Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 510 The real culprit, open up the market

Chapter 510 The real culprit, open up the market (4)
The pharmaceutical factory was bought by Han Mojue for Feng Qianyun. It was an ordinary western pharmaceutical factory, but it closed down due to poor management. Some transformations were carried out to make the pharmaceutical factory meet Feng Qianyun's requirements.

"Okay, I got it, I'll do it now." Yi Che took the list Feng Qianyun gave him and got up to do it.

Yi Che would not mess up such an important matter.

After Yi Che left, Tang Ze came over and asked Feng Qianyun, "Boss, is the store in the provincial capital ready?"

"Not yet, the provincial capital is not in a hurry. My first market will be in M ​​City." For Feng Qianyun, the environment in M ​​City is more suitable, and she has acquaintances here who are very helpful in the promotion of her medicines. big help. "Help me drive, I'm going to meet someone, oh yes, take the hundred-year-old ginseng that I brought over for Yi Che to appraise for me last time."

"Okay, boss, wait a minute. I'll go get the ginseng and pick up the car from the garage." Tang Ze didn't ask any further questions, and hurried to do it after hearing Feng Qianyun's order.

Feng Qianyun nodded.The person she is going to visit is Mr. Yuchi, whom she hasn't seen for a long time. She wants to expand the market in M ​​City, and she needs the help of this Taishan Beidou character very much.

Tang Ze drove and sent Feng Qianyun to the headquarters of Yuchi Group.

This is the first time for Feng Qianyun to set foot in the headquarters of Yuchi Group. Speaking of which, she herself is a major shareholder of Yuchi Group. If she is willing, it would be quite comfortable to get a position in Yuchi Group and live her life as a petty bourgeoisie.

Feng Qianyun entered the Yuchi Group, and said to the front desk lady: "Hi, I'm looking for old Mr. Yuchi."

The receptionist looked down at Feng Qianyun who had no advantage in height, "Excuse me, kid, do you have an appointment?"

"No, but I know Mr. Yuchi, please tell him about Feng Qianyun's visit."

"I'm sorry, I can't let you in if you don't have an appointment." The front desk lady refused, regardless of whether she was Feng Qianyun or Yun Wanyun, why did she let such a half-grown kid to see the chairman?
"I'm sorry, but I hope you can make a phone call to confirm with Mr. Yuchi, it won't take you much time." Feng Qianyun pointed to the phone in front of the front desk lady, and made a phone call to confirm It's just a little effort.

But the lady at the front desk ignored it, "If everyone who comes to the chairman asks me to call the chairman to confirm, then I won't be able to spend a day on the phone. Besides, who is the chairman? Anyone who wants to make a phone call?"

The lady at the front desk gave Feng Qianyun an angry look, and without considering who she was, she asked her to call the chairman's office on the top floor to confirm. For her, this was not necessary at all!

Seeing that the front desk lady was rude to Feng Qianyun, Tang Ze was a little angry.

Feng Qianyun reached out her hand to stop Tang Ze, and shook her head at him, she can't let Tang Ze do it, it's not a good thing to turn things into violence.

Feng Qianyun was glad that she had her mobile phone with her when she went out, and Yu Chixiong's private number was stored on her mobile phone.

After only two rings, the other party answered the phone.

"Xiaoyun, you girl, you haven't called me for so long!" The phone was connected, and Yu Chixiong complained from the other end, "Just like Xiaoxiu, you don't know how to contact me." of!"

"Don't dare, I'm here to see you?" Feng Qianyun knew the old man's temper, and hurriedly said in agreement.

"Have you come to see me? Have you returned to M City? When did it happen? Why don't you come to Yuchi's house directly? Let's sit down and have a potluck together. After Xiaoxiu's child left, I was the only one in the big house." People, strangely deserted." Yu Chixiong sighed as he spoke, he was just such a grandson, and now he is not by his side, making him an old man so lonely!
"Grandpa Yuchi, I'm downstairs in your company. I want to come up to see you, but I need to make an appointment."

"Go, go, what appointment is needed? I'm very happy that you came to see me. Don't hang up, wait for me." Yu Chixiong said, putting aside the microphone that was talking with Feng Qianyun, and then called his secretary in , yelled at him a few words, Feng Qianyun could vaguely hear some on the phone, the old man has a good temper!
Then the phone at the front desk rang, and the lady at the front desk answered the phone, and after a while, her face turned pale.

As soon as the phone was hung up, she repeatedly apologized to Feng Qianyun and kept bowing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The front desk lady was terrified, how did she know that this little girl was really a distinguished guest!And he is also the major shareholder of their Yuchi Group!As long as this girl says a word, she will be fired in minutes! "Miss Feng, I'm really sorry, you adults don't remember villains, so don't take it to heart!"

"Can I go up now?" Feng Qianyun asked.

"Yes, yes, of course!" The receptionist said again and again, "Miss Feng, please, this is the special elevator for the chairman."

The lady at the front desk brought Feng Qianyun to the special elevator, and she did not forget to apologize for her behavior just now, "Miss Feng, I am so sorry, I made a mistake in eating just now, I hope you will give me a chance, I will definitely not have it." Next time!"

Tang Ze snorted coldly, this woman, sometimes looks down on people with dog eyes, and sometimes nods and bows like a pug, it's really disgusting.

Feng Qianyun and Tang Ze entered the elevator, and as soon as the elevator door closed, the front desk lady who was still bowing and apologizing finally disappeared.

"Tang Ze, why are you angry with her? The reality is like this. Don't worry too much about it." Feng Qianyun didn't think anything of it. This is the reality. If you are a servant, you will be looked down upon by others. Flattery.

If you don't want to be angry, you have to fight for it yourself.

Tang Ze remained silent, Feng Qianyun was right, but he still couldn't stop being angry.

The elevator went directly to the top floor, with a sound of "ding--", the elevator door opened, Feng Qianyun came out of the elevator, and Yu Chixiong's secretary was already waiting outside the elevator.

"Ms. Feng, hello, I am the chairman's secretary. The chairman's office is here, please follow me." The secretary smiled and led Feng Qianyun to meet Yu Chixiong.

Arriving at Yu Chixiong's office, Yu Chixiong stood up from the office chair and walked towards Feng Qianyun.

"Xiao Yun, I haven't seen you for a few months, you have grown taller!" Yu Chixiong looked at Feng Qianyun lovingly, he has always liked this child, and she saved the life of his only grandson, "Come on Come, sit here."

Yu Chixiong pulled Feng Qianyun to sit down on the sofa in the office.

(End of this chapter)

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