Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 533 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys

Chapter 533 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys (4)
Ruan Tiange immediately understood what Feng Qianyun meant.

He grabbed Shamat boy's hand and saw a square bulge on the boy's sleeve.

"What are you doing?" Ruan Tiange grabbed the Shamat boy's hand, he was startled with a guilty conscience, and wanted to pull his hand back, but unfortunately he couldn't compare to Ruan Tiange in terms of strength, Ruan Tiange was very good at sports, and his biceps were so strong very.

"You stole my phone?" Ruan Tiange decided.

"What nonsense are you talking about? You're the one who's troubling me now! Which eye of yours saw me stealing from you? Don't, don't wrong a good person!" The boy who killed Matt felt guilty at first, but now he calmed down again On the contrary, the villain filed a complaint first.

"You stole my phone!" Ruan Tiange said angrily.

"You are talking nonsense, in front of everyone, you want to spit blood on people! Obviously you wanted to steal my mobile phone, but I stopped it, and now the villain is the first to sue, saying that I stole your mobile phone!" Kill Matt The boy bit Ruan Tiange back.

Ruan Tiange was very angry, his sunny and handsome face was now very gloomy, "Give me back my phone!"

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Ruan Tiange, Sha Matt yelled, "Everyone help to judge, this thief can't steal, he still has to steal!"

The boy who killed Matt spoke as if he was telling the truth, making it difficult for other people on the bus to tell who was telling the truth and who was telling the lie, so they had to wait and see.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Shamat boy saw that the bus was about to arrive, so he hurriedly said: "I said, let me go quickly, I have arrived at the station, and I am going to get off the bus, if you continue to hold me like this Be careful, I will call the police and arrest you!"

Ruan Tiange was in a hurry and wanted to grab his phone back by force, but whenever he made a move, the Shamat boy would yell.

Feng Qianyun looked a little funny, and then took her mobile phone and said to Ruan Tiange unhurriedly, "Ruan Tiange, what is your mobile phone number, I will call you, I don't know which one is on this little brother's body?" Will 'his' cell phone ring?"

Looking at Feng Qianyun's bright smile, Ruan Tiange had an epiphany, and hurriedly told Feng Qianyun his mobile phone number.

Ruan Tiange reported that the boy Shamate knew that the situation was not good. He had just stolen the phone and hadn't had time to turn it off!
At the same time Feng Qianyun dialed Ruan Tiange's cell phone number, the boy who killed Matt slammed Ruan Tiange with his body, knocked Ruan Tiange down, and tried to escape.

Feng Qianyun's foot stuck out "inappropriately" and tripped Shamat's youth.

The young man was tripped by Feng Qianyun and fell straight forward. Because of the conflict just now, the others had consciously backed away for a certain distance. Now that they saw the Shamat boy fall, they retreated even further.

When the boy fell, Feng Qianyun kindly helped him up, but she just grabbed his right hand instead of pulling his whole body, because Ruan Tiange's cell phone was hidden in the sleeve of his right hand, In order to prevent the phone from being damaged, Feng Qianyun grabbed his right hand.

The phone was vibrating because Feng Qianyun dialed Ruan Tiange's number.

After going through this scene, it has been confirmed that the young man who killed Matt is a thief.

Feng Qianyun took the phone out of the boy's sleeve and returned it to Ruan Tiange.

Ruan Tiange took the phone and thanked Feng Qianyun for helping him, feeling a little awkward at the same time, after all, they had a bad fight.

Ruan Tiange wanted to thank Feng Qianyun, but saw that Feng Qianyun had already got off the bus. Just at this moment, the No. 121 bus Feng Qianyun was taking had already arrived at the bus stop of Z University.

Ruan Tiange also hurriedly chased Feng Qianyun out of the car.

"Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun, wait a minute..." Ruan Tiange ran up to Feng Qianyun.

"Why?" Feng Qianyun stopped and glanced at Ruan Tiange.

"Just now... thank you." Ruan Tiange thanked Feng Qianyun for the thief incident just now.

"You're welcome." After saying that, Feng Qianyun continued to walk forward, and then Ruan Tiange stood in front of her again.

Anything else?Feng Qianyun's expression said so.

"We may have misunderstood a little before, thank you for treating Lu Hexiang's illness and... kidnapping me regardless of the past."

"You think too much. When I saw a thief stealing something, it was my own will to stand up and stop it. It has nothing to do with who you are." Feng Qianyun also deliberately stopped the thief when he was planning to steal the aunt who was on the side. It has nothing to do with the person who was stolen, "As for Lu Hexiang, I have a medical bill, not free, I am not a charity, and I don't provide free services. Speaking of which, when do you plan to owe me medical bills? pay?"

Hearing this, Ruan Tiange hurriedly took out money from his trouser pocket, took out two 100 yuan bills, and quickly stuffed them into Feng Qianyun's hands.

Feng Qianyun looked at the two extra hundred yuan bills in her palm, then calmly took out her wallet from her schoolbag, and took out 30 yuan in change to Ruan Tiange.

"Well, just right." After that, Feng Qianyun strode towards the school with her schoolbag on her back.

Ruan Tiange looked at the 30 yuan in his hand, dumbfounded.

Not long after Feng Qianyun returned to school, she was stopped by two people - Zhao Xiaoli and Ma Mengmeng.

The two of them took Feng Qianyun's hand and "carried" Feng Qianyun aside.

Feng Qianyun felt that she was about to get used to the behavior of the two of them.

"Feng Qianyun, please, give us 10 minutes, oh no more than 10 minutes! Please listen to us patiently!" Zhao Xiaoli asked Feng Qianyun with clasped palms.

"Tell me something quickly. I plan to go to the library today." Feng Qianyun actually has no class to attend when she comes to school so early. She came to school so early to go to the library. The reports were all done, but she still had to figure out what she needed to understand, what she needed to understand.

"Okay, about Miss Shufen, I have to explain to you. In fact, Miss Shufen is not a nympho. The reason why she did these things is because..."

"Because she has a disabled sister who still misses Ruan Tiange, right?" Feng Qianyun finished the sentence for Zhao Xiaoli.

"How do you know?" Zhao Xiaoli's eyes widened, and she looked at Feng Qianyun with an expression of looking at a god. Is she a god?How do you know all this?

"It just happened to be known."

"Really? Then can you understand Sister Shufen's good intentions? Can you forgive her? Are you willing to help Sister Shufen like us?"

Zhao Xiaoli has a strong relationship with Ma Mengmeng and Lin Shufen, so she volunteered to help Lin Shufen.

"No." Feng Qianyun answered Zhao Xiaoli's question very straightforwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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