Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 522 Baby, still don't admit that you like me?

Chapter 522 Baby, still don't admit that you like me? (3)
"Yes, yes! I think Miaoyun is super desperate!" Shang Xiaoye nodded in agreement.

"No! Xiaoye, didn't you sleep all night? Why do you still look energetic?" Ouyang Zhimin looked at Shang Xiaoye suspiciously, although Shang Xiaoye didn't consume as much internal energy as the others, But as an ordinary person who has not yet advanced, why did she stay up all night, help move things and run around all night, but still have nothing to do.

"I don't know, I don't feel tired at all." Shang Xiaoye couldn't tell what happened to him, he only knew that some strange changes had taken place in his body after being rescued by Feng Qianyun.

"Ouyang, you can't do this. Your girlfriend's physical strength is better than yours. From now on, the life of husband and wife will be disharmonious!" Tang Luo said with a smile.

"Get out! Damn Tang Luo, what nonsense are you talking about! Don't spoil my Xiaoye here!" Ouyang Zhimin was not happy when he heard Tang Luo's words, what did he mean?

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, you guys go out quickly, or you will be late for school." Tang Luo also knew that there is a limit to joking, and it is no longer a joke if it is too much, so he stopped the previous topic and urged Ouyang Only go to class with Shang Xiaoye.

"Well, Xiaoye, let's go, don't pay attention to this wretched guy like Tang Luo!" Ouyang Zhimin pulled Shang Xiaoye and hurried away, not caring about his dirty clothes, he was very embarrassed.

"Well, good." Shang Xiaoye is also in a hurry to go back to school. Her first class in the morning is a compulsory course. The teacher rolls her name every time. She doesn't want to be late. To our school, but there is only one bus every hour, so it’s hard to wait, why don’t we spend a little money to take a taxi to school today?”

In the past, Shang Xiaoye was absolutely reluctant to take a taxi to go to school. It cost a lot of money to take a taxi from the city center to their school!Taxis are so expensive now.But recently, she was abused by her two brothers who suddenly appeared, and she changed her mind slightly.

"Nonsense, of course you can take a taxi. The bus takes so long, you will be late!" Even if Shang Xiaoye said to take the bus, Ouyang Zhimin would have to drag her to take the taxi. Still can't afford the taxi fare, so that my girlfriend has to squeeze the bus at the risk of being late for class?

"Well, I'll go to the other side of the road and wait for a taxi. You can wash your face first. There's nothing wrong with dirty clothes, but you have a lot of limestone on your face. If you go to school, you will definitely be laughed at by your classmates. "Shang Xiaoye rushed Ouyang Zhimin to wash her face, while she herself went to wait for a taxi to save waiting time.

"Well, good." Ouyang Zhimin went to wash his face after a few words of advice.

In the early morning, there were not so many vehicles on the street, but Shang Xiaoye still waited in front of the sidewalk for a while, watching the red light turn green before leaving.

Shang Xiaoye has always obeyed the traffic rules, and she would never do such a thing as running a red light.

But when Shang Xiaoye walked halfway, a Mercedes-Benz sped out, ran through the red light and hit Shang Xiaoye.

Ouyang Zhimin just finished washing his face, and was walking towards Shang Xiaoye, when he saw the car rushing towards Shang Xiaoye, Ouyang Zhimin shouted: "Xiaoye!"

The moment Shang Xiaoye turned around, the Mercedes-Benz had already crashed into her!
Ouyang Zhimin's heart jumped out of his throat.


There was a flash of bright light from nowhere, Ouyang Zhimin could only hear the sound of violent collisions, but could not see the specific situation.

The loud voice attracted both Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun.

Then, the three of them were surprised to see...Shang Xiaoye standing there intact, while...the Mercedes-Benz was badly damaged.

The car hits a person, the person is fine, the car is destroyed...

Ouyang Zhimin was dumbfounded. A moment ago, the fear of losing Shang Xiaoye occupied all his thoughts, but at this moment, he saw Shang Xiaoye standing in front of him intact, and he felt a dreamlike unreality.

It was Tang Luo who reacted quickly.

He hurried to Shang Xiaoye's side to check if Shang Xiaoye was okay.

"Xiaoye, how are you? Are you injured?"

Shang Xiaoye herself was also dumbfounded, she didn't know what happened just now.

"Xiaoye! Can you hear me? Is there any discomfort?" Tang Luo saw that nothing happened to Shang Xiaoye, not even scratches.

Shang Xiaoye slowly recovered and answered Tang Luo's question blankly, "I can, I can."

"Then do you feel any pain now?" Tang Luo continued to ask.

Shang Xiaoye kept shaking her head, she didn't feel any pain.

Nothing happened to her!

The driver of the Mercedes-Benz still maintained the posture before the accident, steering the steering wheel and looking ahead, because what happened just now frightened him.

He was driving too fast, and it was too late to see someone brake, he thought he was going to kill someone, he really thought he was going to kill someone!

It happened so suddenly and so strangely that it confused everyone.

Ouyang Zhimin finally came to his senses, he quickly ran to Shang Xiaoye, and hugged her into his arms.

"Xiaoye, you scared me to death! You really scared me to death!" Ouyang Zhimin was very scared by Shang Xiaoye.

"I'm fine...Zhi Min, I'm fine..." Shang Xiaoye was fine, but no one knew why she was fine.

Tang Luo frowned, and looked at Shang Xiaoye thoughtfully, "Xiaoye, what happened just now, why did you emit a strange light when the car hit you?"

Shang Xiaoye shook his head violently, "I don't know."

Where did Shang Xiaoye know, she didn't know at all.

"My body has become a little strange since... I was brought back, but... I thought it was just a small problem... What happened just now... I really don't know what happened!" Shang Xiaoye said anxiously She was about to cry, and the fear of the unknown made her not know what to do.

"Xiaoye, don't cry, don't cry!" Ouyang Zhimin hugged Shang Xiaoye tightly, soothing her emotions.

"What about Zhimin? Will I be okay?" Shang Xiaoye was very scared, and cried while leaning against Ouyang Zhimin.

Tang Luo thought for a while, and then said to everyone: "Yunyun brought you back, I want to ask Yunyun, maybe she will know what happened to you."

Ouyang Zhimin immediately nodded in agreement, "Yes, Boss Yunyun must know what to do! Xiaoye, don't be afraid, we will find Boss Yunyun now!"

Ouyang Zhimin quickly dialed Feng Qianyun's mobile phone number.

(End of this chapter)

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