Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 537 Feeling warming up, rhyme tricks people

Chapter 537 Feeling warming up, thousands of rhymes trick people (3)
Her "Tiange" came through the phone, and Feng Qianyun, who was standing next to Ruan Tiange, got goosebumps. God, if they are really boyfriend and girlfriend, Feng Qianyun doesn't mind her doing this at all. Call Ruan Tiange affectionately, but the point is, Ruan Tiange is really not her boyfriend. When she cheated on others, did she also cheat herself?

"At twelve o'clock at noon, you come to Building No. 9 of Z University, and I will meet you." Ruan Tiange was a little disgusted, if Feng Qianyun hadn't told him, he would never have made this call!

"Okay, I'll go, Tian Ge, do you like to see me in a skirt or in hot pants?" Lin Wanwan on the other end was already excited.

Feng Qianyun almost didn't laugh out loud, she had no other intentions, she just felt that this kind of thing that should have happened between very close boyfriend and girlfriend happened to Lin Wanwan and Ruan Tiange, it was inexplicably funny, Or is it that her laughing point has become lower recently?I think should not be.

"Whatever!" Ruan Tiange hung up the phone angrily, he was afraid that if he continued to talk to Lin Wanwan, he would completely forget what Feng Qianyun told him!

Ruan Tiange hung up the phone angrily, but seeing Feng Qianyun smiling happily, she angrily accused Feng Qianyun of her behavior, "You are the one who made me say these things, but you are laughing happily beside me!"

"Sorry, I didn't laugh at you, it's none of your business, ahem, I won't laugh anymore." Feng Qianyun quickly put away her smile, making herself look more serious.

"By the way, what are you going to do today?" Ruan Tiange asked Feng Qianyun.

"It's nothing, it just made her lose face." Feng Qianyun replied with a smirk.

"I just like not to cause a show." After Ruan Tiange made this call, she began to wonder if it was wise for her to agree to Feng Qianyun to do this.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the students had just finished class. Even if there was no class in the morning, they had to go to the cafeteria to eat. It was a time when there were many people, and Building No. [-] was located in the center of Z University.

Feng Qianyun just wants more people, so that it is fun!

At twelve o'clock in the noon, Lin Wanwan arrived on time. In fact, she came early in the morning, but in order to show the reservedness of a woman, she could arrive on time.

Seeing Ruan Tiange standing in the square from a distance, Lin Wanwan's face showed the shyness of his daughter.

Slowly pushing the wheelchair he was sitting on, he stopped two steps away from Ruan Tiange and looked at him timidly.

"Heavenly Song..."

"Let me ask you, why do you tell others that I am your boyfriend?" Ruan Tiange questioned Lin Wanwan about this as soon as he came up.

Lin Wanwan's face immediately changed when he heard the words, she thought that Ruan Tiange asked her out today because she finally found out that she was fine, but unexpectedly, he came up to question her.

Lin Wanwan grabbed the armrest of the wheelchair with all his strength, but he still had a harmless smile on his face.

"You, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"I ask you, why are you talking nonsense, I have nothing to do with you!" Ruan Tiange said angrily, he was actually talking according to what Feng Qianyun told him, but seeing Lin Wanwan's appearance, his own Anger was also drawn out.

After being yelled at by Ruan Tiange, Lin Wanwan's eyes immediately turned red, and she sniffed aggrievedly, "I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You understand, don't pretend anymore!" Ruan Tiange's dislike for Lin Wanwan increased even more. She was the one who did these things, so why can she still pretend to be so pitiful?It seemed that she was the victim, but the victim was clearly him!

"I don't know, Tian Ge, what happened, why did you treat me like this?"

It was supposed to be Ruan Tiange who blamed Lin Wanwan, but Lin Wanwan instead blamed Ruan Tiange for his ruthlessness.

"Lin Wanwan, are you still pretending? You tell others that we are boyfriend and girlfriend, but in fact I have nothing to do with you!" Ruan Tiange's voice raised a few more notes.

As the two people quarreled more and more fiercely, more and more people watched. Originally, Ruan Tiange was a famous figure in Z University and attracted a lot of attention. Seeing him getting angry with a disabled girl, everyone's curiosity was suppressed. Hooked up.

With so many people watching, it was impossible for Lin Wanwan to admit that he was lying.

Lin Wanwan burst into tears when he heard the words, "Tiange, you obviously didn't say that before, you obviously didn't say that before, you said it, even if my legs are crippled, you won't want me Yes, why, why did you change your mind so quickly? Is it because of the appearance of a third party? really fell in love with someone else...I, I..." Lin Wanwan choked up, talking about this The place couldn't continue, and after a long pause, he continued, "I can fulfill your wish, I just beg you, please don't slander me..."

When Lin Wanwan cried, he made Ruan Tiange cry into a heartless person.

"Lin Wanwan, that's enough!" Ruan Tiange grabbed his hair carelessly, what's going on with this woman, she can sing black into white, and cry into white into black!
Seeing the situation, everyone felt sympathy for Lin Wanwan.

"Oh, Ruan Tiange, what do you have to tell the girl well, even though her legs are crippled, you can't treat her so cruelly!"

"Yes, if you want to break up, change to a more peaceful way. You sit down and have a good talk. Don't slander her. How uncomfortable it is for her. She has suffered so much, so don't hurt her anymore. Her heart is gone."


Everyone complained about Lin Wanwan.

"Thank you for speaking up for me, but I know my own situation. I'm a cripple and not worthy of Tiange. He deserves a better girl." Lin Wanwan wiped his tears, trying to show himself strong a little.

Her appearance brought more criticism from everyone.

"Don't be like this. Although your legs and feet are not very good, you have a beautiful heart. That's the most important thing."

"That's right, it's his loss if he doesn't want you, so don't get overwhelmed!"


Ruan Tiange really wanted to strangle Lin Wanwan to death.

What about Feng Qianyun?Where did she die?This was all her idea, but why hasn't she been seen yet?

Ruan Tiange felt that he was going to be driven crazy by Lin Wanwan, so he looked around for Feng Qianyun, but he found Feng Qianyun beside Lin Wanwan.

What is she doing there?
Feng Qianyun didn't know when she mixed with the crowd of onlookers to Lin Wanwan's side, stood with the person who comforted Lin Wanwan like that, and even put her hands on Lin Wanwan's body in troubled waters. The man patted Lin Wanwan on the shoulder and said words of encouragement to her.

(End of this chapter)

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