Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 547 Lie Que, Why Are You Holy?

Chapter 547 Lie Que, Why Are You Holy? (3)
Lie Que said this earlier, which also meant that what Han Mojue had to bear would not be an easy task.

Han Mojue smiled wryly, "I have come to this realization."

He didn't show too much heavy emotion because of Lie Que's words.

"Que, what kind of blood do you plan to strip off his body?" Feng Qianyun asked Lie Que, Han Mojue's body has both dragon blood and ordinary people's blood.

Before Lie Que could speak, Han Mojue rushed to talk, "Get rid of the dragon blood!"

"Young master!" He Ying became anxious when he heard that Han Mojue wanted to strip off the dragon blood in his body, what a precious blood it is!
Han Mojue laughed at himself, "I've been an ordinary person for 20 years, and suddenly I become a special person, I won't be used to it."

The bloodline of the Dragon Clan, which was coveted and envied by countless people, became something that troubled him in Han Mojue's eyes.

He's fine now and won't be too much trouble.

"The danger of stripping the dragon blood in your body is far greater than stripping your human blood. For safety reasons, I think it is better for you to choose to strip the latter." Lie Que added.

How powerful the blood of the dragon clan is. In comparison, it is very difficult to eliminate such a powerful force. Equally, the danger is even greater, whether it is for Han Mojue himself or for the caster. Either way, this wouldn't be a good choice.

Han Mojue glanced at Lie Que, it turned out that he couldn't choose...

He bowed his head and laughed at himself, "It doesn't matter, you make your decision."

"Because stripping your human bloodline and killing the demonic Gu to release your dragon bloodline need to be done at the same time, we need some external conditions to slow down the trauma of these double changes on your body."

This is not a simple process. Originally, the bloodline stripping technique would cause trauma to the person being treated, and Han Mojue still had to deal with the demonic Gu.

While completing these things, Han Mojue was like completely replacing the blood in his body and reshaping his muscles and bones. This kind of suffering is really not something anyone can bear.

Han Mojue leaned on the sofa and smiled slightly, "Is there anything worse than the situation in front of me? It doesn't matter, I am mentally prepared for what I have to endure."

He already had the determination to die, so it didn't matter.

At this time, He Ying asked, "Mr. Lie Que, may I ask, what kind of external conditions are needed for buffering? If there is anything that I can use, I will do my best!"

"On the top of Kunlun, the water in the spiritual realm is extremely clear and pure, and extremely cloudy and cold." Lie Que replied.

The dragon blood in Han Mojue's body is the most yang blood, and the water in the spiritual realm is yin to cold, which can alleviate the impact of the dragon blood on Han Mojue to a certain extent. Jue's body itself has a certain healing effect.

"We need to go to Kunlun?" He Ying asked.

Column defect header.

"Okay, I'll get ready now!" He Ying couldn't wait to get ready.

"Hmm." Lie Kuang nodded.

It is urgent to go to Kunlun. Han Mojue's body has reached a certain limit, and it will not do him any good if he continues.

Everyone chose the fastest way to rush to Kunlun, the flight flew directly to the nearest airport to Kunlun, and then chartered a car directly to the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain has been known as the ancestor of thousands of mountains since ancient times, and it is also known as the "blood of the ancestor of the dragon" in China.

What kind of secrets are hidden in the huge Kunlun Mountains that are not known to the world?Perhaps no one can make it quite clear.

This time, Lie Que led the way, Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and He Ying walked together.

From the beginning of climbing, several people have been walking on foot.In the beginning, there was still a way for a few people to walk, but in the end, there was no way at all.

After passing through the thorn bushes, there is a narrow path. On both sides of the path are unattainable stone walls. Feng Qianyun looked up, and he couldn't see the top at a glance. The wind in the narrow path was very fast and very cold.Now they are at an altitude of more than 3000 meters, and the temperature is quite different from that at the foot of the mountain. When they were at the foot of the mountain, several of them were still wearing single clothes. When they arrived here, several of them had to wear mountaineering clothes to keep out the cold. Impressed.

In the trail, any small sound will be amplified here, and the slight sound of the wind has evolved into a shrill whistling sound in this narrow trail, which is a bit eerie and eerie.

Occasionally, some stones are blown off by the wind on the stone wall, and then rolled down.

The four of them walked carefully on the path.

"Be careful, this trail is very unsafe."

Lie Que walked in the front, and he reminded Feng Qianyun behind him and Han Mojue and He Ying who were walking in the back to pay attention to safety.

On this trail, due to the strong wind that is not directional, even a small leaf may become a murderous weapon, and the stone walls on both sides are constantly weathering, and the falling rock fragments are on the top of the stone wall. Under the action of the strong wind, it has obtained a very high flight speed, and its lethality is even comparable to that of bullets.

A small stone was blowing towards him, Lie Que used his hand as the blade, gathered his internal force in his hand, waved his hand to split the small stone, and shattered it into pieces.

Don't look at Lie Que's small movement, but it reflects his strong internal strength and skillful technique. The difficulty of splitting and shattering a small stone is no less than splitting a bullet shot towards him.

If this kind of small stones only appear occasionally, then it is easy to handle, but I am afraid that sometimes they will appear in a concentrated manner.Feng Qianyun thought in her heart, who wants to be afraid of anything.

The four of them pricked up their ears one after another, waiting seriously, there were other stones blown by the gust of wind!
And there are many, more than one!
There was a large wave of stones flying towards several people, in a mess without a fixed pattern, completely changing due to the change of the wind direction!
Feng Qianyun glanced back, Han Mojue was not in good health, and He Ying had to take care of Han Mojue.

"Little Qi!" Feng Qianyun called Qixing Longyuan out, Qixing Longyuan exuding white light appeared in Feng Qianyun's palm, Feng Qianyun held the sword, and the sword seemed to swim in Feng Qianyun's hand Like a snake, it smashed the stones that flew in front of them one after another accurately.

Although Qixing Longyeon is not very good at dealing with ordinary attacks, Feng Qianyun used it properly and used his own internal force to protect Qixing Longyeon's sword, making the best use of Qixing Longyeon.

After a burst of tinkling sounds, the extremely lethal small stones around did not decrease.

Damn it, their luck is not so bad!
(End of this chapter)

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