Chapter 529
He Ying watched from the side, startled, but did not dare to make a sound.

With the palm of Feng Qianyun's palm, the poison of the demonic Gu began to spread into her body, and some meridians could be seen to be slightly purple.

At this time, Han Mojue's situation improved a bit.

Han Mojue regained some strength, and saw Feng Qianyun in front of him turned pale and her lips turned purple.

"What are you doing?" Han Mojue's voice was still weak, but it revealed his boundless anger.

"He Ying, hold him down, don't let him move around." Feng Qianyun didn't answer Han Mojue's words, but ordered He Ying to hold down Han Mojue.

Heying heard the words and quickly held down Han Mojue, not allowing Han Mojue to move in the slightest.

"Heying, let me go...what is she doing, stop her!" Han Mojue's body was much more relaxed than before, but his heart was tightly gripped.

How could he let his little wife get hurt because of him?
Han Mojue wanted to stick a needle, but he couldn't break free from Heying's grip on him.

"Heying, I order you, let me go and stop her."

He Ying's face was filled with pain, he shouldn't have disobeyed the young master's order, but the situation in front of him... "I'm sorry young master, even if you blame me, I can't let go."

For He Ying, Han Mojue's safety is the most important thing, even if Han Mojue punishes him, he will let Feng Qianyun continue.

Han Mojue broke free and looked at the woman in front of him in pain. Why did she do this? Does she know how painful it is for him?
Han Mojue turned his eyes away, he couldn't watch anymore, he could only watch her hurt for him, but he couldn't do anything, this feeling of powerlessness...

After looking away, Han Mojue saw Lie Que standing at the door.

Lie Que is silent and quiet, with a sense of mystery that ordinary people cannot see through.

Han Mojue really wanted to ask him, why didn't he take Feng Qianyun away, she was his fiancee, how could he let her take risks for other men?
Yes, why didn't he take Feng Qianyun away?
He should organize her...

As the body felt relaxed little by little, Han Mojue's heart sank into the abyss little by little.

Feng Qianyun exhausted all the Tiangang vitality in her body, this is the first time she has exhausted her body so much.

Finally... I have suppressed the magic gu a little bit.

Exhausting all the Tiangang vitality in her body, Feng Qianyun's physical strength was exhausted, and she fell into a familiar embrace with her unstable figure.

Lie Que, who had been watching at the door, wrapped Feng Qianyun into his arms.

"I'm here, you should take a rest first." Lie Que patted Feng Qianyun's cheek gently to reassure her.

Feng Qianyun smiled, feeling very relieved, then closed her eyes heavily.

Lie Que hugged Feng Qianyun horizontally, she was so petite, she looked so small when she was held in Lie Que's arms.

While holding Feng Qianyun horizontally, Lie Que put one hand on her back, using his internal strength to adjust Feng Qianyun's breath and dispel the infected Gu poison.

Her body was empty, and at this moment she was so weak that even an ordinary person could kill her.

Han Mojue looked at Feng Qianyun who was extremely weak in Lie Que's arms, his heart seemed to be pierced countless times, that feeling was like throwing him into a mountain of nails, countless top boards fell from him over and over again. run over.

Feng Qianyun leaned against Lie Que's chest and fell asleep.

He Ying let go of the restraint on Han Mojue.Han Mojue got up quickly and approached Feng Qianyun. She fell asleep, her face was full of exhaustion, her face was as white as a piece of paper, but her lips were black, her right hand was mostly black, and her body Some of the meridians turn purple and black.And the person who caused all this is him.

"How is she?" Han Mojue's voice was dry, as if he had exhausted all his strength even to ask this question.

Lie Que hugged Feng Qianyun, but facing Han Mojue, he only said one sentence: "You are too weak, there is no way to defeat yourself, you will always be a loser, the person you love and the person who loves you people will suffer for you."

After Lie Que said this, he turned and left with Feng Qianyun in his arms.

Han Mojue's heart was in pain, he would rather Lie Que beat him up, maybe he would feel better.

Seeing Han Mojue standing there without moving for a long time, He Ying persuaded: "Young master, you should rest a little longer, the magic bug is still there, and your body is still in danger."

Although Feng Qianyun temporarily suppressed the demonic voodoo in Han Mojue's body, Han Mojue still faced the double threat of the demonic voodoo and the blood of the dragon.

"He Ying, Lie Que is right, I am too weak..."

Han Mojue said this to He Ying, and also to himself.The appearance of Feng Qianyun before leaving today was like a knife had been stuck in his heart.

After finishing speaking, Han Mojue sat down on the bed dejectedly...

Feng Qianyun and Ouyang Zhimin went to school after saying goodbye to the coffee shop.

Zhao Xiaoli and Ma Mengmeng waited furtively outside Feng Qianyun's dormitory building.

"Xiao Li, what should we do? Do we really have to wait like this? If Feng Qianyun doesn't go back to the dormitory all day today, even if she waits here all day outside, it will be useless!" Ma Mengmeng was very excited. said worriedly.

"Then I have to wait. There are some things that I have to explain clearly to Feng Qianyun!" Zhao Xiaoli had made up her mind, no matter if she couldn't wait for Feng Qianyun today, she would wait!
Zhao Xiaoli still doesn't know that Feng Qianyun is in a coma and unconscious, even if she waits all day, she won't be able to wait for Feng Qianyun.

"Well...well then..." Ma Mengmeng has always had no opinions, Lin Shufen usually has the final say, but today Lin Shufen is not here, so she just obeyed what Zhao Xiaoli said, so she lowered her head and continued to look at her hand The English four-level vocabulary.

The two have been guarding here since early in the morning. Fortunately, they are girls. If they were boys, they would have been captured by the campus security as voyeuristic perverts early in the morning.

But even now, it's hard not to misunderstand them.

Hua Zihao came out of the dormitory. In fact, when he was still in the dormitory, he mainly saw these two people. They had been circling outside their dormitory building for a whole day, and it was hard not to notice them.

"I said you two, even if you are infatuated with me, you don't need to guard outside the place where I live. Also, don't look at what kind of things you two are. I don't even want to give it to me!" Hua Zihao said a little I despise Zhao Xiaoli and Ma Mengmeng. They have no characteristics in appearance and body. 360 degrees are not worth a man's time on them.

(End of this chapter)

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