Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 520 Qiao Yun makes trouble, Yun is jealous

Chapter 520 Qiao Yun makes trouble, Qian Yun is jealous (4)
"Just fill up the small hole you made tomorrow." Feng Qianyun smiled, "If I see that the hole is still there tomorrow, hehe..."

Ouyang Zhimin shivered, and I shivered, Boss Yunyun looks so scary!
"I see..." Isn't it just a small pit, he will find some concrete tomorrow, pad the bottom, and then replace it with a marble, the floor tiles will be fine.

"Well, let's continue." Feng Qianyun said again, pointing to Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun who were still persisting.


Ouyang Zhimin froze for a moment, feeling a little scared for no reason, he was not at all sure whether he could control himself well!
"Zhimin, come on, I support you!" Shang Xiaoye wiped Ouyang Zhimin's hands and encouraged him.

What can Ouyang Zhimin do? His girlfriend is just staring at him, and Boss Yunyun is just staring at him like this. If he just gives up like this, it's really unmanly.

So... before the saboteurs came, Ouyang Zhimin made several holes in the ground of the store. After landing here, Ouyang Zhimin only felt that the future was bleak.

If this is filled in one hole after another, Ouyang Zhimin guarantees that he will not be able to fill it in a whole day.

"Okay, you all stop, someone is coming." Feng Qianyun's perception ability is unique among the few, she can sense the arrival of the other party earlier than others.

Hearing this, several people quickly hid, the shop was still being renovated, there were many cardboard boxes, and cabinets, everyone hid in a hidden place, waiting for the arrival of the other party.

Ouyang Zhimin was really thankful for the thief's arrival, if it was later, he was afraid that he would destroy the shop, and then he wouldn't have to be punished by Boss Yunyun, he would commit suicide first and apologize.

Feng Qianyun had expected that the other party would be difficult, but the facts were quite different from what she expected.

The other party turned out to be a small group of people, including a woman who seemed to be the leader, and she directed the others to destroy the shop.

This woman... Feng Qianyun remembers her!That woman had spoken harsh words to her outside the villa that day.

Seeing the other party take out spray paint, hammer and other props, Feng Qianyun and the others have completely confirmed that the other party is the person they are looking for.

"Xiaoqi, stop them."

Following Feng Qianyun's voice, a white light flashed, and the Seven Star Dragon Yuan flew out of Feng Qianyun's body.

A dazzling white light suddenly lit up in the dark shop, making everyone who was planning to do something outside have to stop.

Qiao Yun covered her eyes with her hand, and she took it off after the white light disappeared, and then she saw Feng Qianyun.

She was caught on the spot for doing bad things, but Qiao Yun didn't feel ashamed at all.

"Yo, I thought it was something, it turned out to be you little bitch." Qiao Yun said with a sneer, seeing Feng Qianyun, she was furious.

What's so good about this little bitch that Lie Que can treat her specially?

"I don't know who it is, so it's you, Obasan, are you afraid that others won't know that you are cheap?" Feng Qianyun sarcastically said.

"Little bitch, what I did last night was just a small warning to you. If you accept it obediently, maybe I will let you go if I feel better. There are more hardships waiting for you!" Qiao Yun was very disdainful of Feng Qianyun.

"I just ask one question, why make trouble." This is the only thing Feng Qianyun is curious about. As for who this old woman is, what kind of power is behind her, and where does her self-confidence come from? Feng Qianyun has no clue at all. Interested to know.For an opponent who is sincerely looking for faults, Feng Qianyun has only one move, and that is to fight back, so it doesn't matter whether the opponent is strong or not, even if he is stronger than himself, can he be bullied for nothing?That's not her style.

"It's okay to tell you, who told you to be so cheap, and you are so close to Lie Que, I'm afraid you won't know how you died in the future, so I still advise you, stay away from that dangerous man!"

"Let me stay away from Lie Que? Then you can get close to him? Why do you look like you are jealous of me?"

After Feng Qianyun told her her true thoughts, Qiao Yun couldn't help but turned into anger, "I will be jealous of you? What a joke, do you know how long I have known Lie Que? We have known each other for 20 years!"

"If you want to compare this, I really have no way to compare with you, because I am only 13 years old this year, and I only have 13 years to die. Compared with age, I really have no way to compare with you, aunt. Also, aunt, how much do you spend?" You haven’t been able to get close to Lie Que for 20 years, don’t you think you’ve failed too much? Are you ashamed to use it as capital to show off? Is your brain short-circuited?”

Feng Qianyun's poisonous tongue is quite poisonous.

Age is a great pain for Qiao Yun. Although she tried her best to protect her appearance, she still couldn't withstand the erosion of the years. After so many years, Lie Que has not changed at all, but she is already old!

"Feng Qianyun, you don't need to be complacent, you won't get any benefits from me." Qiao Yun winked at the people behind her, signaling them to continue to sabotage.

They want to sabotage, Ouyang Zhimin, Tang Luo and others are not just a show.

Qiao Yun's complexion became more and more ugly as the people she brought were defeated one by one.

"Boss Yunyun, I found this thing from these people." Ouyang Zhimin handed Feng Qianyun a hard card.

Feng Qianyun took the CARD and looked at it. There was nothing special on the surface of the CARD, but this card reminded Feng Qianyun of the card of her senior appraiser. Some card information cannot be seen at a glance. .

"Go and drag the owner of this card here." Feng Qianyun said to Ouyang Zhimin.

Ouyang Zhimin hurriedly dragged him over with simple and rough movements.

Feng Qianyun cut the man's hand directly, letting the blood drip onto the card, and then some information was displayed on the card.

it is as expected.

Ouyang Zhimin and Tang Luo all leaned over to look at the card Feng Qianyun was holding, and saw the words "Class A Agent of the National Security Bureau" displayed on it.

Is it an agent of the NSA?
Feng Qianyun looked at Qiao Yun, and she saw Qiao Yun smiling triumphantly, "How is it? Are you scared? Don't think that you are a big deal because you knocked down a few people now, you will offend the entire National Security Bureau!"

Shang Xiaoye asked Ouyang Zhimin next to her in a daze, "Zhimin, is the National Security Bureau very powerful?"

Ouyang Zhimin nodded emphatically, can it not be powerful, it is a very important organ.

"Then why does such a powerful organization come to do such sneaky things?" Shang Xiaoye asked again. Since it is a very powerful organization, it is not strange to do things that only the idiots would do.

(End of this chapter)

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