Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 556: The Verse Comes

Chapter 556 Qian Yun Comes Back (2)
"Where do you come from, why are you here alone?" Lan Zhi sat down beside Feng Qianyun, the first time she saw Feng Qianyun's appearance, she was sure that she was not a local, she was so tender The skin, such a beautiful and moving appearance, made her a little dazed when she saw it as a woman.

"My family is in the province of Z. I came to Kunlun for some things, but some accidents happened, um... my friends went back first, so now I have to go back alone." Feng Qianyun avoided the seriousness Explained to Lanzhi why he was alone in Kunlun.

Feng Qianyun's words obviously concealed a lot, Lan Zhi thought, she must have encountered a very unhappy thing, she should not ask, so as not to make her sad.

"It doesn't matter, you can go with us. After we finish this trip to Kunlun, we will return to Province J. Province J and Province Z are very close. I will help you check the bus for you to go home. You don't have to." Too worried." Lanzhi comforted Feng Qianyun.

She thought that Feng Qianyun was worried about going home. In fact, the matter was not so bad for Feng Qianyun, but since the other party had already regarded her as a person in distress, Feng Qianyun was not easy to explain. It's really hard to explain, she can't tell Lanzhi that she lived on Kunlun Mountain for four full years, can she?
In order to prevent the woman from continuing to deepen this misunderstanding, Feng Qianyun took the initiative to change the subject, "Sister Lan, I see that you are very close to that gentleman just now, are you a couple?"

Lanzhi smiled shyly, "We're already married, so this trip is a different kind of honeymoon. The two of us met on a hike together. He is in the jade business, and I work in a foreign company. After a year, considering that we are getting older, our family is urging us to get married, and our personalities are quite compatible, and we have the same hobbies, so we went to register for marriage."

"It seems that he treats you very well, and you have a very good relationship!" Feng Qianyun praised, and the husband and wife were in perfect harmony.

"He is very good to people, and there is nothing to choose in terms of personality. My sisters all envy me for marrying a good man, but there is one thing, his job is a bit unreliable."

"Isn't it good to be in the jade business? Judging from his appearance, the business should be very profitable!" Feng Qianyun didn't ignore the watch that Lanzhi's husband was wearing, a Rolex, a watch worth hundreds of thousands of pieces, which most people would not know worn.

"Hey, it sounds like a business, but it's just like other people's stock trading. It's opportunistic! It's also largely due to luck. When he was in college, he went hiking with a friend, and there was a quarry nearby. He bought a stone out of curiosity, but he was asked to make a glass seed, and he made tens of thousands of dollars at once, which made him very happy." A college student, who usually only received a little living expenses from his parents, suddenly got several Ten thousand yuan, of course you will be happy, and everyone will be happy if you change it. "After he tasted the sweetness later, he devoted himself to studying this matter, and has been doing it until now."

"Although there are certain risks, this is a serious business. There are risks in everything you do now, so don't worry too much." Feng Qianyun comforted Lan Zhi.

"Hey, I hope that's the case." Lanzhi shook her head, "By the way, do you have someone you like? Don't be embarrassed, when I was the same age as you, in reality there was no one I liked, but chasing Han Xing chased him hard, and I didn’t even have a computer at that time, so I watched TV when my parents were not at home.”

Do you like someone...

Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, "Yes, but I think I want to kill him even more now."

"Ah?" Lanzhi was taken aback by Feng Qianyun's words. She is such a beautiful young girl, it would be too scary to say that killing someone. Kunlun couldn't even go home, and she had already sketched out the rudiments of a tragic love story in her heart. She quickly persuaded Feng Qianyun, "You are still young, so don't be too impulsive about your relationship, you will meet more in the future." Good man, don't do stupid things!"

"If he dares to leave without saying goodbye, he must be prepared to bear my anger!" Feng Qianyun squeezed the fist of her right hand and deformed the bread in her hand.

Seeing this, Lanzhi became even more worried, "It's his fault that he left you behind. It's fine if you don't want such a man. It's not worth losing your future for a scumbag like you. Listen to what my sister said. , don't think about that kind of scumbag anymore, just turn around and leave when you see the end of the street." Lanzhi is a mature and rational woman, she wants to persuade Feng Qianyun and doesn't want her to make mistakes.

Lan Zhi talked about a scumbag, and Feng Qianyun found it very enjoyable to listen to. Is she a pervert?She felt very happy when someone scolded her fiancé!
"Are you listening to me?" Lan Zhi couldn't get Feng Qianyun's response, and she was a little anxious. Nowadays, young people, if there is anything that cannot be resolved properly, they will commit suicide or homicide at every turn. They don't take their lives seriously. Seriously!
"Sister Lan, it's okay. I was just kidding. I didn't really intend to kill him, but it is necessary to punish him a little bit. It is necessary to let him know that I don't just leave it alone." Feng Qianyun Seriously answering Lan Zhi's words, she thought that if she didn't explain to Lan Zhi, she might always treat her as a young impulsive and ignorant girl and talk to her.

"Ah?" Lanzhi was stunned by Feng Qianyun again, and Feng Qianyun's tone this time seemed to be planning to forgive that "scumbag", "You mean, not only did you not intend to 'Killed' that smelly man who bullied you and left you behind, and are you going to forgive him?"

"Well, maybe..." Feng Qianyun smiled lightly, her beautiful face became even more attractive because of this smile, Lanzhi couldn't help but froze for a moment, almost forgot what she was going to say to Feng Qianyun up.

Lan Zhi sighed in her heart, she really couldn't understand the young people nowadays, one second they seemed to hate each other to death, but the next second they said they wanted to forgive each other.

Is it because she is too old to keep up with the times?Lanzhi muttered in his heart.

After Lanzhi and the others rested at the campsite for a period of time, they packed up their tents and set off on their way home. They drove to the foot of Kunlun Mountain by themselves. There were two off-road vehicles in the group, and Lanzhi's husband opened one. Another man drove one.

Feng Qianyun rides with Lanzhi and the others.

Lanzhi's husband drove, and Lanzhi sat in the passenger seat.Feng Qianyun sat in the back, and beside him sat a young guy named Lan Yang, Lan Zhi's younger brother.

Lan Yang was in his early twenties, not a few years older than Feng Qianyun, when he met a girl as beautiful as Feng Qianyun for the first time, he was inevitably a little excited.

(End of this chapter)

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