Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 548 Lie Que, Why Are You Holy?

Chapter 548 Lie Que, Why Are You Holy? (4)
Suddenly, a strong internal force condensed in the narrow path, and by the time Feng Qianyun realized it, her body had already vacated.


Feng Qianyun noticed that the one sitting under her was a phantom beast of the same level as her Bai Ze phantom beast - Qinglong!
All phantom beasts are formed by martial arts practitioners with their own internal strength. No matter what the shape is, they are all white. If the internal strength is not strong enough, then the phantom beasts that are transformed will not be so pure white, there will be Some are transparent, but people with strong inner strength like Lie Que, the phantom beasts transformed are very rich white.

The shape of the transformed phantom beasts is also very particular. Some people can transform aggressive beasts such as tigers and lions, while others may only transform into birds, chickens, and rabbits, which are not very aggressive. In the battle, the impact of this difference in shape is also very large.

As for transforming into the form of an ancient beast...

The charming Bai Ze, now, Lie Que has transformed into a green dragon.

In fact, Feng Qianyun also thought about the phantom beast just now, but her phantom beast is Bai Ze. This narrow path is too narrow, there is not enough space to transform the phantom beast Bai Ze, and the strong wind in this path is very strong, it is possible to transform the phantom beast. Difficulty is a little more difficult.

Lie Que stood on the head of Qinglong, controlling the Qinglong Eudemons to protect everyone.

He Ying supported Han Mojue, staring at Lie Que in front of him with shock in his eyes, he knew that Lie Que was very capable, but turned into a green dragon and phantom beast...

As members of the dragon clan, dragon-shaped phantom beasts have some special meanings to them, at least those who can transform into dragon-shaped phantom beasts...

There was a huge green dragon phantom beast that blocked the attack for everyone, and saved everyone from walking on their own, saving everyone a lot of energy.

Feng Qianyun sat down on the back of the green dragon phantom beast, looking up at the natural danger, if it wasn't for Lie Que, it would be really dangerous for them to go through this narrow path.


After crossing the narrow path of death, the scenery in front of you is eye-opening.

The other end of the narrow path seems to have been covered with ice and snow, but this end is still full of spring and the climate is pleasant, as if it has crossed into another world in an instant.

Hundreds of flowers are blooming all around, like a fairyland, making people feel like they are in a dream.

The water of the waterfall rushed down and slapped on the rocks below. The water flow was so clear that the rocks at the bottom could be seen at a glance. Feng Qianyun stood on the shore, bent down, and touched the mountain spring with her hands.

It’s so cold!

The cold spring water gave Feng Qianyun a tingling sensation on her skin, as if she had accidentally touched something extremely cold.

"The water is very cloudy and cold. Although it has a recuperating effect on the body, if it is not properly controlled, it will be dangerous to let the cold air in the water invade the body." Lie Que reminded Feng Qianyun.

"Hahahaha... I thought it was someone who had the guts to break in here, it turned out to be you!"

An old man came out from among the flowers, with white hair, a white beard, and a white robe. When he came out, his face was smiling, and his eyes were crescent-shaped.

Is this person... an immortal?Feng Qianyun doubted that what she saw was a fairy.

The old man and Lie Que obviously knew each other.

"Let me borrow your place." Lie Que saw the old man without any surprises, obviously he had known him early in the morning.

"You want to borrow my place, is that the attitude?" The old man said sullenly, although he couldn't refuse if he wanted to borrow it, but he should be more polite with his words anyway!

After thinking about it, the old man saw that Lie Que had no intention of explaining at all, so he consciously added, "Hehe, of course, I welcome you anytime, whenever you want, hehe..."

There is no way, this pervert is not easy to provoke, if he is annoyed, if he finishes tossing this place, he will be finished.

"Lie Que, he is..." Is this a human being?No matter how Feng Qianyun looked at it, he didn't think this old man was human.

"He's not human." Lie Que replied, it was the truth, he didn't scold anyone, the old man was indeed not human.

"Then he is a weapon spirit?" Feng Qianyun guessed, but it didn't feel like it.

"No." Although the old man is not a human being, he is not a weapon spirit either.

"Hehe..." The old man walked up to Feng Qianyun with a smile, bent over to look at Feng Qianyun carefully, "Oh, the little girl is not simple, metal, wood, dual attributes! And... ..."

The old man looked Feng Qianyun up and down again, "I also have two spirit weapons and one..."

The old man nodded as he spoke, as if he was satisfied with something.

"Old man, why are you staring at me like that, tell me the truth, what are you?" Feng Qianyun asked the old man.

"Girl, everything in the world is born from the gathering of spiritual energy, old man, because the water in the spiritual realm in front of you has accumulated spiritual energy for thousands of years to form a tangible thing that is neither human nor immortal, neither demon nor demon, to put it bluntly It’s just a bunch of spiritual power.”

The old man explained his identity to Feng Qianyun himself.

Because he was formed by gathering spiritual power, he could know the existence of spiritual power in Feng Qianyun's body, and he could see through the attributes of Feng Qianyun's body at a glance.

"Old man, I want you to help her open the blood successor extension." Lie Que ordered the old man.

The old man had a bitter look on his face when he heard the words, "Although this girl's body is special, and her physical condition has reached the critical point of opening the blood succession extension because of practicing a certain peculiar mental method, but... why should I help you, old man?" What about doing this kind of drudgery?"

It's fine to lend him the place, but he still wants him to help with this kind of thing?That would consume a lot of his spiritual energy!He himself was formed by condensing spiritual power, and when the spiritual power was exhausted, he disappeared.

"Or do you prefer me to do it myself?" Lie Que asked the old man with a light smile.

Lie Que occasionally has a dark side.

If Lie Que did it himself, it might not be a matter of wasting part of the spiritual power for the old man, maybe all the spiritual power would be gone.

"Okay, okay, I'll agree to whatever you say!" The old man promised repeatedly, he didn't want to be wiped out.

The old man walked towards Feng Qianyun with bitter tears in his eyes, "Girl, let's go, leave this place for them, let's go there, I will help you break through the final boundary."

"Wait, I still have something to deal with." Her breakthrough is not urgent, Han Mojue's matter is more important, and she will use Seven Star Dragon Abyss to kill the demonic Gu in Han Mojue's body in a while.

"Yun, you go there, I will do the killing of the demonic Gu, it will be better for one person to control both sides to seize the opportunity."

Timing is very important, it can't be sooner or later, otherwise Han Mojue's life will be in danger.

Feng Qianyun thought for a while, then took out the Seven Star Dragon Yuan and handed it to Han Mojue, "Then I'll leave it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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