Chapter 513
Xue Yisen is different from Yu Chixiong. Yu Chixiong has a certain understanding of her. He doesn't need Feng Qianyun's explanation to believe Feng Qianyun, but Xue Yisen doesn't have this level of understanding of Feng Qianyun. If Yun didn't show any results, why would Xue Yisen want to discuss business with her, a nobody?

Out of curiosity, Xue Yisen looked through the materials that Feng Qianyun gave him. The first thing Xue Yisen sighed was that the person who sorted out these materials was a master, and ordinary people couldn't make such materials.

The second is the information itself, which is an introduction to Feng Qianyun's upcoming pharmaceutical factory, which is indeed very tempting.

After reading it, Xue Yisen put the information over.

"It's perfect, but there is one key point. Why do you think that the drug you mentioned can be liked by consumers? And why do you think our hospital will use it?"

No matter how perfect everything else is, the most important thing is the product itself. If it has no value, no matter how good it is in other aspects, it will not last long. This is a very real problem, especially for medicines.

Xue Yisen didn't question Feng Qianyun himself, he only believed in the facts.

"I can give you a copy of the clinical trial data, but of course it will be a few days later." Feng Qianyun replied.It is not so fast to ask for a clinical trial data.

"Clinical trials? I don't need to see that thing. I have been in the industry for so many years, and I know very well that this thing can be faked. For the sake of profit, some companies can even bribe official certification agencies to confuse the public, and it has no practical effect on some people." Xue Yisen asked a very practical question, "If you want to prove to me that your medicine is indeed effective, you must show me some convincing evidence. I don't want a stack of data reports. I spend a little money for that kind of thing. You can get it too."

"Then what Uncle Xue thinks I should do?" Feng Qianyun asked Xue Yisen.

"This is your business. Now you want me to trust you, and I am not asking you to perform for me." Xue Yisen maintained a business-like attitude, and did not give up on Feng Qianyun at all.

Of course, in fact, Feng Qianyun didn't expect him to let him down.

The two were chatting in the office when the office phone rang.

As soon as Xue Yisen answered the phone, his expression changed, and he got up immediately, "I have urgent matters to deal with now."

By the time he finished speaking, Xue Yisen had already left his office.

Feng Qianyun stood up slowly, knowing Xue Yisen's habits, she knew that the phone call just now was probably an emergency, or a critical patient was sent to the hospital, or a patient had an emergency.

So at this time, the place where Xue Yisen hurriedly rushed to was probably the operating room.

Feng Qianyun stood up, and said to Tang Ze beside her, "Let's follow and have a look."

Xue Yisen was very fast, and went directly to change clothes, disinfect, and make all the preparations before the operation.

Xue Yisen, who put on a green surgical gown and a mask, went in to perform surgery on the patient accompanied by his assistant.

Feng Qianyun and Tang Ze came outside the operating room, and the patient's family members were crying. From the conversations between those people, Feng Qianyun probably knew that the patient who was rushed in was in a car accident and was in critical condition, so Boai Hospital's most authoritative The famous surgeon Xue Yisen performed the operation himself.

The lights in the operating room were always on, and the patient's family members were waiting anxiously outside. Feng Qianyun was also waiting with them. She came to discuss business with Xue Yisen today, but the business was not concluded, so she left without reason.

The operation was a bit long, and Feng Qianyun waited for more than an hour before the red light in the operating room went off.

Xue Yisen came out of the operating room.

"Doctor, how is my son?" the family asked Xue Yisen eagerly.

"The operation was successful, but the patient is still not out of danger. In the car accident, the guardrail pierced his spleen and lungs. His spleen and lungs were severely damaged. Now the steel bars of the guardrail have been taken out. We have done everything we can gone."

Xue Yisen took off his mask and told his family members the real situation of the Miaojiang patients.

The family members burst into tears on the spot.

Xue Yisen has seen this situation many times, at least he won't have too many expressions.

He was about to leave when he saw Feng Qianyun staring at him.

"Haven't you left yet?" Xue Yisen thought that Feng Qianyun had already left.

"We haven't finished our business yet, have we?" Feng Qianyun pointed to Xue Yisen's clothes, "We will continue after you change your clothes."

Xue Yisen thought, this girl seems to have more perseverance than he expected.

Xue Yisen took a while to change his clothes, and then asked Feng Qianyun to chat in the coffee shop downstairs of Bo'ai Hospital.

"What? After more than an hour, have you figured out how to persuade me?" Xue Yisen's attitude towards Feng Qianyun was quite good, but he still showed no mercy when talking about business affairs.

"What Uncle Xue wants is for me to prove my strength, and I think I can do that." Feng Qianyun replied, she is very clear about the most important thing that hinders the "business" between her and Xue Yisen. what is it.

"Oh? You seem to be very confident. Then, how are you going to prove your strength to me?" Xue Yisen was looking forward to it. This girl looked more confident than his son.

"If I hadn't been confident, I wouldn't have come to discuss business with you today, Uncle Xue. You are such a shrewd person, wouldn't you talk about unsure business with others, wouldn't you?" Feng Qianyun laughed.

"Are you complimenting me? Although this is very pleasant, it's useless for you to praise me. I don't like this when it comes to business."

"Hehe, the operation that Uncle Xue performed just now seems quite complicated." Feng Qianyun commented, Feng Qianyun looked at the patient when he was pushed out of the operating room. Many bones were broken, the spleen, lungs, stomach and other organs were injured to a certain extent, and the head was also obviously hit.

It is very difficult to operate on patients with multiple traumas. When performing surgery on a certain part, the load on other parts will increase. If there are multiple injuries, the difficulty of the operation will be greatly increased.

An operation like this would not be possible without an experienced doctor like Xue Yisen.

"It's really complicated." Xue Yisen replied with a smile, waiting for Feng Qianyun to continue. What she wanted to say was not just that the operation was complicated.

"But the patient's survival rate is not high. Even if he survived by chance, he may not be able to wake up. Just now, Uncle Xue only talked about the patient's internal organs with the patient's family, but he didn't seem to mention the problem with his head. , There is congestion in his brain, but his current physical condition is not suitable for removing the congestion, and if this continues, even if he is extremely lucky to survive, his brain nerves will be affected due to the delay in removing the congestion.”

(End of this chapter)

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