Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 535 Feeling warming up, rhyme tricks people

Chapter 535 Feeling warming up, thousands of rhymes trick people (1)
When Lie Que looked down and seriously wrote the ancient characters he had just taught her, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then with sharp eyes, he caught a glimpse of the book next to him, took out the bookmark from it, and found that words were written on the reverse side.

Lie Que shook his head, and then added a sentence after Feng Qianyun wrote: Yes, but the target audience is limited.

Feng Qianyun was copying the memory, looked up and saw Lie Que wrote something on the bookmark, then took it over, and added: What is the limit?
Then return the bookmark to Lie Que.

I saw Lie Que write down immediately: Probably a man who looks similar to me and has similar conditions in all aspects.

Feng Qianyun felt speechless when she took it over to look at it again, he might as well just say that he was done.

"By the way, I bought this on the way here." Lie Que took out a box of chocolates.

"Why are you buying this?"

"They said girls would like it."

"Don't you tell me you're trying to be a guy girls like?"

Lie Quo nodded, "I seem to think so."

Feng Qianyun became playful, "If girls like it, chocolate is not enough."

"Flowers?" Lie Que asked.

Feng Qianyun shook her head.


Feng Qianyun shook her head again.

"Eat and watch a movie?" Lie Que felt that these things didn't seem suitable for him, at least he knew that Yun was not very interested in these things.

"what is that?"

Feng Qianyun smiled mysteriously, her cherry lips moved slightly, and slowly uttered two words: "Warm the bed."

"I don't do it every day?" Lie Que asked, "I keep you warm every day."

"Obviously you are occupying my sleeping space."

"If I'm on top of you, it's really taking up your sleeping space."

"Eh..." When did he become so lewd?
The warm sunlight shines on the faces of the two through the glass windows of the library, casting a warm halo on both of them. Lie Que patiently taught Feng Qianyun, and Feng Qianyun also learned very fast.

At first, Feng Qianyun and Lie Que were sitting face to face, but later, I don't know who started it, the two changed from sitting opposite each other to sitting on the same chair, and Feng Qianyun sat on Lie Que's lap , Lie Que taught Feng Qianyun to write some ancient characters with relatively high complexity.

Feng Qianyun would occasionally make a small mistake, and Lie Que would pinch her face.

Feng Qianyun was dissatisfied, so she pinched Lie Que's thigh.

Time passed unknowingly, and a morning passed by.

This afternoon, after Feng Qianyun and Lie Que came out of the library, they walked together on the school's boulevard.

The two walked together in the campus like ordinary couples, Lie Que holding Feng Qianyun's hand.

The people who passed by the two turned their heads back one after another, just because the two were too eye-catching, the handsome man is definitely rare, and the girl is the biggest "man of the hour" and an out-and-out beauty Embryo, everyone has a love of beauty, and it is normal for everyone to look back.

The two were walking when they heard a bang. Someone fell down beside them, and it wasn't as simple as falling down. The other party was sitting in a wheelchair, so they fell down even with the wheelchair.

The place where he fell was quite coincidental, just next to Lie Que's heel. If he was a normal person, he would have helped the girl and her wheelchair to help others, but Lie Que didn't turn around and continued walking.

Lie Que was about to leave, but one hand grabbed his suit pants.

"This student, can you help me?"

Feng Qianyun took a glance from the corner of her eye, but saw that the girl who fell was not someone else, but Lin Wanwan. She had just witnessed the quarrel between this woman and Lin Shufen this morning.

Lin Wanwan grabbed Lie Que's trousers and looked at him with begging eyes, hoping that he would be kind and help her.

Lin Wanwan looked a bit embarrassed, with her lower body paralyzed and her legs and feet inconvenient, she couldn't get up at all with her own strength.

Lie Que's footsteps paused, then he glanced at Lin Wanwan, then lifted his foot and pulled his foot out, snorting coldly, "If you have the ability to fall, you must have the ability to get up by yourself."

When it was over, Lie Que took Feng Qianyun's hand and continued walking forward like a normal person.

Feng Qianyun raised her eyes and glanced at Lie Que, then at the poor Lin Wanwan, and teased Lie Que with a half-smile.

"Que, you don't care about fragrance and jade at all!"

"Why should I give my love to a passer-by?" Lie Que asked Feng Qianyun, does he look like the kind of person who is very sentimental?
"Have you forgotten, we used to be passers-by." Feng Qianyun still remembered how she looked when she first met Lie Que.

Lie Que shook his head, this is a completely different matter, "I'm pretty sure she fell down on purpose."

"how do you know."


"Then if she didn't fall down on purpose, but really accidentally fell down, do you want to help her?"

"No." Lie Que replied without thinking.

"So sure? The other party is a disabled girl."

Lie Que stopped, a little suspicious of Feng Qianyun's series of questioning intentions, "Yun, you are not testing me, are you?"

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, but..." Feng Qianyun turned her head and looked towards Lin Wanwan. Other passers-by had already helped Lin Wanwan up, but Lin Wanwan's gaze was still intentional or unintentional. glanced at them.

"But what?" Lie Que asked curiously.

"Suddenly wanted to do something bad." Feng Qianyun thought for a while, she hadn't done anything bad for a long time, and she's been too disciplined lately, so it's not good.

"Heh," Lie Que pampered Feng Qianyun's face.

Feng Qianyun originally thought that there would be no intersection with Lin Wanwan, but it seems that things didn't develop like this.

The next day when Feng Qianyun entered Z University, she saw Lin Wanwan again, thinking it was just a coincidence, she didn't want Lin Wanwan to take the initiative to find her after seeing her.

"Hello, classmate." Lin Wanwan pushed the wheelchair to Feng Qianyun, and said to Feng Qianyun with a smile.

"I'm not good. If you have something to say, hurry up and fart." Feng Qianyun crossed her arms and waited for Lin Wanwan to continue. What did this woman come to her for?She doesn't seem to know her.

Lin Wanwan lowered his head after being yelled at by Feng Qianyun, looking a little pitiful.

Then he timidly took out a photo from his pocket, "Excuse me, what is your relationship with the boy in this photo?"


Feng Qianyun looked down at the photo. The protagonists in the photo turned out to be her and Ruan Tiange. It was yesterday morning that she came to school by bus and sat in the same bus as Ruan Tiange. When she got off the bus, she and Ruan Tiange entered together. There was more than one photo of the school, from when the two got off the car, to when Ruan Tiange paid Feng Qianyun, to when the two entered the school together.

(End of this chapter)

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