Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 561 You are a heartless person

Chapter 561 You are a heartless person (2)
Today's dance is held by an overseas consortium. It just returned to Z province half a year ago, and it seems that it has a tendency to develop in the Z high-ranking period.

However, the owner of this consortium is a mysterious person. At least he has been in Province Z for so long and has not officially shown up.

"No." After drinking all the red wine in his hand, Han Mojue replied to Ouyang Zhimin that his bad mood had nothing to do with today's masquerade ball, and the reason for his bad mood didn't happen overnight.

A woman told him that she was going to stay in Kunlun for a while and would not be back in a short time.

She also said, tell him not to visit her, and she will be fine herself.

Well, he promised her, but who will tell him why the "short time" she said lasted for four years and has not yet expired?What the hell is she doing?
Ouyang Zhimin saw that Han Mojue came out to the dance with a straight face, and couldn't help but speak earnestly, "Han Mojue, stop putting on a bitter face, how can you talk to other people and exchange feelings like this?"

Those who can come to today's dance are all famous people in the province of Z. With his appearance, not only can't communicate with other people, but if he is not good, he will even offend them!

"How long does that bastard woman plan to stay in that shitty place in Kunlun!? What's so good about it! What's there that deserves her nostalgia? Even if it's heaven, doesn't she know to come back and have a look? Us? It's been four years, and she hasn't sent us a single letter!"

The more Han Mojue talked, the more angry he became.

Ouyang Zhimin steamed black thread, isn't he talking to him about this, okay?Why didn't he listen to him at all?It's a pity that he still wastes so much saliva, hey!

Ouyang Zhimin felt a deep sense of frustration, Xiaoye didn't listen to him, and Han Mojue didn't listen to him either.

Ouyang Zhimin felt that he would go crazy if he stayed with Han Mojue again, so he got up and walked around. There were people everywhere on the first floor. He was not interested in asking beautiful ladies to dance. He didn't have the time to chat with other bosses and chaebols, these things were always done by Han Mojue.

So Ouyang Zhimin went up to the second floor. Compared with the first floor, there were not so many people on the second floor.Ouyang Zhimin walked around aimlessly, wanting to find a place to rest, he hadn't slept for almost nineteen hours, and taking a nap might be the most meaningful thing for him now, There are so many rooms in the host's house, I don't know which one is the guest room.

Ouyang Zhimin looked around, but couldn't find any service personnel to ask, forget it, let's see for himself, it shouldn't matter.

No, there is a room on his right. Ouyang Zhimin opened the door and went in without thinking.

There was no light in the room, and the light was very dark, only the moonlight and sporadic lights coming in from the window.

A man was sitting on the sofa in the room. Because the light was very dark, it was difficult to see the other person's face clearly.

But Ouyang Zhimin is sure that there are people in the room.

"I'm sorry, I just want to find a guest room to take a rest. If I disturb you, I'll leave first." Ouyang Zhimin felt that he had disturbed others, and retreated.

After quickly closing the door, Ouyang Zhimin thought belatedly, who is that man, and why didn't he turn on the light?
Wait, the decoration of that room just seems to be a that man the owner of the house?Is that the mysterious boss of the consortium?
Ouyang Zhimin is most annoyed at guessing this kind of thing, he is not good at it!
Just as Ouyang Zhimin was thinking by the door, the door was opened from the inside, and the man who was inside just now came out.

The man also wore a half mask to cover his face. Ouyang Zhimin turned his head, only to feel that the other party was imposing, which made him subconsciously take a few steps back to keep a distance from the man.

The man didn't blame Ouyang Zhimin for intruding into his study just now, but smiled at Ouyang Zhimin, and the corner of his exposed mouth lifted.

The man's smile confused Ouyang Zhimin.

what's the situation?
Why is this man smiling at him?
Ouyang Zhimin scratched his head, not knowing the answer.

The man didn't speak to Ouyang Zhimin, he went down the stairs and walked into the dancing crowd.

After the man left, another man came out of the study.

scare!There were two people in the room just now!Ouyang Zhimin thought there was only one person in the room, so he was shocked when the second person came out of the room.

In the end...the other party was overjoyed by Ouyang Zhimin's startled reaction, and even laughed too!
What are you doing?Ouyang Zhimin was at a loss, what the hell was he doing today? Is there something on his face?Why did everyone laugh when they saw him?

Ouyang Zhimin was a little depressed, "Why are you laughing, is there anything so funny?"

"It's not funny, I'm glad to see you." The other party replied, and then saw the other party take off the mask on his face.

yeah?yeah?Yeah yeah yeah?
Ouyang Zhimin was taken aback, how could it be Jia Bing!

"Jia Bing, why is it you? You are not, you are not..." Four years ago, when Han Mojue came back and told them that Lie Que and Feng Qianyun would take some time to come back, Jia Bing and Ding Jie also disappeared.

As a result, Jia Bing suddenly appeared at the ball!It still came out of the master's study room!

Wait...after confirming that the person in front of him is Jia Bing, Ouyang Zhimin recalled the man who walked out in front...his temperament and feeling...deja vu!
"Is he Lie Que?" Ouyang Zhimin asked Jia Bing for confirmation.

Jia Bing nodded, affirming Ouyang Zhimin's question.

"So, Boss Yunyun is back?" Ouyang Zhimin asked excitedly, because in Ouyang Zhimin's understanding, Feng Qianyun and Lie Que are together, since Lie Que is back, it means that Feng Qianyun Rhyme is back too.

"Then I don't know, BOSS hasn't been with Miss Qian Yun in recent years." Jia Bing replied.

"What? He wasn't with Boss Yunyun? Didn't they stay in Kunlun together?" Ouyang Zhimin asked in surprise. It was the first time he heard this statement in four years. He had always thought that Feng Qianyun and Lie Que together.

"It's a long story, and it's hard to talk about it for a while now." Frankly speaking, Jia Bing didn't know how to explain to Ouyang Zhimin about the boss.

"Fuck you, what is a long story, let's make it short!" Ouyang Zhimin was very upset.

"This matter, I really can't tell you a long story short." Jia Bing said, "Aren't you going to play?"

"Playing with your sister!" Ouyang Zhimin was suffocated by Jia Bing's tepid attitude, didn't you see that he was so eager for an answer?She even hesitated with him!Fuck him!Ouyang Zhimin, who hasn't scolded anyone for a long time, wants to swear a lot recently, so as to vent all his dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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