Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 557: The Verse Comes

Chapter 557 Qian Yun Comes Back (3)
As soon as Feng Qianyun got into the car, Lan Yang began to strike up a conversation with Feng Qianyun.

"Your name is Feng Qianyun, right? I've heard my sister say, are you in high school or university now?"

"University." In fact, Feng Qianyun has attended this university for almost five years.

"Oh, it should be a freshman, right? I'm a sophomore! So I'm still your senior! I studied at SZ University, how about you?" When Lan Yang introduced which university he was in With a smug look on his face.

SZ University is one university after another, so Lan Yang is very proud.

"Oh..." Feng Qianyun didn't pay too much attention to Lan Yang, but since people asked, Feng Qianyun would still answer, it was a question of politeness.

"You haven't told me which university you study in." Lan Yang pressed unwillingly, thinking that Feng Qianyun's non-sentence answer was a girl's shyness.

"Z big." Feng Qianyun looked out of the window, Lan Yang asked, and she answered truthfully.

"What? You mean University Z? Is it the University Z in Province Z?" Lan Yang confirmed again.

"En." Feng Qianyun nodded slightly.

Lan Yang blushed immediately. He was studying in an ordinary school, while Feng Qianyun was studying at one of the top universities in China, which paled in comparison.

At this time, Lan Zhi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned around and said to Lan Yang, "Look, I said earlier, the university you went to is nothing to be proud of, this time it's embarrassing! "

Lan Yang's complexion suddenly became ugly. In front of other girls, it's fine for his sister not to speak for him, but she even demolished him!

"Sister, how can you say that, anyway, I am also the first one in our family to be admitted to a university! You only studied a junior college!" Compared with Lanzhi's junior college, Lan Yang was admitted to a bachelor's degree It was still a matter that made Lanzhi and Lanyang's parents very happy. Lanyang once became the pride of the family.

"You, you just don't know how big the outside world is," Lan Zhi said helplessly, her younger brother is just too complacent, always thinking how good he is, and indeed he is very good in their family, and his ability to read is also a miracle Well, after all, people in their family are not good at reading, but when compared with others, they are far inferior. No, Feng Qianyun is a student of Z University!
Lan Yang glared at Lan Zhi sullenly, Lan Zhi shook her head, and stopped talking about him.

Without Lan Zhi's interruption, Lan Yang continued to strike up a conversation with Feng Qianyun, "Feng Qianyun, what department do you study? I study the Department of Literature." Boys with a strong literary atmosphere should be very popular with girls.

"Medicine." Feng Qianyun replied.

At this time, Lanzhi's husband, who was driving, said, "It's difficult to take the medical exam at Z University. If you have a high score, you are really capable, and you can get admitted to Z University's medical department!"

Before he came into contact with stone gambling, he also studied medicine, but he studied medicine at an ordinary university, which could not be compared with that of Z University.

"Probably..." Feng Qianyun didn't take the college entrance examination, so she doesn't know exactly what happened back then.

Lan Yang found that no matter what he said, he was inferior to Feng Qianyun. As a man, he had no place to put his face. He was very depressed because he wanted to establish a good image in front of Feng Qianyun.

At this time, he was prejudiced against Feng Qianyun wearing a ring on the middle finger of his right hand, and he was a little puzzled, "The ring on your hand is... I heard that wearing a ring on the middle finger means that you are engaged to someone. You are a woman." It's better for children not to wear the ring on the middle finger casually."

Feng Qianyun raised her right hand, "This is indeed my engagement ring."

She was engaged to Lie Que, but her fiancé disappeared.

"What? You're engaged?" Lan Yang had a hard time accepting this fact. It was the first time he was so attracted to a girl, and he tried so hard to strike up a conversation with her just now, but she said she was already engaged, which made Lan Yang The more Yang thought about it, the more unpleasant it became, and finally he became angry from embarrassment, "You are only seventeen or eighteen years old, and you are so casually engaged to someone so early!"

Feng Qianyun turned her head and glanced at Lan Yang. Is engagement just casual?What's wrong with getting engaged at the age of seventeen or eighteen?This marriage, she was engaged at the age of 13, okay?

"What does my engagement have to do with you?" Feng Qianyun said sarcastically.

"You!" Lan Yang was angry, and then shouted at Lan Zhi, "Sister, why did we bring such a shameless woman?"

Lan Yang thought in his heart, you are in trouble now, take their car, and still ignore Lan Yang so much!
"Lan Yang, shut up!" Lan Zhi was very disappointed with her younger brother. If she failed to chase a girl, she humiliated her instead. What kind of man is this?
Lanzhi said to Feng Qianyun with an apologetic face, "I'm sorry Yunyun, my brother has been spoiled by my parents since he was a child."

Feng Qianyun pursed her mouth, before she had time to say anything, the car braked suddenly.

The people in the car were shaking violently.

Not only did Feng Qianyun's car have an accident, but the car following behind also encountered the same situation.

Feng Qianyun squinted her eyes, keenly feeling that many people were approaching around her.

"What's going on?" Lan Zhi came back to her senses, luckily she was wearing a seat belt just now, otherwise the sudden brake must have been a serious hit!
Lanzhi's husband shook his head. He didn't know what happened. It seemed that something was pressed on the tire, and the whole car lost control in an instant. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and braked urgently.

At this time, many people appeared around, wearing turbans and holding guns in their hands.

Their appearance made Feng Qianyun affirm one thing, they met terrorists.

In the area under Kunlun Mountain, there are many terrorists roaming around.

The sudden incident scared everyone in the car.

A man came out of the window holding a gun and spoke to several people. No one in the car could understand what the other party said.

"It should be in Turkic language. Let's get out of the car and don't act casually." Although he couldn't understand what the people outside said specifically, but when this happened, Feng Qianyun could probably predict what was going to happen.

Lan Yang, who was sitting in the back seat with Feng Qianyun, was so frightened that his legs went limp early in the morning, and he didn't even have the strength to criticize Feng Qianyun.

Neither Lanzhi nor Lanzhi's husband dared to move, for fear of being mistaken, the incident happened so suddenly, let alone not being mentally prepared, even if they were, they didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing that they were not moving, Feng Qianyun opened the car door on her left, stepped out of the car, raised her hands above her head, and let the group outside relax their vigilance.

(End of this chapter)

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