call first by myself, come over quickly after class."

The text message was received 10 minutes ago.

"When I received the text message, I was already outside the gymnasium, but I didn't see Lu Hexiang after I entered." Ruan Tiange said.

Therefore, Ruan Tiange suspected that Feng Qianyun held a grudge against Lu Hexiang because he wanted to rectify Feng Qianyun before. Feng Qianyun wanted revenge, so he took Lu Hexiang away who had already arrived at the gymnasium.

After listening to Ruan Tiange's statement, Feng Qianyun did not speak, and did not refute Ruan Tiange's words.

Feng Qianyun frowned, her attention seemed to have shifted to something else, and she was not listening to Ruan Tiange's words anymore.

Ruan Tiange thought that Feng Qianyun had acquiesced.

"What's wrong? I have nothing to say, right? Where did you take people? If Lu Hexiang did something wrong, I will apologize to you on his behalf, even if they did something wrong, It's just a small fight between classmates."

Ruan Tiange tried to calm himself down and tried not to lose his temper with Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun didn't speak because she acquiesced, but because she noticed something strange.

Feng Qianyun pointed to the position in front of her right and asked Ruan Tiange, "What is that position?"

"I'm asking you something now, don't change the subject!" Ruan Tiange was dissatisfied with Feng Qianyun's changing the topic to unimportant things.

"I'm asking you now, please, now! Now! Now! Answer my question!"

Feng Qianyun's eyes were ruthless, and her whole complexion changed.At this moment, she looks palpitating!

It was the first time Ruan Tiange saw Feng Qianyun's expression like this. The previous encounters were not very pleasant, but Feng Qianyun's expression was always casual, and she had never shown such a daunting expression before.

Perhaps it was Feng Qianyun's serious expression that shocked Ruan Tiange, and made him answer Feng Qianyun's question cooperatively, "The basement is a small equipment room, and most of the equipment stored there are discarded."

Ruan Tiange often haunts the gymnasium, and is familiar with every corner of the gymnasium.

"Normally there will be no one there, right?" Feng Qianyun's eyes looked in that direction with a dignified expression.

(End of this chapter)

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