Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 523 Baby, still don't admit that you like me?

Chapter 523 Baby, still don't admit that you like me? (4)
At this time, Feng Qianyun was sleeping soundly, and the buzzing vibration of the mobile phone made Feng Qianyun unable to sleep. Turning over, she found that she seemed to be sleeping in the arms of a certain man...


Feng Qianyun took Lie Que's arm away, picked up the phone and glanced at it, the caller ID was from Ouyang Zhimin.

This kid had better have something really important.

Feng Qianyun picked up the phone, before she had time to say anything, she heard a lot of chattering.

"Boss Yunyun, Xiaoye was in a car accident! She was hit by a car! But she's fine, she's glowing, she..."

"Ouyang Zhimin, calm down, what is shining or not, you think your girlfriend is a light bulb? Well, I know what you are talking about. Sister Xiaoye had a car accident, but she is fine. What happened was the car. Right?" Feng Qianyun listened to the general idea, and almost guessed what happened to make Ouyang Zhi anxiously incoherent.

"Yes, yes!" Ouyang Zhimin nodded repeatedly.

"Let me ask you, is the owner of the car okay?" Feng Qianyun thought, it's better to ask about the situation of the car and the owner of the car first, Shang Xiaoye has the golden lotus treasure in his body, and the power of that thing is not easy to control, just in case If the force is too strong, it is possible to destroy even the people and the car.

"Um, the front part of the car was destroyed, the still alive..." The Mercedes-Benz is in good condition, the airbags are very effective, the owner was not injured, but he was shocked a lot, but that's what he deserves, who told him to drive indiscriminately of?

"Okay, where are you now?" Feng Qianyun had a general understanding of Ouyang Zhimin's situation, and it was time to talk to Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye about this issue.

"We are at the intersection in front of the shop..."

"You go to a coffee shop next to it and wait for me, I probably need a little time to go there." Feng Qianyun hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and then got up.

Lie Que grabbed Feng Qianyun back and pressed her back.

"Early in the morning, where are you going?" Lie Que pecked Feng Qianyun's face.

"Xiaoye had a car accident, and Ouyang was very scared. I have to go and explain to them about Sister Xiaoye." Feng Qianyun had no intention of hiding this matter, whether it was Shang Xiaoye herself or Ouyang Zhimin. , they all have a right to know.

"About the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure?"

"Well, when Xiaoye got into a car accident, the power of Jinlian Zhibao appeared automatically, which seemed to scare Ouyang and the others quite a bit."

"Haven't you taught Xiaoye to control that power?"

"No, I really want to, but I don't even know how to control that power." Feng Qianyun can control that power because she once devoured and absorbed part of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure.As for the control of power, she is a martial artist with a special body, so there is no difficulty. Shang Xiaoye is different. Let her have an epiphany, it is probably not feasible.

"If it doesn't work, let me help, and Ouyang and the others can be handed over to me." Lie Que suggested.

Those few people are not strong enough. Yunyun will need them in many places in the future, so they should improve their strength.

"Really?" Lie Que said so, he must have a way!
"Well, let's go, be careful on the road." Lie Que let go of Feng Qianyun as he spoke, and got up by himself.

He rarely slept for such a long time, because Feng Qianyun was sleeping in his arms, so he didn't wake up all this time, in fact, he woke up a long time ago.

When Feng Qianyun arrived at the coffee shop, the four of them were already staring at the neck of the giraffe.

"Boss Yunyun, you're here, tell us quickly, what's wrong with Xiaoye?" Ouyang Zhimin sat on the sofa in the coffee shop, and there was a row of coffee cups in front of him, all of which were empty.

Ouyang Zhimin drank all the coffee by himself. While waiting for Feng Qianyun to arrive, he couldn't hold back anymore, so he poured himself coffee cup by cup.

This is coffee, not mineral water!

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly." Before Feng Qianyun sat down, Ouyang Zhimin pulled her to tell her that he was not in such a hurry to rush to reincarnation.

Feng Qianyun sat down next to Qin Miaoyun, looked at the young couple sitting opposite, and explained to them what she knew.

"When I saw Xiaoye, she was injected with a lot of reagents. She has been used as an experimental subject for a while. You should have an impression of Xiaoye, right?"

Shang Xiaoye nodded. She was still sober at that time and knew that she had been injected with many strange medicines.

"Damn it!" Ouyang Zhimin punched the table in front of him, causing the coffee on the table to splash out.

After so many days, he didn't even know that Xiaoye had suffered so much there.

"Those medicines are not something normal people can bear, and Xiaoye is no exception. When I saw Xiaoye, she was already dying. At that time, many of her internal organs were completely damaged, and many nerves in her body were necrotic. So I implanted the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure into her body to maintain her life." Feng Qianyun explained.

"Golden lotus treasure?" Ouyang Zhimin didn't know what it was.

"You implanted the golden lotus treasure into her body?" Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun exclaimed in unison.

The two of them had seen the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure when they were in the arena, so they naturally knew how powerful this thing was.

"Well, the Jinlian Zhibao is a very physical ancient treasure. Now, the Jinlian Zhibao and Sister Xiaoye have merged into one, and the Jinlian Zhibao will exist in Miss Sister's body as the source of life to maintain Sister Xiaoye, but Tang Luo, Qin Miaoyun, you have also seen the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, and you know how powerful it is. Sister Xiaoye also obtained a very powerful power when she obtained the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure. It will be the full power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure. If you induce it , Elder Sister Xiaoye can control this power on her own."

"Of course, the current Xiaoye sister does not have the ability to use the power of the Golden Lotus Zhibao independently, but the power of the Jinlian Zhibao will be used independently when Xiaoye encounters danger, just like today's car accident, because Xiaoye has Life is in danger, so the power of the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure appeared on its own."

After Feng Qianyun finished explaining, she spoke so plainly and easily, I believe the four people present could understand what she said.

After being stunned for a while, Shang Xiaoye was overjoyed, "So, in the future, I can also fight like Ouyang and others, can fight bad people, can I do bad things with Yunyun?"

(End of this chapter)

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