Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 501 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case

Chapter 501 Reward for Lie Que, Z Big Murder Case (5)
"Yes." Ruan Tiange replied, except for a few boys who sometimes hid in that place to smoke. The gymnasium is a public place and smoking is prohibited, so some people would hide in the hidden basement to smoke.

"Follow three steps behind me, don't ask why now." After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she walked directly towards the basement.

Ruan Tiange didn't know what Feng Qianyun meant, but he did it anyway, because Feng Qianyun's expression made him inexplicably nervous.

Feng Qianyun clenched her fists, thinking about what she might encounter.

When Feng Qianyun reached the stairs, suddenly a black shadow came out, it was a person!

Feng Qianyun was sure that the person who flashed past in front of her was a person, but because the speed of the other party was too fast, Feng Qianyun could only see a black shadow, but could not see the other party's appearance clearly.

Ruan Tiange was also taken aback, the opponent moved so fast, like a ghost!
But in an instant, the black shadow disappeared, and there was no one else in the huge basketball court.

"Feng Qianyun, what is that?" Ruan Tiange felt uneasy.

Feng Qianyun didn't answer Ruan Tiange's question, and ran directly towards the basement. Ruan Tiange saw Feng Qianyun running down, and quickly turned on the lights in the corridor and basement, and ran down with Feng Qianyun.

Running down, Ruan Tiange was surprised by what he saw!

Lu Hexiang was lying on the ground, breathing weakly.

"Lu Hexiang, what's wrong with you, Lu Hexiang!" Ruan Tiange ran forward, grabbed Lu Hexiang's arm and shouted, suddenly felt that the touch of his palm was not quite right, looked down, and found that there were scales on Lu Hexiang's arm!

Ruan Tiange was stupid on the spot!
He stupidly forgot what he was going to do, this was the first time he encountered such a situation!
Feng Qianyun Zhengjing took out her mobile phone and called the police and an ambulance.

After the phone call, Feng Qianyun reminded Ruan Tiange, "Don't touch him, I have sealed the acupuncture points all over his body, preventing the blood flow in his body, let him maintain this position now."

Ruan Tiange has completely lost his mind now, even if Feng Qianyun didn't say anything, he probably wouldn't take any action.

Half an hour later, the police and ambulance arrived, and Yan Sihang was undoubtedly there too.

The dying Lu Hexiang was carried out from the basement. Feng Qianyun told the medical staff to try not to let Lu Hexiang's body shake.

After watching Lu Hexiang being carried into the ambulance, Feng Qianyun planned to leave. She wanted to leave, but Yan Sihang refused to let her do so.

The expression on Yan Sihang's resolute face was serious, "Feng Qianyun, what happened just now?"

"I don't know. He was already like this when I arrived. I sealed his acupuncture points to save his life temporarily." Feng Qianyun answered Yan Sihang's question.

Feng Qianyun met Yan Sihang's eyes, her eyes were clear and fearless, whatever he thought, she had a clear conscience anyway.

Yan Sihang didn't know what kind of mood he was in at this time, he once again saw the ability of this girl who once made him hate to the extreme!

He knew how good Feng Qianyun's medical skills were when he was in M ​​city. His grandfather's illness was cured by Feng Qianyun.He knew very well that the reason why the victim hadn't died like the previous two was because of Feng Qianyun's timely appearance.

"An ordinary medical staff can't handle his situation." Yan Sihang said to Feng Qianyun, hoping that Feng Qianyun could help.

"You deal with this problem yourself." Feng Qianyun said that the matter of finding medical staff has nothing to do with her.

"You can help, right?" Yan Sihang asked Feng Qianyun, since she has the ability to delay Lu Hexiang's death, it might be possible to save Lu Hexiang.

Yan Sihang was a little shy to say such words to the person he wanted to arrest in the past, but human life is at stake, even if he is embarrassed or entangled, he still has to say it!
"First, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of situation. I don't know if I can help; second, I have no obligation. First, I am not a policeman, and second, I am not a hero." Feng Qianyun directly rejected Yan Sihang's offer. ask.

"Just treat it as me begging you." Yan Sihang begged Feng Qianyun in a heavy tone.

He actually used the word "beg" to Feng Qianyun!He is following the wind and bowing his head!
"Did I hear you right? You begged me? Didn't you think I was a bad person and still wanted to arrest me?" Feng Qianyun thought it was a little funny, did the inspector take some wrong medicine today?

He is a high-ranking son, with an arrogant heart, and he would bow his head to others and make a request, and the person he is requesting is actually her?Is it going to rain red in the sky?

"Yes, I beg you, this is already the third victim. If the murderer is not caught, more innocent people will be harmed, and my colleagues and I have no clues at all. If you continue, there will be more misfortunes. If you can help me, I sincerely hope that you can help me regardless of past suspicions. It doesn’t matter if you are hostile to me, but those victims are your classmates.”

"I'm a bad person, and I won't save the victims just because they are innocent."

"Lie Que made me understand one thing. The good and evil I think may be... wrong." Yan Sihang learned a lesson once, knowing that his friends may also use him and hurt him, and what he thinks Bad people will help themselves instead, right and wrong, right and wrong, it seems that it is not as clear as he once thought, there may not be such a clear dividing line between good and evil, "I think, maybe you don't want what I thought It’s so bad, at least so far I don’t have any evidence to prove that you have done something outrageous.”

"All these good things are just asking for my help. If you want me to save someone, it's very simple, just give me money. As for asking me to help you track down the murderer, forget it. I'm not a policeman."

Ruan Tiange had been listening to the conversation between Yan Sihang and Feng Qianyun from the sidelines, as if he hadn't recovered from what happened just now, but now he heard Feng Qianyun said that he would need money to save Lu Hexiang.

"I'll pay how much it takes to save him!" Ruan Tiange hurriedly said.

"You pay?" Feng Qianyun turned to look at Ruan Tiange, "Lu Hexiang is just your teammate, right?"

"Yes." Ruan Tiange nodded.

"Let me remind you first that my prices are always high, and you may not be able to afford them."

(End of this chapter)

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