Chapter 525
As soon as Feng Qianyun left the coffee shop and went out, she ran into unexpected troubles.

"Excuse me, are you Feng Qianyun?" Several men in suits and black sunglasses appeared in front of Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun raised her eyes. Although the two men were dressed in nothing special, their serious expressions and their businesslike attitude probably represented a certain organization.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Feng Qianyun already knew that the other party might be a bad person, but in this case, it is more scientific for her to wait and see what happens.

"Hello, we are from the National Security Bureau. I would like you to come with us for some things." The other party took out his ID and showed his identity to Feng Qianyun.

Unlike the group of people yesterday, these people who came today took out ordinary documents, which can be understood at a glance.

A general organization has positive members and secret members, which is not surprising at all.

"Can I refuse?" While Feng Qianyun asked, she was already thinking about how to get away.It was actually a waste of time to ask this question. Judging by the number of people who came from the other party, one could tell that the other party had no intention of letting her go.

"I hope you can cooperate with us and don't make it difficult for us."

The voice of the man who was talking to Feng Qianyun was very cold. Although the words themselves sounded polite, anyone with a little hearing could understand the threatening taste in it.

To put it bluntly, if Feng Qianyun didn't cooperate, they would have no choice but to get rough.

As employees of the National Security Bureau, they came to find Feng Qianyun, which was fundamentally different from the group Qiao Yun brought last night. Last night, Feng Qianyun beat him up. Today, these people, Feng Qianyun If Qian Yun dared to fight against her, then there would be a big problem.

"Okay, but you also know that I am underage, I have to report to my guardian first, are you right?"

Feng Qianyun said with a smile.I really can't do anything to you, you are all uncles, I can't afford to provoke you as a commoner, but you have to do business, we are minors, you can't bully me as a minor in public, right?
The man paused, but he still insisted on preventing Feng Qianyun from calling, "Sorry, you can't make calls yet. If you need to contact the guardian, we will make another arrangement."

Don't let her call?

Feng Qianyun's eyeballs rolled around twice, and she probably guessed something. The National Security Bureau is probably after Lie Que, afraid that she will call Lie Que?
"Since I'm not allowed to fight, I won't fight!" Feng Qianyun shook her head helplessly, "Okay, let me walk with you."

"Thank you for your cooperation, please get in the car with us." The man pointed to the black car parked by the side of the road and said to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun didn't say anything, and slowly followed the man to the side of the car, and deliberately painted on it before getting in the car.

"Please hurry up and get in the car." The man urged.

"What's the rush, can't people with short legs walk slowly?" Feng Qianyun muttered, and then reluctantly got into the car.

None of the men in black noticed that at the moment when Feng Qianyun's ink was smeared, an earring was missing from Feng Qianyun's ear.

As soon as Feng Qianyun sat in, another man in black came in behind her, and another man came in from the other side. The two men sat on either side of Feng Qianyun, fearing that Feng Qianyun would jump off the car halfway. of.

Those in the front driver's seat and the passenger's seat are also dressed in the same way.

The car started quickly, cleanly and without muddy water.

"Well, this brother, I wonder what you want me to do with you?" Feng Qianyun asked the man on her left.

The man didn't turn his head as if he didn't hear her.

Feng Qianyun pursed her lips, then turned to the man on her right, "What do you want me to do?"

The man on the right ignored her as well, maintaining a sculptural face.

Well, they ignored her.

"I said, you don't have to say a word, anyway, you still have to talk to me when you arrive at the National Security Bureau, right?" Feng Qianyun thought, it is impossible for you not to talk to me, but now You want to know something from my mouth that took the initiative to call me to the National Security Bureau, not what I want to know from your mouth, "Actually, this man Lie Que has many shortcomings and many problems."

When Feng Qianyun took the initiative to chat about Lie Que, the man sitting in the front passenger seat turned his head, "How did you meet Lie Que? Why do you live together? What you just said about his shortcomings are what?"

Originally, no one planned to talk to Feng Qianyun. Their task was to bring Feng Qianyun back to the National Security Bureau, but if they could take advantage of Feng Qianyun's relaxation and get some useful information out of her mouth at this time, that would be fine. Very good.

"How did Lie Que and I meet? Uh... let me think about it, in which bar or in which nightclub did we meet, and it seemed to be a sex party..." Oh, how many years ago , I don't even remember it!
"How many years ago, how old were you!"

"I'm precocious, do you have an opinion? Don't you see that I'm precocious by looking at me like this?" Feng Qianyun generously gave the man a big roll of eyes.

A bit of unhappiness flashed across the man's face. Thinking about it, he was not as knowledgeable as Feng Qianyun. What kind of good could a woman who hangs out with Lie Que be?

"As for why we live's not easy, because we...are brother and sister!" Feng Qianyun lied without a drafter, so she blurted out.

"Impossible, you don't have to lie to me, Lie Que doesn't have a younger sister." The man said firmly.

"Why is it impossible for Lie Que to have a younger sister? People are raised by their parents, so why can't he have a younger sister?" Feng Qianyun retorted.

"Impossible is impossible. In a sense, Lie Que is a 'dead person', how could he have a younger sister?"

The man didn't realize that after the conversation, he hadn't gotten any useful information from Feng Qianyun's mouth, but he had been caught by Feng Qianyun.

But the man thought that since Feng Qianyun had such a close relationship with Lie Que, she should know something.


Feng Qianyun was taken aback for a moment, she didn't quite understand what the man meant when he said this, but she wisely didn't ask this question, but continued to mess around with the man.

"Why can't a dead person have a younger sister? For example, when you die, your parents are heartbroken and decide to have another child. So nine months later, they gave birth to a beautiful and lovely girl. Isn’t that girl the sister of a dead man like you?”

(End of this chapter)

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