Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 507 The real culprit, open up the market

Chapter 507 The real culprit, open up the market (1)


An incomparably tragic cry resounded through the quiet laboratory building after nightfall, louder than the dragon's chant.

Facing the "monster" that suddenly appeared, Feng Qianyun was calm as if she had seen it countless times.

It would be a lie to say that there was no surprise at all, this was the first time Feng Qianyun saw it with her own eyes, and she was somewhat shocked.

The lights that had been turned off just now were turned on in time, and the laboratory was bright again. The laboratory, where all kinds of props were placed neatly, was in a mess at this time. There were glass fragments all over the floor, and glass products such as test tubes and flasks were also broken There was a lot, and the top of the counter and test table was a mess.

With the light, the "monster" was seen more carefully.

The dark green scales looked a bit weird, but they were a symbol of his noble status.

Peng Tianyou and Han Mojue hurried over.

"Little daughter-in-law, I fixed the switch that was turned off." Han Mojue ran back after fixing the switch, and was quite surprised to see the "monster" in the room, "I wipe it, what is this?"

Han Mojue shrank his neck, feeling that the "monster" in front of him was really ugly.

Peng Tianyou was stunned for a long time, and asked a little dullly: "Is it really the Dragon Clan?"

Because of the dark green scales, Peng Yilun suspects that the murderer is the Dragon Clan, but that is only a guess after all, because the Dragon Clan has disappeared for a long time, but at this moment, Peng Tianyou has witnessed a fact with his eyes, that is, the Dragon Clan has not disappeared!
The appearance of Han Mojue made the dark red pupils of the "monster" dilate, which seemed a bit unexpected.

Feng Qianyun kept the other party's surprise in his eyes, "Don't be surprised, I called him, the person who fought with you just now is Lie Que, not the enemy you thought, I just want you to show up. "

Hearing this, the "monster" knew that he had been deceived, and gradually let go of Hua Zihao's hand.

This scene puzzled Peng Tianyou and Han Mojue who came in a hurry.

"Little daughter-in-law, what's going on? Do you know who it is?" Han Mojue asked.

"Yeah, Feng Qianyun, what's going on?" Peng Tianyou looked at the "monster" warily, ready to fight at any time.

Feng Qianyun's attitude was a little loose, she was sure that the other party would not hurt herself, let alone a man beside her, "Not only me, you also know each other, especially you, Han Mojue."

"Me?" Han Mojue was taken aback by Feng Qianyun, he was sure it was the first time he had seen this monster.

In order to verify what Feng Qianyun said, Han Mojue deliberately took two steps closer to observe the "monster" at a close distance.

Under the watchful eyes of several people, the dark green scales on the "monster" gradually faded, revealing his original skin.

When the scales on his face faded halfway, Han Mojue's footsteps stopped, he, he was...

Finally, the scales faded, and the "monster" turned into an ordinary person.

"Heying? How could it be you?!" Han Mojue's anger burst out all of a sudden, he felt that he had been deceived and betrayed, this was the most unbearable thing for him!
He Ying bowed his head, "I'm sorry, young master."

Han Mojue stepped forward and grabbed He Ying by the collar, "Tell me, why are you trying to kill someone!?"

"Young master, I..." He Ying was speechless.

"Okay, Han Mojue," Feng Qianyun stopped Han Mojue, she knew that Han Mojue was really angry, and even she felt chills down her back with such a ruthless expression, "He did this for you."

Since Heying herself is unwilling to explain, let her explain it for him.

"For me? To harm someone for me? What the hell is this!" Han Mojue yelled, he didn't want to believe such nonsense!
"He was doing it for an experiment. You haven't forgotten that you have two different bloodlines in your body, right? Now that you have obtained the thing to take away the demonic voodoo in your body, but you haven't found a way to fuse the two bloodlines. Once you are suppressed by the demonic voodoo If the dragon blood in your body recovers, your body will definitely not be able to bear it."

Feng Qianyun explained for Heying.

"I know my body well, so what does it have to do with him doing this kind of thing?" Han Mojue roared, furious beyond measure.

"Using other people's bodies as an experiment to test the fusion of dragon blood and ordinary people's blood, he prepared some medicines to assist in the fusion, but he needed clinical experiments to verify, so he used his own dragon blood and auxiliary blood. The drug was injected into the body of ordinary people, and the test results. But obviously, they all failed."

"Fuck! What a mess, what dragons, these have something to do with me!" Han Mojue punched the table next to him, his fist pierced through the table, and sawdust pierced his skin.

"He told you early on, you have half of the alien blood in your body." Feng Qianyun didn't stop Han Mojue from venting, let him vent, it's better than holding back, "I tested that A scaled arm, in addition to two different blood cells, there is also a medicinal ingredient. Although I have not done DNA verification on the blood, I think there should be two similar DNAs in it, the DNA of the dragon and the DNA of ordinary people. More than 90.00% of the DNA is similar. Ordinary people have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and dragons have 25 pairs, but dragons have two pairs of chromosomes that are completely maternally inherited, so Han Mojue, you also have 25 pairs of chromosomes. If you don’t believe it, You can try it out."

"There is also a drug in the arm. It should be the drug developed by Mr. Heying to imitate the magic bug. I took your blood and compared it with the drug. The special ingredient in your blood is the same as that of Lu Hexiang's arm. The unknown drug in it is very similar, so I'm sure it's related to you, and I think only Mr. Heying will do it."

Feng Qianyun knew that Han Mojue would not do such a thing, so the most likely person was to take a group photo for Han Mojue's sake.

"So I asked Lie Que to pretend to attack He Ying and lure him here." Among them, Lie Que was the only one who was able to fight He Ying unscathed.

He Ying did this for Han Mojue, so he would not hurt Feng Qianyun.

"I didn't know that the person who attacked me was Lie Que. I thought it was my master's former enemy. After chasing me to the laboratory, he disappeared. Unfortunately, I bumped into Miss Qian Yun again. I was afraid that she would recognize me, and then I was afraid that I would accidentally injure her when I was fighting with the other party, so I turned off the electric switch, and then broke the glass window, trying to scare her away, so I can fight against my opponent without any worries."

Turning off the switch and breaking the window to scare away the opponent is obviously ineffective against Feng Qianyun.

(End of this chapter)

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