Chapter 528
So Feng Qianyun had no choice but to find Lie Que to pick her up.

"Lie Que, are you free now? Can you come and pick me up? Well...I'm on Pinghua happened. He Ying said that Han Mojue's magic gu has moved."

Feng Qianyun and Lie Que answered the phone after a few words of explanation.

After waiting for less than half an hour, a black Land Rover stopped beside Feng Qianyun.

The driver was Lie Que.

"Why so fast?" Feng Qianyun hurried into the car, a little puzzled, she thought it would take at least an hour to drive this section of the road.

"Will you get motion sickness?" Lie Que asked without answering.

"will not."

"Okay, sit tight."

As soon as Lie Que finished speaking, Feng Qianyun understood why it took him less than half an hour to complete the one-hour drive.

He races!
Facing the extremely fast-moving scenery in front of the car, Feng Qianyun looked down at the dial of the car again. He used to work part-time as a racing driver, right?
The pointer on the dial points to the end, indicating that the current driving speed has exceeded the standard maximum speed on the dial.

He remodeled the car!

Feng Qianyun immediately realized this.

Looking at Lie Que who was concentrating on driving beside him, Feng Qianyun felt in a daze.

It is said that a man's expression is the most attractive when he is serious. Feng Qianyun didn't quite believe this before, but looking at Lie Que today, Feng Qianyun believes it a little bit. His appearance when he is serious is indeed... quite handsome.

Under Lie Que's extreme speed, the two arrived at Han Mojue's house in 10 minutes.

Feng Qianyun hurried upstairs.

Just after ringing the doorbell, He Ying anxiously waited for Feng Qianyun to open the door quickly.

"Miss Qianyun, you are here!" Seeing Feng Qianyun's He Ying was like seeing a savior. .

"Where's Han Mojue?"

"Inside the room!"

Feng Qianyun hurriedly ran to Han Mojue's bedroom upon hearing this.

Open the door, the stunning man on the bed is suffering from painful torture.

Han Mojue was sweating profusely, his face was as pale as paper, and he curled up on the bed.

Feng Qianyun knew that Han Mojue was a strong person, and he rarely showed his pain to others, but at this moment, the pain forced him to curl up, his eyes were tightly closed, but Feng Qianyun knew that others were still awake , he bit his lip tightly with his teeth, preventing himself from moaning in pain.

Feng Qianyun walked to the bedside, seeing Han Mojue's pain in her eyes.

"Xiaoqi, come out!" Feng Qianyun called out Qixing Longyuan.

Qixing Longyuan ran out, "It's useless for you to call me out, I can kill the demonic Gu in his body, but then he will only die faster, without the demonic Gu, there will be nothing in his body." The two different bloodlines will directly kill him. Keep the magic gu, at least he will only be in pain now, and he will not die so soon."

Han Mojue's body itself has problems, and what suppresses the dragon's blood in his body is the demonic Gu, but the demonic Gu itself is not a safe thing. Over time, the demonic Gu will erode Han Mojue's body, In the end, Han Mojue would be tortured to death by the demonic Gu.

But if the magic gu is removed, Han Mojue will die soon.

The only way to save Han Mojue is to remove the threat to his life from these two things at the same time.

Now, there is Seven Star Longyuan that removes the demonic Gu, but there is no way to prevent Han Mojue from dying from two different bloodlines.

"Miss Qian Yun, what should I do now? The young master had seizures a few times in the past two days, but they were not so serious. He was not feeling well last night, so he asked for leave from the school. As a result, the magic attack became more serious today. , I had no choice but to inform you without telling the young master."

Han Mojue didn't let Heying inform Feng Qianyun, but Heying couldn't bear it anymore, if this continues, the young master will really be tortured to death by this demon.

He doesn't know medical skills, so he can only pin his hopes on Feng Qianyun.

Han Mojue bit his lip, and let out a very unclear voice between his lips and teeth.

"you go."

The voice was weak and hoarse.

Han Mojue wanted Feng Qianyun to go away. With his current state, the last thing he wanted Feng Qianyun to see.

"Han Mojue, I'll settle the score with you when you're hiding something from me." Feng Qianyun said to He Ying, "Help me to get him up!"

"Okay!" He Ying heard the words and quickly followed suit.

The weak and defenseless Han Mojue was straightened by He Ying and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Feng Qianyun clenched her fist, although it was a bit risky, and although she herself might be in danger, in this case, she would never hesitate.

Put your palm on the position of Han Mojue's lower abdomen, that is the position where the demonic parasite in his body.

The Tiangang vitality in Feng Qianyun's body was output from her palm and flowed into Han Mojue's body.

"Master, don't you want to use the Tiangang vitality to weaken the influence of the demonic Gu on Han Mojue's body?" Silently aware that Feng Qianyun was constantly exporting the Tiangang vitality, she was a little anxious.

Feng Qianyun couldn't separate herself at this time, she frowned, and told Momo to shut up with her heart, "Don't talk, I can't be distracted now."

But... silently worried.

What is the demonic Gu in Han Mojue's body? It is something that can suppress the powerful blood of the Dragon Clan. Except for the special seven-star Longyuan that can destroy evil, it is difficult for other things to hurt the demonic Gu.

If Feng Qianyun wanted to use the vitality of Tiangang to restrain the demon Gu, then the price Feng Qianyun would pay would be huge.

Lie Que stood at the door and did not go in. His eyes were dim and hard to see, and there seemed to be thousands of clues in his deep pupils.

From the beginning to the end, he just stood at the door, didn't step in, and didn't stop Feng Qianyun from doing this, even though he knew what a dangerous thing Feng Qianyun was doing now.

As time passed by, Feng Qianyun's forehead was covered with sweat, but Han Mojue didn't change much.

"Master, stop quickly, otherwise you will not only waste too much, but also be backlashed! Demonic Gu is not a vulgar thing, and if you do this, the demonic Gu will erode yourself!" Mo Mo couldn't help it anymore, even if the wind Qian Yun had already told her not to disturb her, but she still couldn't help but say it!

"Woman, listen to the idiot Mo and stop!" Guigui also helped.

Feng Qianyun ignored them and automatically blocked the voices of the two of them.

Just like what she said silently, because Feng Qianyun continuously poured her Tiangang vitality into Han Mojue's body to restrain the demonic Gu, the power of the demonic Gu was also resisting Feng Qianyun.

The back of Feng Qianyun's right hand that was touching Han Mojue's abdomen was already purple, and the invisible palm was already black.

(End of this chapter)

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