Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 534 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys

Chapter 534 Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys (5)
"Ah?" Zhao Xiaoli's excitement just now was overwhelmed by Feng Qianyun's words.

"I said no."

"Which one can't?"

"I can't understand Lin Shufen's so-called good intentions, and I don't want to help her with you." Feng Qianyun gave a more clear answer, afraid that Zhao Xiaoli and Ma Mengmeng might not understand enough.

"Why? Sister Shufen, she works so hard to do these things for her sister, she..."

"That's her business. Does it have anything to do with me? Well, even if it can have something to do with me, unfortunately, I don't agree with her approach at all. It is hers that she is willing to give selflessly to her sister." matter."

Feng Qianyun spread her hands to show her attitude.

"How come..." Zhao Xiaoli looked disappointed. She thought that Feng Qianyun would agree to help them if she knew the whole story. Wanwan, but I didn't expect Feng Qianyun to have any intention of helping, "Don't you think Miss Shufen is great?"

Feng Qianyun shook her head helplessly, "Maybe her sentiment is really great, but what's the matter? Has she been rewarded for her dedication? Does Lin Wanwan feel grateful to her bit by bit? She It’s true that you’ve paid a lot, but it’s not necessarily worth it.”

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she turned around and left. It was a pity that she had a different point of view from them.

Maybe her thoughts seem cold-blooded and ruthless to them, but there is no way, she is such a person, she only goes through fire and water for those who she thinks are worth it in her life, and for those who are not worth it, even a smile is superfluous .

Looking at Feng Qianyun's petite back, Zhao Xiaoli was in a daze for a while. At that moment, she seemed to see a maturity and thoughtfulness that did not match her age in this girl who was only thirteen.

Feng Qianyun swiped her card to enter the library, put down her schoolbag, and took out her textbook. As soon as she opened the textbook, she was startled. She thought she had taken the wrong book, but after a closer look, it was her own book that was right. Her name was clearly written on it, and it was written by herself in three big characters: Feng Qianyun.

But... Feng Qianyun roughly flipped through the textbook from beginning to end.

What are these notes and annotations?

It's definitely not written by her. You can tell it's not her handwriting... Uh... It seems to be Lie Que's handwriting.

When did he write these things in her textbook?

No, that's not the point, the point is...he...does such...delicate things?

I feel that Lie Que should do that kind of very high-end thing, and this kind of thing of taking notes and marking on the textbook is really not in line with the impression he gave her...

Feng Qianyun looked at her textbook which was filled with beautiful and neat fonts, thinking of what Lie Que looked like when he bent over his desk and wrote it.

That feeling, warm, made Feng Qianyun's heart feel hot for no reason.

This man is actually worried that she cut too many classes and missed her homework...

Feng Qianyun couldn't help showing a sweet smile on her face, even she didn't notice this phenomenon.

Suddenly a pink bookmark fell out of the textbook, Feng Qianyun picked it up and took a look, only to see a line of small characters written on it: Yun, you are not allowed to hook up with boys where I can't see it.

Feng Qianyun burst out laughing with a "pop".

It's not wrong that Lie Que wrote the words, but it's hard to imagine that Lie Que said such sour words.

After Feng Qianyun laughed for a while, she took out a pen and wrote on the back of the bookmark: Then can I hook up where you can see it?
After finishing writing, Feng Qianyun put the note back into the book.

Thinking of Lie Que's appearance when he opened the book and saw the note, Feng Qianyun had some small expectations in his heart.

Then Feng Qianyun put away her schoolbag and books, and went to the bookshelf to find the books she wanted to read. Feng Qianyun was looking for medical books.

Faced with a dazzling array of books, Feng Qianyun chooses them one by one. Nowadays, the books are mixed, and some people can publish books with a half-knowledge. Among a large number of books, only a relatively small part is the essence. There are so many benefits that it is better not to read.

Feng Qianyun was choosing, and there was an extra book in front of her, and a big palm handed it to her.

"This book is more suitable for you."

Lie Que's unique magnetic voice sounded, and Feng Qianyun turned around in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Shouldn't he be sleeping at home?
"I went out not long after you went out." Lie Que explained with a slight smile.

"Then why are you in our library? You have to swipe your card to get in!"

One of Feng Qianyun's frustrating things is that she can sense many people, but Lie Que can't. Once he hides his strength, she won't even notice him suddenly appearing beside her.

Lie Que bent down and whispered in Feng Qianyun's ear, "I sneaked in."

Then Lie Que straightened up, it was really rare for him to be so aboveboard as a thief.

Also, what's the problem with your dad trying to sneak into a library?
Feng Qianyun sullenly took the book from Lie Que's hand. It was a foreign work, all in Spanish...

Oh cake!

Feng Qianyun glared at Lie Que complainingly, why did you pick a book that I couldn't understand?Just pick an English one!I have to pick a book in a small language...

"Ask me if you don't understand anything."

The problem is that she doesn't understand everything, so if you want to ask this question, you will ask everything.

"Que, anyway, I don't understand this, so if I want to ask, I will ask all of them. In this case, instead of reading this book, why don't you teach me that ancient script?" Feng Qianyun thought about it and thought it was a good idea. , I have been curious about that kind of writing for a long time, "I know some ancient writing, but the one you know is earlier, there is still some gap between the two."

Characters have undergone a long evolution, and they have gone through several different periods in the middle. Because of her master, Feng Qianyun learned an ancient character, but the one Lie Que usually reads is obviously better than the one Feng Qianyun knows. Kind of earlier.

"Okay." Lie Quo nodded.

"Really? That's great!" Feng Qianyun was very happy.

Seeing Feng Qianyun was happy, Lie Que also showed a touching smile.

So Feng Qianyun and Lie Que found a place in a remote corner of the library, and Lie Que taught Feng Qianyun the very ancient characters in the atmosphere of the library.

Feng Qianyun has some basic knowledge of ancient characters, coupled with her natural memory, she can learn it quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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