Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 530 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys

Chapter 530 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys (1)
"We... didn't come to look for you." Ma Mengmeng took a step back instinctively, keeping a distance from Hua Zihao, and didn't want to be misunderstood that she had something to do with him.

"I said Hua Zihao, just like you, is it embarrassing? Just like you look so scared to pee when you see a ghost, unless I, Zhao Xiaoli, go blind, I can't fall in love with you!" Zhao Xiaoli has no Ma Meng Meng is so shy, and after hanging out with Lin Shufen for a long time, her temperament of a woman has already taken root in her.

"What happened that night? I met a ghost. No one can be very Zheng Jing. Isn't your Lin Shufen, who is so big and fat, trembling with fright?" Hua Zihao said with a stinking face, He's not timid, who doesn't have anything when he bumps into a ghost?He is normal.

"Who said, isn't Feng Qianyun just fine? You are a big man, you are not as courageous as a woman, is she ashamed or not?" Zhao Xiaoli laughed at Hua Zihao. A comparison, the advantages and disadvantages stand out.

"Feng Qianyun... that can we talk about it together? Anyway, she is a freak, different from normal people like us!" Hua Zihao quibbled, anyway, he would never admit that his performance that night was flawed. how bad.

Regarding the memory of that night, the memory of He Ying's appearance in the second half was blurred by Lie Que. They only remembered that they were scared to death by the sudden situation in the laboratory, and then they passed out.

"Come on, just admit that you have only a little courage, it's useless!" Zhao Xiaoli grabbed Hua Zihao's braids tightly.

"Don't just laugh at me, you all fainted from the same fright?" They were all sent to the school hospital, so don't think he didn't know that they had also fainted from fright.

"Yes, we were scared to death, but we are girls, we admit that we are relatively timid, but you, Hua Zihao, you are a boy, you are so timid." Zhao Xiaoli swept Hua Zihao disdainfully glance.

Zhao Xiaoli's disdainful eyes made Hua Zihao very upset.

I think Hua Zihao can be regarded as a character in Z University. Since he went to university, he has had eight or nine girls, and they have always been dumped by him. He is committed to shaping He is an image of a campus noble son. In his perfect campus career, what happened that night is definitely a stain.

"Zhao Xiaoli, I warn you, you can just talk nonsense in front of me. If you dare to talk nonsense with others, I will definitely not let you go!" After Zhao Xiaoli said this, Hua Zihao began to worry. Now, this Zhao Xiaoli's three-inch tongue turned around and added fuel and jealousy, then should he go fishing again?
"You tell me not to say it, so I won't say it?" She, Zhao Xiaoli, didn't agree.

"What good is it for you to say it? Don't forget that you were there that night, or do you want to use this method to get close to me? I'm not interested in a girl with no characteristics like you at all!" Youtu And nympho, who is Hua Zihao, he chooses a horse one in a million.

"I said that I don't want to get close to you, and I didn't come here to wait for you. I want to find Feng Qianyun." Zhao Xiaoli explained her purpose of coming.

"Tch, what is there for that woman to look for!" When Feng Qianyun was mentioned, Hua Zihao's complexion became uneasy. He didn't like Feng Qianyun, and even hated Feng Qianyun. In fact, Feng Qianyun didn't do anything. Especially bad things that affected him, Hua Zihao, but he just didn't like Feng Qianyun.

"What do you know? Feng Qianyun is amazing! Just her performance that night is enough to explain the problem, isn't it, Mr. Coward?"

"I said, can you not mention what happened that night? Don't say anything about that night!"

"It's fine if I don't mention it. You can be more polite to us in the future. If we need your help, you can't refuse." Zhao Xiaoli seized the opportunity and made a request to Hua Zihao.

"Are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, anyway, it doesn't matter if you don't agree, but I'm a bit of a gossip, and there are a bunch of little sisters who are very gossipy. My sisters and I will sit together and chat nonsense when we have nothing to do. Be careful to spread what happened to you that night, don't blame me!"

Isn't that a threat?
Hua Zihao was very annoyed, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, "Forget it, let me declare first, if you mess around, you will definitely not get any cheap."

"Don't worry, we are classmates no matter what you say, we won't let you mess around!" Zhao Xiaoli showed a shy smile on her face, "Let me ask you, where is Feng Qianyun now? Is she in Building A6?" inside?"

Building A6 is the building number of the special dormitory building where Feng Qianyun lives, and it is a special student apartment in Z Dali.

The conditions inside are as good as the apartments outside. Of course, the annual accommodation fee is also frighteningly high.

"Feng Qianyun? I don't know. She seldom goes back to A6, and she hasn't seen her in the past few days." To be precise, during this period of time, Feng Qianyun has never appeared in A6 except for the "haunted" night. .

When she heard that Feng Qianyun was not at A6, Zhao Xiaoli was disappointed for a while. Could it be that she couldn't wait for Feng Qianyun?
"Hua Zihao, what's your mobile phone number, leave one for me." Zhao Xiaoli thought for a while, and then asked Hua Zihao for his mobile phone number.

"Why?" When Zhao Xiaoli asked for her mobile phone number, Hua Zihao immediately became vigilant, "And you said you didn't want to hook me up?"

"Are you a little too narcissistic?" Zhao Xiaoli complained about the narcissistic Hua Zihao. He is either too narcissistic or has persecution paranoia! "Isn't Feng Qianyun not here? You also live in Building A6. If she comes back, you will notify me right away?"

It turned out that he was thinking about this. After Hua Zihao realized it, he was not only not happy, but depressed for a while. Is he so unattractive?Or was his performance that night just so bad?It seems that I have to practice my courage in the future, otherwise I will continue to be ashamed if I encounter this situation again. He is a dignified son of the school, how can his reputation be ruined by such things.

"Give me your mobile phone." Hua Zihao asked Zhao Xiaoli for the mobile phone, dialed his own number on her mobile phone, and then returned the mobile phone to Zhao Xiaoli, "Okay, you already have my number, I Warn you, don't make harassing calls and spam me, I have no interest in you at all."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't harass me, it will be fine. If I contact you, it will probably be related to Feng Qianyun. I have no interest in you." Ma Mengmeng, a master of advanced English vocabulary, "Mengmeng, are you right?"

(End of this chapter)

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