Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 511 The real culprit, open up the market

Chapter 511 The real culprit, open up the market (5)
The office is very spacious, one side is full of glass windows, through the glass windows, you can see the bustling streets, high-rise buildings, and overpasses of M City.

"Grandpa Yuchi, it's just that we haven't seen each other for a few months, not for a few years!" It's true that she has changed a bit, but the changes are not that great.

"Don't you know that grandpa and I are living like years now?" Yu Chixiong's words are not false at all, he is really living like years without his grandson by his side!
"Grandpa Yuchi, you miss your precious grandson, right?" Feng Qianyun smiled.

"I'm just such a grandson. Of course I would be reluctant to send him to such a far place! You too, know that I have become a lonely family, so you don't even come to see me!"

"Didn't I come to see you?" Feng Qianyun smiled and took the ginseng from Tang Ze's hand and handed it to Yu Chixiong.

"It's enough for people to come to see me, what more gifts should I bring!" Yu Chixiong opened the box and saw a high-quality ginseng plant. Feng Qianyun knew medicine, so the ginseng she chose would not be bad.

"Small care is not respect. This ginseng is wild, and there is something special about it. The place where it grows is rich in spiritual power, which is very good for prolonging life." Feng Qianyun explained.

"Hehe, Xiao Yun really has a heart." Yu Chixiong happily accepted the gift Feng Qianyun gave him. "By the way, Xiao Yun, what is the purpose of returning to M City this time?"

Yu Chixiong knew that Feng Qianyun's home was not in M ​​City, so she went back to H City after she finished treating Xiaoxiu.

"Grandpa Yuchi should know that I bought a pharmaceutical factory in M ​​City, right?" Feng Qianyun knew about Yuchixiong's personal and economic connections, so it was impossible for her to buy a huge pharmaceutical factory without knowing about it.

"I know, but Xiaoyun, you don't seem to be working." Yu Chixiong was not surprised by this. Xiaoyun is a girl who is proficient in medical skills and has a brain. It is not surprising to use her ability to do business.

"Well, I have been rectifying and reforming, and I am waiting for the medicinal materials in the medicinal planting base to mature." Feng Qianyun is determined to develop a one-stop package, from the source of the medicinal materials to the finished medicine, and she will do it all by herself. Some conditions are ripe, and I plan to start operating a pharmaceutical factory. I want to use the pharmaceutical factory to produce some medicines for sale.”

"This is a good thing!" Yu Chixiong believes in Feng Qianyun's ability, and also believes that if Feng Qianyun's medicines are sold, they will definitely sell well, she has real good things, "Grandpa Yuchi will definitely support you! "

"Then Grandpa Yuchi, why don't you use some practical actions to support me!" Feng Qianyun showed a sweet smile, and there was a sly gleam in the smile, like a scheming fox.

What kind of person is Yu Chixiong?

"You little girl! Well, you've got your attention on me!" Yu Chixiong said with a smile, "Tell me how you want me to help you."

"I need a market, and I need a reputation." Feng Qianyun replied. Whether a new product can occupy a part of the market is a very critical issue. The establishment of a new enterprise can quickly make a name for itself. The number is also very important, and the brand effect is what Fengqianyun needs.

"You want me to help you make a name for yourself?" Yu Chixiong asked.

"Grandpa Yuchi, you should have quite a few department stores under your name, so give me a counter." Feng Qianyun said, "More importantly, I want to borrow your connections from Grandpa Yuchi."

Yu Chixiong's relationship and contacts in the mall are unparalleled, and they are indispensable for a fledgling like Feng Qianyun.

"Hehehe, little girl, you're really smart!" Yu Chixiong said approvingly, "But I'm not that easy to talk to. Since Xiaoyun, you're here to discuss business with me today, I can't let you!"

As he said that, Yu Chixiong showed his businessman's shrewdness, "I can help with connections, and I can give you the counter if you want it for free, but inside, I also need to get something."

"Grandpa Yuchi, you might as well tell me what conditions you have." Feng Qianyun responded with a smile. When she came, she was ready for the conditions that Yuchi Xiong would offer. Things still have to be done according to business.

"I need a commission. I will take [-]% of your income in my department store, and I will take [-]% of your income elsewhere."

As soon as Yuchixiong opened his mouth, the shrewdness of the businessman was fully displayed.

He is very optimistic about Feng Qianyun's upcoming medicine, even though he still doesn't know what Feng Qianyun's upcoming medicine is, but he believes in Feng Qianyun's medical skills.

"I can give [-]% of the department store to Grandpa Yuchi, but I won't pay the rent; other places can only give [-]% to Grandpa Yuchi, and only in M ​​City." Feng Qianyun changed the conditions proposed by Yuchixiong.

"Girl, I will help you make a name for yourself. Isn't your offer a little too dark?" Her change almost cut in half the condition he just offered.

"It's not black, because even if it's only half of it, the income is very considerable. I have confidence in myself. In addition, I don't only have one medicine to sell. There are many other medicines behind it. The fame is temporary, but My business is long-term, and this business is definitely profitable for Grandpa Yuchi!" Feng Qianyun said confidently.

After listening, Yu Chixiong laughed loudly, "Haha, hahaha... Good girl, I have you!" She was very confident!it is good!He likes young people who are confident and courageous! "Okay, I've never compromised in my business with people. For the sake of you being Xiaoyun, I'll take a step back with you today!"

"Thank you Grandpa Yuchi for letting me be a newcomer!" Feng Qianyun said to Yu Chixiong very gratefully. Of course she has to give her face, he said that she regressed because of selling her face, so follow the old man's words!
In this way, Feng Qianyun's first goal of coming to M City has been achieved.

Next, Feng Qianyun still has some things to do. She has a series of actions to pave the way for her first product to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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