Chapter 512
Feng Qianyun chatted with Yuchixiong for a while before leaving, leaving the Yuchi Group, Tang Ze asked Feng Qianyun, "Boss, where are we going now?"

"Go to Bo'ai Hospital." Feng Qianyun said.

"Boai Hospital?" Boai Hospital is a well-known private hospital in M ​​City.

"Hmm..." I don't know what happened to old man Xue.

Feng Qianyun sells medicine by herself. If there are doctors from the hospital to advertise for herself and establish long-term cooperative relationships with some private hospitals, it will be equivalent to finding a long-term meal ticket.

Before rebirth, Feng Qianyun and Xue Yisen had a close relationship, and she was Xue Yisen's half-adopted daughter, but only she had those memories, Xue Yisen and Xue Yunran would not have them.

In this way, there is no friendship between Feng Qianyun and Xue Yisen.

When Feng Qianyun arrived at Bo'ai Hospital, she didn't ask anyone, and went directly to the director's office.

Arriving at the door of the dean's office, Feng Qianyun found that the door of the office was not locked, leaving a gap, and then Feng Qianyun made a move that Tang Ze always thought Feng Qianyun would not do.

She squatted down, and then engaged in voyeurism.

Through the crack of the door, Feng Qianyun saw a hot scene going on in the office. Of course, the hotness was one-sided, and Xue Yisen fled around like a frightened little animal.

"Doctor Zhen, don't do this, it's inappropriate..." Xue Yisen was forced to have nowhere to escape, and he was so big that he huddled on top of the office chair, looking embarrassed.

"Dean, what's wrong with this? We are all adults..." The woman took off her upper body, leaving only a sexy lace underwear, and the skirt on her lower body was still there.

"Dean, what are your worries? I know you are also interested in me, otherwise why did you stand up and help me solve the trouble when I encountered a doctor-patient dispute?"

The woman held Xue Yisen's tie in one hand, holding it like a pet.

She believed that Xue Yisen was interested in her. She was just a newcomer to Bo'ai, but Xue Yisen treated her so well and protected her everywhere, so why not be interested in herself?
"Listen to me, the person I like is my wife. I would not do that to other women. If there is something that misunderstood Dr. Zhen, I apologize!"

Xue Yisen was wronged. He has always been kind to the doctors and nurses in his hospital. Regardless of whether Dr. Zhen has just arrived at their Bo'ai Hospital, he is a person they love. It was the doctor's fault, he understood it, Dr. Zhen had tried her best to treat the patient, and it was not her fault that she couldn't save the patient in the end.

"Stop talking about your wife. No one in the whole hospital or M city knows that your wife has passed away for many years. Even your son Yunran always hoped that you could find another wife. When Yunran was young, You can make an excuse that you want to take care of him wholeheartedly, but he is almost twenty now and has grown up, so what do you have to worry about?"

Dr. Zhen bent down and let his full chest stick to Xue Yisen's chest, so scared that Xue Yisen bounced up and jumped three feet high.

Feng Qianyun hid outside the door and laughed. Xue Yisen is sometimes easily misunderstood. He treats people very well and protects his weaknesses. He protects his own people to the death. Help, he protects the doctors and nurses in the Pok Oi Hospital, so much so that the female doctors and nurses in the hospital always fall into his arms.

Of course, he looks like he is in his 40s when he is in his 30s. He is handsome, wealthy, talented and dedicated, and other advantages are also very important aspects.Such a man is hard to find these days!
Seeing that Xue Yisen was almost cornered, Feng Qianyun suddenly pushed open the door, rushed in, grabbed Xue Yisen's arm, and yelled arrogantly at the fucking Doctor Zhen: "Who are you? , why did you seduce my daddy?"

"Your daddy?" Dr. Zhen was confused by Feng Qianyun's words, not caring that he was still sleeping at the moment.

She only knew that Xue Yisen had a son, but she hadn't heard that he had a daughter. His wife died of illness when his son was very young. It is impossible for him to have a ten-year-old daughter!

"That's right, he remarried with my mommy, isn't it my daddy, is it your daddy?" Feng Qianyun pouted and shouted at the female doctor proudly.

"Are you remarried?" Doctor Zhen couldn't believe what he heard, so he asked Xue Yisen, wanting to hear him say it himself.

Xue Yisen didn't know where Feng Qianyun came from, but he was smart enough to judge the situation, "Yes, I'm remarried, this is my wife's daughter, and now it's also my daughter."

When Dr. Zhen heard this, he shrank his neck. It turned out that the dean had remarried.

Although she likes the dean very much, she is also a woman with a bottom line. She can boldly go after the dean and even seduce her, but she is not so low as to be someone else's mistress.

Dr. Zhen quickly picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, before leaving in a hurry.

As soon as Doctor Zhen left, Feng Qianyun let go of Xue Yisen's arm and smiled at him.

The situation just now was rather chaotic, Xue Yisen didn't look carefully, now looking at Feng Qianyun, Xue Yisen felt that Feng Qianyun looked familiar, "Are you... Yunran's classmate?"

"Uncle Xue has a really good memory." Feng Qianyun replied with a smile. She came here last time when Xue Yunran celebrated his birthday. Unexpectedly, Xue Yisen remembered her like this.

"Where, that kid Yunran usually knows a lot of girls, but he rarely introduced a girl to me so solemnly. You are the only one, so I have a deep impression on you." Xue Yisen replied, " By the way, why did you come here? you need my help?"

Xue Yisen asked very reservedly. He suspected that Feng Qianyun came to him because of relatives who were hospitalized or something, but it was not good to ask her directly if a relative was hospitalized. Being sick is not a good thing. It would be too rude to ask like this.

"I can't talk about helping, but I just have a business and I want to talk to you, Uncle Xue." Feng Qianyun smiled, and at the same time, she put on a mature and serious person that didn't match her age.

"Business?" This is really strange, there are quite a few people looking for him to discuss business with Xue Yisen, but this is the first time he meets someone like Feng Qianyun. "Okay, let me just listen to what business you want to do with me."

After tidying up his clothes, Xue Yisen put on a serious look, sat back at his desk, pointed to the seat opposite him, and signaled Feng Qianyun to sit down.

Feng Qianyun sat down generously, then took out a stack of documents and put them in front of Xue Yisen.

(End of this chapter)

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