Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 558: The Verse Comes

Chapter 558 Qian Yun Comes Back (4)
In fact, if Feng Qianyun is the only one, she can go out freely. Feng Qianyun is still sure if she wants to escape in this situation, but she can guarantee that if she escapes, the rest of the people will definitely She can't go, although she really doesn't like Lan Yang, but Lan Zhi and her husband are good to her, besides, she still needs this car to take her to the city, and someone robbed her halfway, so she can't move forward If there is no store in the back of the village, she really has to rely on her two legs to walk.

After Feng Qianyun got out of the car, Lan Zhi and the others quickly got out of the car, imitating Feng Qianyun and raising their hands.

One, two, three... Feng Qianyun counted the number of enemies, there are seven people in total, five of them are holding guns, the model of the gun is not new, Feng Qianyun used this kind of gun when she was in Long's house , I still have a certain understanding of the performance of the gun.

"Is there one of you who is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?" It turns out that some of these people can speak Mandarin.

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences?Although Feng Qianyun is not very clear about the other party's purpose, but if the other party is really a terrorist, once they find that they are useless, they will definitely kill them without mercy, so in this case, they must be arrested. Follow the other party's concerns to delay time and find opportunities.

"Yes!" Before anyone else could speak, Feng Qianyun was the first to speak up.

The other people were so frightened by this scene that their legs went weak, whoever had time to grab Feng Qianyun's words.By the time they realized what Feng Qianyun said, the questioning had already entered the next stage.

"Which one is?" the other party asked again.

"Every one of us is." Feng Qianyun replied, she was deliberately delaying time, in this case the most energy left, and the safest way is not to fight these people, but to play some tricks, anyway The other party is not a good person, Feng Qianyun is as dark as she can be, and as sinister as she can be.

"Stop lying, you and the boy next to you only look like teenagers."

"Age doesn't mean anything. We are all in the junior class of the University of Science and Technology. We went to the University of Science and Technology when we were ten years old. After graduation, we are in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. If you don't believe me, you can check it yourself on the Internet!" Feng Qianyun fabricated.

Lan Yang's legs were weak, and seeing that Feng Qianyun was not only lying but also provoking her, he hurriedly said, "I'm not, I'm not an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I'm just an ordinary college student, please let me go!"

Lan Yang thought that the other party was looking for an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, so he quickly separated the relationship, thinking that he would be fine this way.

Stupid, he will only die faster like this, who did he think he met?
The Mandarin-speaking man paused, unable to make up his mind for a while, so he asked another man who was taller and darker. Obviously, that man was their leader.

After the two communicated with Feng Qianyun's prophecy that neither of them could understand, they seemed to have made a decision.

Then I saw several people coming up to set up Lan Yang, took out their sabers, and wanted to be the first to use Lan Yang for surgery.

"You better tell the truth, or you will all die." The man warned everyone.

Lan Zhi and the others pursed their lips and did not speak, because they did not dare to speak easily, their brains could not make correct judgments whether to speak or not.

"What truth do you want to hear? Why don't you tell me directly, what is the name of the academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences you are looking for, what kind of research is he engaged in, and what do you want to get from him?" Feng Qianyun asked repeatedly. A lot of questions.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Because even if there is no one you are looking for among us, we may know where he is, or, although we are not him, we have the same role as him. I just said that we are all academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but it is true. We are on vacation together this time. The person you detained knew that you were terrorists. He would rather die than become your captive. But I don’t want to die. If there is anything I can do to help Yours, I am willing to help, maybe we can cooperate."

Feng Qianyun talked with the other party very calmly, speaking so seriously that the other party had to think a little bit about Feng Qianyun's words.

"The person we are looking for is surnamed Zhong, a researcher of nuclear weapons. Is there such a person among you, or is there anyone among you who is also engaged in research on nuclear weapons?"

Nuclear weapons?
These people originally had this idea, no wonder they still thought about talking to her, or else a bomb bombed them early in the morning and it was over.

"No, I'm not, don't listen to that bitch's nonsense, I don't know what academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are!" Lan Yang felt that Feng Qianyun was crazy and would harm them, so he didn't want to be caught by these people.

Lan Yang shouted, arousing the dissatisfaction of these terrorists, they don't need such a noisy person, even if he is, they don't need it.

So, the gun in the hands of the leader over there aimed at Lan Yang.

God!Lanzhi almost fainted on the spot.

However, at this moment, everyone present fell down almost at the same time.

This is how the same thing?

Why did everyone lose their energy all of a sudden?Whether it was these bad guys or the kidnapped people, they all fell to the ground in the same way.

Only one person was still standing there unharmed, and Feng Qianyun put down her slightly raised hand.

"Fortunately, we can make it in time." Feng Qianyun gave the antidote to Lanzhi and the others to take.

After Lanzhi and the others regained their strength, they still had lingering fears. Looking at the villains who had gone to the end, they asked Feng Qianyun in horror, "What happened to them? What happened just now?"

"It's nothing, I just... used the professional knowledge I learned." Feng Qianyun didn't say carefully, she just put some poison in the air just now, because the space is wide and the reaction time is a bit slow.

"Because it takes a little while for the drug to react."

"So you deliberately communicated with them just now to delay time?" Lan Zhi asked in surprise, she never expected Feng Qianyun to have such courage and strategy.


Everyone thought they were going to die this time, but fortunately, there was a lot of wind and charm!
Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, "Let's go, just call the police on the way, they won't be able to move for a while." Then Feng Qianyun got into the car first and went to wait for them in the car.

This girl...Lanzhi looked at Feng Qianyun's back, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart.

After arriving in the city, Feng Qianyun bid farewell to Lan Zhi and the others, saying that she had returned home through other means, without saying much.

Feng Qianyun got off the car, feeling a long-lost feeling.

Four years later, Feng Qianyun still remembers that she was only 1.5 meters tall when she first left, but now she is 1.6 meters eight.

(End of this chapter)

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