Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 508 The real culprit, open up the market

Chapter 508 The real culprit, open up the market (2)
He Ying didn't frighten Feng Qianyun, but frightened the other four people in the laboratory, especially Hua Zihao, who still hasn't come to his senses until now, and he doesn't know if this scare will scare him. left sequelae.

"Han Mojue, it's very detrimental for the dragon clan to take away your own dragon blood essence. If you take too much, it will endanger your life. By doing this, Heying not only harms the lives of others, but also consumes your own life. "Feng Qianyun added.

Han Mojue didn't make a sound for a long time. He stared at Feng Qianyun, only to see Feng Qianyun patted him on the shoulder, giving him silent support. She told him everything she knew. What is she going to do about this matter? It's his own business to deal with, as a friend, all Feng Qianyun can do is support.

Han Mojue looked at Feng Qianyun, feeling distressed for a moment, yes, he felt distressed, he died, how could He De let others harm others for him, how could He De let others do this and that for him of.

The anger in my heart gradually calmed down, turning into a wave of sadness.

Han Mojue also has a fragile side. He raised his hand and gently stroked Feng Qianyun's cheek, "I didn't want to live at first, but you told me to live a good life, so I can live a good said Do whatever you want."

The palm of his hand is warm, it is Feng Qianyun's body temperature, he is very greedy...

Not everyone can understand Han Mojue's sadness. He has a beautiful appearance that everyone is jealous of. He likes to joke, bicker with others, and make troubles.

But he... is facing the danger of death at any time, and he has to endure greater pain than those patients who suffer from terminal illnesses that everyone is familiar with.

Suddenly, the warmth in his hands left him, Feng Qianyun in front of him was pulled away a few steps, raised her head, and Han Mojue met Lie Que's eyes.

Lie Que didn't say anything, just hugged Feng Qianyun in his arms.

Feng Qianyun turned her head and glanced at Lie Que who was hugging her from behind, and found that there was only a slight smile on his face, and she didn't see any displeasure.

What's the matter, you're not angry, so what's the point of pulling her away so hard?
"That's the end of this matter. From now on, He Ying, you are not allowed to do this kind of thing in private again. Just let me be responsible for your young master's affairs." Feng Qianyun said to He Ying.

Then Feng Qianyun turned to Peng Tianyou and asked him, "Peng Tianyou, do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes, I want to know about the Dragon Clan!" Peng Tianyou didn't come to investigate the murder case, but came for the legendary Dragon Clan.

"Well, I think you should have nothing to do. From today onwards, you don't need to come to school anymore. Hurry up and go back to your father. Tell him what you can tell him."

"I said that I want to know about the Dragon Clan!" Peng Tianyou said loudly, emphasizing once again that he has nothing to do.

"I said you're fine, that's fine, that's all, let's go, seeing that you're quite old, it's tiring to come here every day to pretend to be a college student."

"How can I be so old? I'm only in my 20s! I'm a handsome young genius who is invincible in the universe!"

"I'm only in my teens this year, do you think you're old to me? If you don't have anything to do, disappear quickly, or we will beat you until you disappear." Feng Qianyun deliberately drove Peng Tianyou away. There is no need for people from the alliance to participate in this matter.

"Feng Qianyun, are you worried that I will make things worse?" Peng Tianyou guessed, Feng Qianyun's attitude showed that she really didn't want him to investigate any further.

"Yes." Feng Qianyun replied with certainty, Peng Tianyou himself is fine, but he is Peng Yilun's son, so Peng Yilun's identity is more problematic.

"Well, you are right to be worried. My dad asked me to come. If there is really something about Han Mojue and He Ying that threatens the alliance, I can't pretend that I don't know anything about it." Although In the opposite position, Peng Tianyou still agrees with Feng Qianyun's behavior, "But...Feng Qianyun, the future chairman of the alliance will definitely be Xia Wufeng, so if there is really something going on here, your opponent will be Xia Wufeng, Not my dad."

His father would hand over the chairmanship of the alliance to Xia Wufeng, which was almost a nail in the coffin.

Xia Wufeng... Feng Qianyun smiled wryly, maybe she and that person are destined to become rivals!
He Ying lowered his head, "I made this happen, and I am willing to accept the punishment."

"Come on, Heying!" Han Mojue roared again, not allowing Heying to continue, "I'm the cause of this incident, and you are not to blame for this incident. I will go to Yan Sihang tomorrow."

He Ying is wholeheartedly for himself, he no longer has any right to blame him.

"No, young master!" He Ying said excitedly, how could he make the young master responsible for what he did!

"Stop talking!" Han Mojue said to He Ying in an orderly tone.

"not me……"

"You all shut up!" Lie Que said coldly.

In a word, the voice was not loud, but he successfully used his momentum to shut up both of them.

Lie Que glanced at the situation in the laboratory, then walked up to Hua Zihao and the four of them, stretched out his hand, and placed Lie Que's palm on top of Hua Zihao's head.

Hua Zihao was still in a daze, just staring at his eyes. After a while, his eyes were closed tightly and he fell asleep.

Seeing this, the three of Lin Shufen and the others were terrified. The three huddled in a corner of the laboratory, looking at Lie Que vigilantly and fearfully, "What do you want to do, don't come here!"

Although they didn't know what Lie Que did to Hua Zihao, their survival instinct told them that it would not be a good thing.

Lie Que approached them like a king, no matter how much they resisted, they couldn't stop this king-like man from approaching.

Then, the three of them also passed out like Hua Zihao.

"Lie Que, what did you do to the three of them?" Han Mojue asked puzzled.

"I have blurred the memory of the four of them tonight." Lie Que said, "Everyone will pretend that what happened tonight never happened, and just leave the investigation to the police."

Lie Que said to everyone.No one is going to surrender, as if this never happened.

Seeing this, Peng Tianyou was dissatisfied with Lie Que's behavior, "Lie Que, how could you, it is a fact that He Ying harmed people..."

Lie Que raised his eyes and looked directly at Peng Tianyou, with an imposing manner that made Peng Tianyou shrink back involuntarily. The man's serious eyes are really scary!
Peng Tianyou lost to Lie Que by a large margin in terms of momentum.

"Do you want me to blur your memory too?" Lie Que asked Peng Tianyou very calmly, in that tone, as if the content of the question was: What would you like to have for dinner today?
(End of this chapter)

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