Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 560 You are a heartless person

Chapter 560 You are a heartless person (1)
This is an upper-class masquerade ball held at the headquarters of a certain consortium, and participants must have an invitation letter to participate.

Everyone present must wear a mask.

Today, a noble son from a merchant will be present, making the other daughters excited and nervous.

The golden bachelor who will be here today is not only beautiful, but also a well-known upstart in Province Z.

Appearance - first class.

Talent - top notch.

Vision - first class.

Personality—Barely able to be top-notch, although sometimes the temper is really a little bit bad.

The key - still single!
Such a good man is not only wanted by women, but also by men!Oh no, it's the women's father who wants such a son-in-law, don't get me wrong.

In this regard, Ouyang Zhimin has a lot to say.

Who said that the only shortcoming of this man is that his temper is a little hot?The biggest shortcoming is obviously that he can oppress people like a certain woman who has disappeared for four full years!

As a result, he has no time to date his own girlfriend every week.

Ouyang Zhimin complains about this matter almost every day, too much work and too little free time, so he can't spend time with his girlfriend, so his four-year long-distance relationship has not yet come to fruition!
Now Ouyang Zhimin has graduated from university. After graduation, Dong Lixi hoped that he would join his company to help him, but Ouyang Zhimin refused decisively.He also didn't become a teacher as he originally thought, teaching and educating people. That kind of thing is still not suitable for Ouyang Zhimin, although he has changed a lot now.

Letting the enterprise prince not do it, he went to work under Han Mojue as a coolie. Every day he got up earlier than a chicken, went to bed later than a dog, and was as tired as a dog.

At this time, Ouyang Zhimin was also at the dance, but now he was hiding in the toilet, talking on the phone with Shang Xiaoye.

Sitting on the toilet, Ouyang Zhimin is much more mature than four years ago. The ruffian air of the year has faded. After working for half a year, he is obviously much smarter, and there is also an elite atmosphere between his brows.

"Xiaoye, when will you agree to my marriage proposal?" Ouyang Zhimin spoke to Shang Xiaoye on the phone for the N 1st time.

"Ouyang, don't be like this, we are still young, look, you have just graduated from university, and I am still in graduate school, anyway, it is not suitable to talk about marriage!" Shang Xiaoye used this reason again to prevaricate Ouyang Zhimin is gone.

"Don't come here, it's true that I just graduated from university, but I have a stable job!" If Han Mojue dared to fire him, it would definitely be his loss!After these four years of tempering, Ouyang Zhimin is no longer the former Wuxia Amon!He now has absolute confidence that he can support his wife! "If you go to graduate school, you can go to graduate school. You can also go to graduate school if you are married. It doesn't matter at all. Why don't you help Han Mojue with me while studying?"

Shang Xiaoye originally studied finance. When she was in college, she helped a start-up company manage financial affairs. Although it was not smooth at the beginning, after all, there was still a big gap between the knowledge in college textbooks and the actual work. With the guidance and help of Han Mojue, Shang Xiaoye spent half a year getting familiar with the financial work. Even without Han Mojue, she can handle the work very well.

Anyway, to Ouyang Zhimin, the reasons Shang Xiaoye said were not reasons at all.

"Then we have to at least wait for Yunyun to come back!" Shang Xiaoye added.

"Oh—my God!" Ouyang Zhimin groaned, stumped by the last question, God knows when Boss Yunyun will come back! "Xiaoye, if Boss Yunyun doesn't show up for ten years, why don't you plan to marry me for ten years?"

no?He was old by then!

"Bah, bah, you crow's mouth, stop talking nonsense!" Shang Xiaoye forbade Ouyang Zhimin to talk nonsense, saying that if he won't come back in ten years, Yunyun will definitely come back soon!

"I also hope Boss Yunyun can come back sooner, but the key is that she hasn't come back for four years!" Of course Ouyang Zhimin hoped that Feng Qianyun could come back sooner, so he didn't have the heart to curse Feng Qianyun for not showing up for ten years, But the situation in front of him is that Feng Qianyun really hasn't appeared for a long, long time, so long that a man is almost nervous!

"Don't let Han Mojue hear your words, or your end will be miserable!" Shang Xiaoye warned Ouyang Zhimin.

"Han Mojue? I think he's going to have a schizophrenia. I'm considering whether to take him to see a psychiatrist!" Ouyang Zhimin said seriously, "Did you know that he often told me recently, what should he do? You shouldn't go to Kunlun to see Boss Yunyun, but before I gave him an opinion, he himself denied what he said a moment ago. If he said that, Boss Yunyun would definitely be angry with him. It’s not good for Boss Yunyun.”

Ouyang Zhimin felt that such a Han Mojue was really not far from being schizophrenic.

"Don't embarrass him, it's because he misses Yunyun, but..." Shang Xiaoye wanted to say something, but he still didn't say it, and they, onlookers, couldn't explain it clearly. It is better for the parties involved to solve it themselves, hey!

"Stop, stop, what we are discussing now is the problems of the two of us, and they will solve their problems by themselves!" Ouyang Zhimin was not happy, his uncle, his own problems have not been solved yet, who wants to solve them? Take care of others!
"It doesn't matter, I'll wait for Yunyun to come back, no matter who I marry in the future, my wedding will not be without Yunyun!" Shang Xiaoye said persistently.

His uncle!Boss Yunyun, you should come back quickly, your lovely little brother and my happiness are in your hands.

Ouyang Zhimin came out of the toilet feeling a bit depressed, put on the mask required for the dance, and returned to the dance scene. He walked back to the corner, where Han Mojue was sitting on the sofa in the corner, drinking wine alone, Because he was wearing a mask, everyone didn't know that this man who was drinking alone was the new favorite in the social world and the upstart in the business circle of Province Z that everyone was concerned about.

On such occasions, few people really drink alcohol for themselves. Drinking is just a social etiquette at this time. However, Han Mojue relied on his own capacity to drink one cup after another. The most terrible thing is his current The special body is not very cold to alcohol, and there is a tendency to not get drunk after a thousand drinks.

"Brother, the good wine here is not for you to drink as mineral water!" Although Ouyang Zhimin didn't know much about wine, he felt sorry for the red wine. "I said you should stop drinking. You have been here for so long, have you seen the master?"

(End of this chapter)

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