Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 519 Qiao Yun makes trouble, Yun is jealous

Chapter 519 Qiao Yun makes trouble, Qian Yun is jealous (3)
"And us!" Shang Xiaoye, Tang Luo, and Qin Miaoyun followed closely behind.

"How do you know what happened to the store?" These people are so well informed!

"Your fiancé told us!" Tang Luo smiled brightly.

Missing?Uh... is he worried about himself?Although he didn't ask much when she came back, he was still worried about himself.

"Aren't you busy for a few nights?" Feng Qianyun glanced at the four people in front of her. Ouyang Zhimin is going to school and at the same time doing the homework assigned by Ouyang's family. It is reasonable to say that he should be very busy, Shang Xiaoye said , I have two more brothers recently, so I have become busy for no reason. As for Tang Luo, he seems to be quite free, and what about Qin Miaoyun... When did she get spoiled?
"What can we do tonight, we plan to stay up with you tonight!" Shang Xiaoye said excitedly.

"Okay, if you want to follow, just follow." Anyway, it's no big deal, they can all follow if they want to.

As night fell, the neon lights on the street were still bright and colorful. The shop Feng Qianyun chose was located in the bustling area of ​​the city center, half of which would be empty only in the second half of the night, so no one would come to make trouble in the first half of the night.

Ouyang Zhimin and the others were in a good state of mind for no reason, none of them was sleeping, and they hid in the shop with Feng Qianyun, covering their bodies with cardboard.

Feng Qianyun didn't care at all, she sat on the spot and meditated, allowing the Tiangang vitality in her body to circulate for a week, not to mention sleepy at all, and quite energetic.

"Aren't all of you sleepy?" Feng Qianyun squinted at them.

"Not sleepy, not sleepy!" Ouyang Zhimin rushed to talk.

"We're not sleepy!" Tang Luo also said.

"Okay, idleness is idleness anyway, why don't we do something meaningful." Feng Qianyun suddenly suggested.

"Do something meaningful?" What meaningful thing?

"You three, start standing on your head." Feng Qianyun pointed at Ouyang Zhimin, Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun's names, and Shang Xiaoye was excluded by her.

Shang Xiaoye's situation is very different from the three of them. Ouyang Zhimin and the three of them are all advanced masters, but Shang Xiaoye is not. What's more, Shang Xiaoye's current body is already very different from that of ordinary people. .The Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure is in her body as her source of life.



"Don't stand still, I won't harm you." Feng Qianyun pursed her mouth.

Of course she would not harm them, the four people present couldn't be more clear about this.

I just didn't know why she suddenly told them to stand on their heads, although they were puzzled, the four of them obediently stood on their heads, and did as Feng Qianyun said.

"Follow the steps I said, don't make any mistakes." Feng Qianyun first reminded the three people, "Now start to gather Qi in the Dantian, gather as much as you can, and let the rest of your body be in a state of emptiness."

When Feng Qianyun said this, everyone understood what she meant by "meaningful things". It turned out that Feng Qianyun planned to teach them something. Although they don't know what it is yet, they It is very clear that the precipice taught by Feng Qianyun will be a good thing.

When the internal force in the body is condensed into the dantian, the faces of the three people have different degrees of urgency. Usually when using martial arts, they rely on gathering energy in the dantian, and then let the strength burst out, but if you really want to do it It is not an easy task to gather all the internal force into the dantian.

After Feng Qianyun said this, she did not give another order for a long time.

The three of them were in an upside-down position, all their internal energy went to the dantian, and their arms soon became sore.

"Can you still hold on?" Feng Qianyun asked, she saw that Qin Miaoyun, who had the lowest internal energy among the three, had already started to shake, but Qin Miaoyun was a woman with a strong desire to compete, so she would definitely hold on at this time.

"I can hold on!" Ouyang Zhimin gritted his teeth and said.

"Me too!" Naturally, Tang Luo would not just admit defeat.

"Very good, now raise one of your hands." Feng Qianyun said.

Shang Xiaoye watched from the side, Ouyang Zhimin's face was dripping with sweat, she hurried to wipe it for him.

In fact, the light in the room was very dark at this time, only the lights from the street outside came in, but Shang Xiaoye could see clearly, since she was rescued by Feng Qianyun, some parts of her body had undergone strange changes, such as Eyesight, she used to wear glasses, but now she can see clearly without glasses, even in the dark at night.

Shang Xiaoye thought it was the effect of the drugs she was injected with. People often say that if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing, so that's probably it.

Feng Qianyun kept the three of them in this position for a long time, and then continued, "Now gather the internal force you just gathered at the dantian into your palms, and I can tell you, the position you are in now is my For the future store, if a hole is dug out of the ground, I will ask you to fill it in for me."

Feng Qianyun's words were harsh enough.

Ouyang Zhimin and the three of them have reached a certain limit of physical function at this time, and the internal force they are desperately condensing at the dantian is a considerable force. Now they are directing the internal force to the palm of the hand, and one can't control it well. , the cliff will cause some kind of relatively bad consequences.

"If you want to ensure that you won't hurt the ground, you'd better control the speed at which you exert your internal strength." Feng Qianyun reminded the three of them.

Strong internal force is important, but the control of internal force is also an aspect that cannot be underestimated. It is useless to have strong internal force but use it improperly. On this point, Ouyang Zhimin is the weakest. Ouyang Zhimin's internal force To a certain extent, it was Feng Qianyun who hit him with the elixir, and the speed at which his internal strength increased did not match his own ability to use internal strength, resulting in his extremely poor control of internal strength.

The pros and cons of internal force control also affect their ability to transform internal force.

Of the three people in front of her, Qin Miaoyun's control ability is the best, so although her internal strength is the weakest among the three, she is the one who can transform her internal strength into form.


There was a small pit on the marble floor, and the culprit who made this small pit fell to the ground immediately, and his body fell heavily on the ground.

Ouyang Zhimin looked at Feng Qianyun apologetically, "I'm sorry Boss Yunyun, I..."

"Don't say I'm sorry." Feng Qianyun didn't blame Ouyang Zhimin.

Ouyang Zhimin was greatly moved, "Boss Yunyun, I knew you were the best for me!" Woohoo, Boss Yunyun treated him so well, I didn't blame him.

(End of this chapter)

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