Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 562 You are a heartless person

Chapter 562 You are a heartless person (3)
"I'm sorry miss, you can't go in without an invitation letter." At the door, the bodyguards of the mansion stopped a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman and told her that she couldn't attend today's dance without an invitation letter.

Just from the lower half of the woman's face and a pair of eyes, it can be seen that she is very beautiful. The watery eyes seem to be able to speak. They are more dazzling than diamonds. How can a woman's skin be so delicate? , This made people who saw her suspect that she had put makeup on her whole body, and wanted to come up and ask her what brand of cosmetics she used, which could make her skin look so delicate, crystal clear, and beautiful. break.

The woman has long black hair hanging loose, long hair reaching her waist, full breasts, and a slender waist that is less than a grasp. She is 1.6 meters and [-] meters tall, which is already very tall for a woman.

No matter from which angle you look at it, the woman is the most beautiful and eye-catching among the women present today.

"Can't it?" Feng Qianyun was a little depressed, her rosy face collapsed, it seemed that she hadn't been in this kind of occasion for a long time, and she had forgotten the rules.

She won't be able to change something like an invitation letter for a while, "I'm sorry."

Feng Qianyun thought for a while, and walked away without embarrassing others.

But Feng Qianyun didn't give up, since she couldn't get through the main gate, then go through the "side gate"!

So Feng Qianyun took advantage of no one's attention, and walked around to the back of the mansion, avoiding the mansion's monitor.

The fence of this mansion is specially made, and the top layer has a metal protective net, which makes it very difficult for ordinary people to cross the fence.

Feng Qianyun obviously doesn't intend to be an ordinary person today.

Feng Qianyun came to the outside of the wall, then jumped onto the wall, took out a pair of pliers from her bag, and began to clamp the metal protective net.

The metal fence is not so easy to clamp off.

"Heaven and earth are innocent, and the god of fire melts the flames."

The tongues of fire burned the metal protective net red, and finally the metal wires became soft under the action of high temperature, and then Feng Qianyun easily broke a big hole.

Feng Qianyun, who successfully "smuggled" in, was not happy in time, because there was a man looking at her inside the fence, and he saw everything in his eyes.

"What are you looking at? What's so good about it!" Almost immediately, Feng Qianyun felt a sense of familiarity from the other party. Although he covered the monitor's face, she could still recognize him!
They've all "sleeped" together for so many nights, it doesn't make sense that she wouldn't recognize him because he covered half of his face!
Feng Qianyun recognized him, but she just didn't say she recognized her, and deliberately talked to him in such an unfamiliar tone!
"I am the master here, you broke my wall, how will you compensate me?" Lie Que said with a smile.

If Feng Qianyun recognized him the first time he saw him, Lie Que sensed her breath, so he came here specially to wait for her.

She has come back.

They meet again.

Both of them clearly recognized each other, but neither of them said anything.

"How much is that broken barbed wire worth? How much do you want? I'll write you a check!" Feng Qianyun said and put the check in her pocket, really planning to write a check to Lie Que.

"That's not necessary. It was my master's mistake to let a beautiful lady climb over the wall. How about it, if you dance with me, it will be regarded as paying back the money for the barbed wire, and then I will invite you Eat a dinner, it's as an apology for my bad hospitality today, okay?" Lie Que said to Feng Qianyun with a smile.

"Okay!" Feng Qianyun immediately agreed, who is afraid of whom!
"I don't know what to call this young lady?" Lie Que asked Feng Qianyun pretending not to know.

OK, dare to pretend not to know her!You have to ask her name again, right?
"My name is Stealing Mistress." Feng Qianyun raised her face and immediately made up a name.

"Well... Let me introduce myself too. My name is... Heartbreaker." Lie Que said.

"Heh, that's really a good name!" Feng Qianyun said ironically.

"It's okay, but your name is not good, no man is as good as your husband!" Lie Que said with a smile.

"It's hard to say. If the rightful husband happens to be a heartless person, it's worth considering." Feng Qianyun smiled at Lie Que, a very strange smile.

"Hehe, let's put the matter of the name aside for now. This girl, do you want to dance with me?" Lie Que bent down and invited Feng Qianyun to dance in a gentlemanly manner.

Feng Qianyun generously handed her hand to Lie Que.

Lie Que saw that Feng Qianyun was still wearing their engagement ring on his right hand, with a sweet smile on his face.

When Feng Qianyun saw the same ring on Lie Que's hand, she snorted coldly, hum, dare to say goodbye to her?Why don't you take off the ring together, just pretend you never knew her!
The two people are wearing such obvious couple rings on their clasped hands, but the two parties act as if they don't know each other at all. This kind of scene is really weird.

Lie Que brought Feng Qianyun into the mansion, entered the dance floor, and danced with Feng Qianyun to the sound of waltz music.

Feng Qianyun actually knows how to dance socially, but...

In less than 10 minutes, Lie Que's feet were stepped on by Feng Qianyun no less than twenty times, and his originally clean and shiny leather shoes were covered with Feng Qianyun's shoe prints.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, I can't dance, I stepped on you again!" Feng Qianyun said with an apologetic face, but she had no regrets.

"It's okay, take your time, you'll be fine once you get used to dancing." How could Lie Que not know that Feng Qianyun did it on purpose, she was angry!Lie Que is very clear, it seems that it is not so easy to calm her down this time!
Ouyang Zhimin was furious watching from the sidelines!
Because he knew that the man was Lie Que, Ouyang Zhimin grabbed Jia Bing's collar and messed up the clothes on Jia Bing's chest, "Hey, what the hell is your bastard boss doing? He's holding a woman in his arms right now. Dance! Did he make a mistake? Where did he put me, Boss Yunyun?"

Ouyang Zhimin was really going to be pissed off. In vain he thought that Lie Que was a good man and would treat Boss Yunyun well, but now, Boss Yunyun has been in Kunlun for four years and Lie Que has never been by Boss Yunyun's side at all. Now that Mr. Yunyun is still in Kunlun, he suddenly transformed into the boss of some consortium, and then danced happily with a beautiful woman on the dance floor. where it goes?If he had known this, he should have unswervingly supported Han Mojue from the very beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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