Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 536 Feeling warming up, rhyme tricks people

Chapter 536 Feeling warming up, thousands of rhymes trick people (2)
Just looking at these photos, no one would believe that Feng Qianyun had nothing to do with Ruan Tiange.

Now Feng Qianyun probably knows the reason why Lin Wanwan deliberately fell down on the boulevard yesterday.

Feng Qianyun didn't know where Lin Wanwan got these photos, but when she saw these photos, she couldn't help but sympathized with Ruan Tiange. Being followed and photographed by such a girl for so many years is really tiring for him!
Feng Qianyun swears that if she meets such a stalker, she will beat him until his parents don't even know him, and she will go straight to Mars without changing her nature!
"Are you sick? Do I know you? The pile of photos early in the morning came to ask me, is there me in my mother's photo? Secretly photographed me?"

Feng Qianyun disgusted Lin Wanwan.

Lin Wanwan was scolded by Feng Qianyun, his hands trembled, and tears quickly gathered in his eyes, "Yes, I'm sorry... I didn't mean to secretly shoot you, that... the boy with you is my boy." Friend...but I...I am like this now, I am very afraid, I am very afraid that he will not want me, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it..."

After Lin Wanwan said a few words, big tears fell from her eyes and landed on the photo in her hand.

Feng Qianyun deeply doubted whether the woman she ran into yesterday who scolded Lin Shufen loudly was the same woman as the woman in front of her.

Mingming was so powerful when he scolded his own sister, but in front of her, she was as delicate as a flower, and when the wind blew, the petals and leaves flew all over the sky, making people feel distressed Disaster.

"Did you take the wrong medicine? Your boyfriend, you should ask him yourself, why? You can't control the man's heart, so you want to use this method to scare people? Or, in fact, the man in the photo is not your boyfriend at all. Friend, you are unrequited love, right?"

Feng Qianyun stepped on Lin Wanwan's sore spot with one sentence, because what Feng Qianyun said was not wrong at all, Ruan Tiange was indeed not her boyfriend, even if she wanted to question Ruan Tiange, she couldn't find Ruan Tiange.

"You, you... I beg you not to snatch my boyfriend, you are still young, you are beautiful, you are still healthy, you can find a better man, why do you have to come to occupy my boyfriend, I have changed After becoming like this, it's rare that he is willing to want me, but you still want to win love, you are so cruel!"

Lin Wanwan was sobbing, she didn't care about the photo in her hand, she hurriedly grabbed Feng Qianyun's hand.

"You have persecution paranoia, the appraisal is complete." Feng Qianyun shook her head and commented.

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she saw that Lin Wanwan was holding Feng Qianyun's hand instead of pushing Feng Qianyun. She pushed Feng Qianyun hard, and she fell backwards as a matter of course.

With a bang, she fell to the ground again.

This fall, everyone around looked over.

It's morning, and the students come to class one after another. There is a lot of traffic at the school gate. I saw a disabled girl who fell down and was crying. The pear blossoms were raining. On the opposite side of her stood a fierce looking girl. Seeing her fall, the girl didn't help her up, but stood there and sneered.

There are too many things to think about in this scene.

"Please, don't treat me like this. I really don't mean anything malicious. I just don't want you to steal my boyfriend!" Lin Wanwan continued to cry, his eyes were red, and tears were streaming down his face.

Feng Qianyun hooked the corner of her mouth, "Cry, keep on crying, don't blame me for not reminding you, your chances of crying are running out."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, ignoring Lin Wanwan who continued to cry until the pear blossoms were raining, she strode into the school gate.

Ruan Tiange was a little surprised that Feng Qianyun would take the initiative to find him. When a classmate came to tell him that Feng Qianyun was looking for him at the door, he still didn't believe it.

"Feng Qianyun, are you looking for me?"

"Well, I heard that you made an agreement with Lin Shufen that if she wins you, you will agree to meet Lin Wanwan, right?" This was actually overheard by Feng Qianyun. Hearing got better after that.

When Ruan Tiange heard it, he thought it was Lin Shufen who asked Feng Qianyun for help. He was a little helpless about Lin Wanwan's matter, but now that Feng Qianyun asked, he couldn't deny it, because he did say such a thing .

"You're asking instead of Lin Shufen. If that's the case, I'll just agree to your request. There's no need to compare."

Ruan Tiange always felt that he owed Feng Qianyun some things. The basketball team members took the initiative to provoke them before, as did Lu Hexiang, and the thief incident on the bus before.

"I didn't come to you for Lin Shufen. When Lin Shufen came to you, she asked you to see Lin Wanwan and then expressed concern for her. But I, on the contrary, did come to you to ask you to see Lin Wanwan. , but the purpose is the opposite, I want you to tell Lin Wanwan that you don't like her, and hate her very much, anyway, you can belittle her, if you want, you'd better add insults."

After listening to Feng Qianyun's words, Ruan Tiange was surprised, why what Feng Qianyun said was completely different from what he thought.

"You, why did you ask me to do this? Did Lin Wanwan offend you?" Ruan Tiange speculated.

"Strictly speaking, she didn't." The previous incident was not enough to cause Feng Qianyun to retaliate, but it is true that Feng Qianyun disliked Lin Wanwan. People like people, some people are disgusted from the beginning to the end from the first meeting, for Feng Qianyun, Lin Wanwan belongs to the latter.

"Then why did you ask me to do this?" Ruan Tiange asked curiously.

"I'm upset, I'm willing, I'm full and have nothing to do, are these reasons okay?"

"If you must say this is a reason, I can't refute you."

"It's been a long time since I've done anything bad. I'm flustered. Recently, there's someone who feels bad. I'll use it to refresh my mood. How about it? Do you want to do it or not?" Feng Qianyun was very straightforward.

"Okay, but let me explain that there is nothing between me and Lin Wanwan. She pursued me by herself. I rejected her, but she still told her friends that I was her boyfriend. As for Lin Shufen, I never intend to agree to her request, because I think her request is not reasonable at all, no matter whether she is out of love for me Meimei or not." Ruan Tiange stated in advance.

"Very good." Feng Qianyun nodded, agreeing with Ruan Tiange's words, "Come with me, I want to let that woman know that finding me was the worst decision in her life."

Lin Wanwan was very excited when he received Ruan Tiange's call.

"Tiange, Tiange, is it really you?" Lin Wanwan was so excited that he shouted "Tiange" without listening.

(End of this chapter)

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