Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 559: The Verse Comes

Chapter 559 Qian Yun Comes Back (5)
The Yucun pharmacy is still the same as before. Although there are not many residents nearby, there are still many people who come in the name of Mulu Dafeng.

At this time, Lu Dafeng was sitting on his rocking chair. The rocking chair under his buttocks made a "squeaky" sound because of its old age. Lu Dafeng was still holding a cattail fan in his hand. After a long time, there are already two small holes on the top of the fan.

The fan has a constant fan, which is used to drive away those disobedient flies flying around, which also means that although Lu Dafeng squinted his eyes, he was still awake.

Feng Qianyun walked over, sat down on the chair made by Gu Lai's client opposite Lu Dafeng, and deliberately said in a rough voice, "Mr., I'm seeing a doctor."

Who knew that Lu Dafeng didn't even open his eyes, and said plainly, "Old man, I'm in a bad mood today, so I won't see a doctor!"

"Old man, you open the door to do business, why don't you do business when you come to the door?" Feng Qianyun said with a smile, Lu Dafeng really lived more and more, and he was as self-willed as a child.

"I run this shop. If I want to see a doctor, I can see a doctor. If I don't want to see a doctor, I don't want to see a doctor. If you don't like it, don't look at it. Go, don't make noise in front of the old man!" Lu Dafeng was in a bad mood Jia, I don't even bother to talk to people.

Tell me, he is so old, and the old Wang’s grandson who got up early to do Tai Chi with him is already in elementary school, what about him?So far there is not even a shadow!
It was not easy for his wooden son to open his mind and have a woman he likes, and that woman is also well-behaved, and she cooks well. Anyway, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, he is completely satisfied, 1 Thousands of satisfaction.

However, the two of them held back for four years, but they didn't get married!
This made his dream of holding a grandson completely come to nothing!

This morning he asked his son Lu Guoxing for the hundredth time whether he wanted to marry Feng Yilin or not, and gave birth to a baby for him to play with, but the silly boy scratched his head and blushed and said, Sorry to speak...

Lu Dafeng stomped his feet, and then Lu Guoxing said, let's talk about it before Yunyun comes back!
Turtle son!Which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!It's been four years since Little Master disappeared!

Except for Han Mojue who came to tell them that the little master was going to practice in Kunlun and would not be back in a short time, he hadn't heard from the little master for a whole day!

Feng Qianyun held back her smile, "Oh, old man, look at me, it's not easy to come all the way to your place, just treat it as a good deed and show me, anyway, if you don't I'm not in a good mood, and I'm not in a good mood, anyway, you won't be in a good mood, it's all right!"

When Lu Dafeng heard this, he felt unhappy. What did he mean that he couldn't feel better? Isn't this cursing him for not being able to hold his grandson for the rest of his life?

Lu Dafeng immediately jumped up from the rocking chair, and before he could see whether the person sitting opposite him was square or round, he began to curse, "You son of a bitch! You know how to knit! I'm in a bad mood, old man It's because my bastard son hasn't abducted my daughter-in-law into our family tree until now. My little bastard master has been gone for four years and there is no news at all. He didn't even call me. Forget it!"

"Hehehehehe..." Feng Qianyun was amused by Lu Dafeng's hairy appearance, and her "old apprentice" was still as fun as ever.

This time when changing the road, Dafeng was stunned. Although after four years of baptism, Feng Qianyun's appearance has changed and she is more beautiful and moving, but the general appearance does not run away, and it is not enough for people who are familiar with her to recognize her. not come out.

"Small, little master?!" Lu Dafeng jumped three feet high, this time he stood up directly, rushed over, clasped Feng Qianyun's shoulders with both hands, and observed closely.

"Hey, old man Lu, why are you so close?"

"That's right, that's right! This tone, this look, is my little master!" After Lu Dafeng confirmed that the person in front of him was Feng Qianyun, his little master whom he had missed for four years, "Wow!" With a single cry, he burst out crying, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo and you bastard, you bastard, you have been away for four years

Lu Dafeng hugged Feng Qianyun and cried loudly, without image, and wiped all his tears and snot on Feng Qianyun's clothes.

"Hey, hey, old man, pay attention, you are not in your [-]s this year, you are in your [-]s, right? How can you cry so shamelessly?" Feng Qianyun couldn't push Dafeng away, so he could only let him torment her poor clothes.

"Little master, you bastard, you don't even remember my age, but I remember that you are 17 years old this year, and your birthday is coming soon, and you will be an adult soon, woo woo woo..." Lu Dafeng complained while crying With the wind and thousand rhymes.

"Uh..." Feng Qianyun had an idea, and quickly took out the spiritual fruit she put in the bag when she left Kunlun from the backpack behind her, "Who said I forgot you, look, I'll bring you a gift back Yes, the specialty of Kunlun Spiritual Water, spiritual fruit."

Lu Dafeng is a medical idiot. When he saw a spiritual fruit that he had never seen before, he immediately stopped crying. He picked up the spiritual fruit and was very excited. "What is this, and what is the effect of the medicine?"

"Uh... this is... a tonic, which prolongs life and is very effective."

Seeing how touched Lu Dafeng was, Feng Qianyun didn't tell him that she actually carried this spirit fruit to satisfy her hunger, but later she met Lanzhi and the others, ate some things that humans should eat, and returned to There is no chance to eat this thing after the city, and the remaining few spiritual fruits have been kept in her backpack until now.

"Really? No, I will eat half and keep the other half, and I will study the remaining half!" Lu Dafeng said very seriously, holding the spiritual fruit in his hands is no different from holding a rare treasure.

If he knew that Feng Qianyun had eaten this stuff for four years, he would probably have to yell again.

Feng Yilin came out of the back room, and when she saw the extra person in the store, her steps stopped.

As the tears fell, a smile crept onto her cheeks.

Feng Qianyun took the initiative to run over and hugged Feng Yilin tightly, "Mom, I'm back, I'm sorry, I've been away for too long."

"Stupid child, when you grow up, you always have to go out, as long as you remember to come home at any time." Feng Yilin reached out and stroked her daughter's face, "It's great that you have grown taller..."

(End of this chapter)

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