Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 524 Baby, still don't admit that you like me?

Chapter 524 Baby, still don't admit that you like me? (5)
Shang Xiaoye has always been troubled by her poor talent, she never thought that she would get such an ability by a blessing in disguise.

After listening to Feng Qianyun's words, Ouyang Zhimin breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was nothing wrong with Shang Xiaoye's body, and then became a little depressed. Does this mean that Xiaoye will be stronger than him in the future?

The man's self-esteem made Ouyang Zhimin suddenly negative.

Tang Luo and Qin Miaoyun were amazed that Feng Qianyun actually implanted the golden lotus treasure into a person's body, thanks to her thinking about it, and thanks to her being able to do it.

"However..." Feng Qianyun just talked about the benefits brought by the Golden Lotus Treasure to Shang Xiaoye, but there are also disadvantages behind it.

Still have but?

When they heard that there was nothing wrong, Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye's hearts hung up again.

"But what?" Ouyang Zhimin asked hastily.

"In a sense, Xiaoye is no longer an ordinary 'person', so she will lose the abilities possessed by some 'people'. She... will live longer, but she will not be able to conceive."

Implanting the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure into Shang Xiaoye's body not only saved Shang Xiaoye's life, but also brought many benefits to Shang Xiaoye, but at the same time, there were also bad things.

"Can't get pregnant?" Shang Xiaoye hesitated for a moment, then glanced timidly at Ouyang Zhimin beside her.

Of course she doesn't blame Feng Qianyun for implanting the golden lotus treasure into her body, if not, she would have died a long time ago, but if there is no way to conceive a baby, then she and Zhimin...

"It doesn't matter!"

Afraid that Shang Xiaoye wanted to be wrong, Ouyang Zhimin reacted quickly this time, before Shang Xiaoye could say anything to him, Ouyang Zhimin took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"It's okay! I don't care about this problem! Really, I'm glad you survived! I'm sorry I didn't come to rescue you when you were suffering!"

"Zhi really don't care?" Shang Xiaoye didn't quite believe it.

"I swear, I swear to the sky in front of Boss Yunyun, if I have the slightest dislike for you, I will be struck by lightning!" Ouyang Zhimin swore hastily.

Feng Qianyun had goosebumps when she heard it. "Ouyang, what age is it, you still swear... Even if you want to swear, can't you wait for us to be away?"

"Boss Yunyun, what you said is wrong. A man's sincerity is never out of date. I think it is very practical to swear, Xiaoye, are you right?"

"Sister Xiaoye, I'm convinced of you. That swearing-mouthed and defiant guy back then has been trained by you to become what he is now. You must teach me your secrets later on." Feng Qianyun said with emotion.

"Yunyun!" Shang Xiaoye was so embarrassed by Feng Qianyun's words, she blushed and lowered her head.

"Okay, I've finished what I have to say." Feng Qianyun said.

"By the way, Yunyun, about the power to control the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, I..." Shang Xiaoye thought for a while, she only just now knew that there was a Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure in her body, and she knew nothing about the power to control that thing.

"Lie Que said, he will teach you to control." Feng Qianyun said.

"Really?" Shang Xiaoye was very happy, "Run Yun, don't worry, I will study hard!"

"Well, not only you, but also Ouyang, Tang Luo, Qin Miaoyun, you three also want to be with Xiaoye." Feng Qianyun said to the other three.

"We also want it?" Ouyang Zhimin wondered, "There is no golden lotus treasure in our body."

"Yes!" Tang Luo nodded.

Qin Miaoyun also looked at Feng Qianyun with a confused face.

"You don't have the golden lotus treasure in your body, but a man said that he wants to teach you and improve your abilities." Feng Qianyun told several people what Lie Que said to her in the morning.

"Really?" Tang Luo was overjoyed, they had seen Lie Que's abilities before, and he even doubted whether that man was human!

It is really a great fortune for martial arts practitioners to get advice from an expert!

"Really, but let me remind you first, be prepared. Although I don't know how Lie Que teaches people, I can be sure that he will never be gentler than me." Fengfeng said hello to a few people first .

"It's okay, we can bear it!" Ouyang Zhimin is not afraid, what he wants is this effect, otherwise, how can he improve his strength quickly and catch up with Shang Xiaoye, once Shang Xiaoye controls the Golden Lotus Supreme Treasure, he will become very powerful, As her boyfriend, how could he be weaker than her?

"Me too!"

"Me too!"

To a certain extent, Tang Luo is considered a martial idiot, not an idiot, but an obsession. As for Qin Miaoyun, who strives for strength and refuses to admit defeat, she very much hopes that she can become stronger, stronger, so as to protect herself and protect her. family.

Feng Qianyun nodded, "Then you can learn from Lie Que first during this time, I have other things to deal with." "Of order! My dear boss Yunyun!" Ouyang Zhimin said to Feng Qian Rhyme promised.

"And me! Yunyun, I will work hard and catch up with Ouyang, Miaoyun and Tang Luo as soon as possible!" Shang Xiaoye said confidently, finally had the chance to say such a thing!
"Hey, I don't need to talk about it. I can tell at a glance that he is a very hardworking person. Are you right, Xiao Yunyun?" Tang Luo smiled at Qin Miaoyun like a flower!
Qin Miaoyun's reaction was quite cold, and she didn't even look at Tang Luo.

She expressed her determination to Feng Qianyun, "Yunyun, thank you, I don't even know how to say thank you, you have helped me so much."

"Stop talking nasty words..." Feng Qianyun hurriedly stopped Qin Miaoyun from continuing.

(End of this chapter)

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