Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 564 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 564 The Mysterious Old Man

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she went downstairs with graceful steps.

Ouyang Zhimin was stunned in place, thinking, Boss Yunyun seems not only to have grown up, but also to have a little "growth" in his temper!

Ouyang Zhimin and Han Mojue had no choice but to leave with Feng Qianyun. When Han Mojue left, he took a special look at Lie Que, and he saw the faint smile in Lie Que's eyes.

This made Han Mojue feel depressed for no reason. This man has always been so confident, right?That's why he thinks that Yunyun won't really be mad at him and run away?At that time, he didn't have time to explain to Yun, but now that we met, why didn't he hurry up and explain to Yun.

Han Mojue finally gave Lie Que a good look.

Jia Bing watched Feng Qianyun, who had finally met again, go away, and asked Lie Que: "Boss, don't you plan to... chase Miss Qianyun back?"

"Catch it back?" Lie Que was already dressed at this time, "She has always been mine, why won't she come back?"

"Huh?" Jia Bing froze for a moment.Well, anyway, this is the BOSS's woman, not his, the BOSS is not in a hurry, why is he in a hurry?
Feng Qianyun left the mansion, Ouyang Zhimin immediately asked, "Boss Yunyun, what happened to you and Lie Que?"

"Don't mention him to me for the time being, my anger has not completely subsided!" Feng Qianyun reminded Ouyang Zhimin, and then said to Han Mojue, "I know you know the reason why he left without saying goodbye, and I know too He must have his reasons, but I don't allow you to tell me, if you want to tell me, he has to tell me himself."

Feng Qianyun was actually not angry that Lie Que left without saying goodbye, she was angry that he refused to explain things clearly to her until now.

Han Mojue nodded, he probably understood what Feng Qianyun meant, as if he couldn't get involved in their affairs.

"Mo Jue, before going back, take me to a place first." Feng Qianyun suddenly said to Han Mojue.

"Boss Yunyun, you just came back, who do you want to see?" Ouyang Zhimin who was sitting in the back seat asked curiously. Boss Yunyun just came back, and they haven't had a chance to catch up on the old days!
"I have a business to do. Before I came here, Lu Dafeng helped me pick up the business." Feng Qianyun explained.

Before Feng Qianyun came from H city, Lu Dafeng told her about it. The other party originally went to Lu Dafeng for medical treatment, but Lu Dafeng couldn't cure him.

Because of the special status of the other party, Lu Dafeng told the other party that he knew someone who might be able to cure him, but the whereabouts of the other party was uncertain, and Lu Dafeng expressed that he was not sure when he would find him.

As soon as the other party heard that there was hope, he hurriedly left a contact information for Lu Dafeng, and asked Lu Dafeng to notify them as soon as he had news about the miracle doctor.

Feng Qianyun was not in such a hurry to meet that person at first, but after meeting Lie Que just now, Feng Qianyun changed her mind, and she wanted to do some things by herself.

"Boss Yunyun, what kind of business did you take up just after you came back?" Ouyang Zhimin asked with a puzzled expression.

"Don't you know after a while?" Feng Qianyun handed the address that Lu Dafeng copied to her to Han Mojue, "Drive the car to this address."

Han Mojue glanced at the address written on the cheat sheet in Feng Qianyun's hand, and was slightly taken aback.

Then he shook his head and said with a smile: "It seems that the person you want to meet is very unusual, otherwise you wouldn't rush over in the middle of the night."

Feng Qianyun smiled, and her beautiful smile was reflected in the rearview mirror. Four years have passed, and she has really become more beautiful. She used to be irresistible, but now she is like a luminous body.

Han Mojue drove the car to an apartment. At first glance, the apartment was nothing special, even a little old. There was no elevator in the building, and there were only narrow corridors. It was obviously years old, but anyone who knew the inside story knew You know, the people who can live here are of extraordinary status!
"Room 601, Building Seven." Feng Qianyun wandered around for a while, and soon found Room 601, Building Seven, which was written on the note.

Han Mojue and Ouyang Zhimin followed Feng Qianyun up, Ouyang Zhimin was suspicious and didn't understand who Feng Qianyun was going to meet.


Downstairs in Building 7, Feng Qianyun rang the doorbell of 601.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for?" The other party saw Feng Qianyun and the others through the camera, and they were not regular visitors to their house.

"Mr. Lu Dafeng asked me to come." Feng Qianyun put the note with the address that Lu Dafeng gave her in front of the camera, so that people in Room 601 upstairs could see it.

The address was written down by the owner himself, so he naturally recognized the handwriting on it.

After about 3 minutes of silence on the other side, "The door has been opened, I'm sorry, I didn't know that you are distinguished guests, so you are so neglectful."

Feng Qianyun, Han Mojue, and Ouyang Zhimin entered the building. The stairs were a bit narrow. When the three of them reached the sixth floor, the door of room 601 was already opened, and a woman who looked like a maid was waiting at the door.

"Who are you coming in? The old man has been waiting for who!" The maid invited Feng Qianyun and the others into the room.

All the furnishings in the room are very simple, the furniture is ordinary, even the curtains are old and small flowers, young people and luxury houses do not like to use curtains of this kind of material and color.

On the brown leather sofa, sat an elderly man with a long beard. His hair was gray like the beard, because he was a little old and his hair was not much. Crutches, when Feng Qianyun and the others were looking at him, he was also looking at Feng Qianyun and the others.

Such an old man, such a house, looks like an ordinary old man living alone.

But Feng Qianyun knew that the old man in front of her was not simple at all.

"Hi, old man." Feng Qianyun nodded politely to the old man.

The old man slowly stretched out his right hand, "Bring me the note."

Feng Qianyun handed the note to the old man.

The old man took the note, carefully read the words on it, and then raised his eyes again to glance at Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue and Ouyang Zhimin standing behind her.

"Did Lu Dafeng ask you to come here?" After looking at the three people, the old man finally locked his eyes on Feng Qianyun. The old man has seen countless people, so he can't be wrong.

"Yes, to be precise, he told me about it, and then I decided whether to come or not." Feng Qianyun is Lu Dafeng's master, and it is her freedom to come or not, without Lu Dafeng letting her Come and she will come to this statement.

"Then you should know what you mean by coming here today." The old man's voice was not loud, but he was full of spirit. Although he didn't do anything deliberately, his majesty and oppressive force were naturally revealed come out.

"I'm very clear." Feng Qianyun nodded, "I'm here today to help the old man relieve his troubles. Of course, on the other hand, I also want the old man to meet my request."

"Oh?" The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, and the crutch in his hand moved a little, as if it was very inadvertent or deliberate, "You must have the capital to negotiate terms with me. Since you have already proposed Now, let’s talk about the purpose of your trip.”

The old man is not someone who likes to beat around the bush, since Feng Qianyun opened his mouth, he asked her to explain clearly.

"I want to ask the old man for a position." Feng Qianyun told the old man directly.

"Position? Tell me, what kind of position do you want?" The position is too general. There are different positions. The central cadre is a position, and the guard at the gate of the government building is also a position.

"National Security Bureau, I want a position that can enter the National Security Bureau." Feng Qianyun didn't specify which position she wanted, but she knew what she said, the old man should probably know what she needs.

"I have a lot of appetite." The old man didn't know whether to praise or criticize Feng Qianyun, so he just commented on this sentence in a very flat manner, and then he paused for a while, "If you really cure my stubborn illness today, what do you want? something, I can give you."

As soon as the old man said this, Ouyang Zhimin, who was following Feng Qianyun, was immediately stunned. He was shocked and thought, who is this old man, and where is the National Security Bureau? He actually agreed so easily up!
"Since I'm here, I'm sure of it. I think I know a thing or two about the consequences of fooling the old man." Feng Qianyun walked towards the old man without talking nonsense.

As soon as she took a step, the maid who opened the door for them stopped her.

What a neat skill, this maid's skill is not weak.

Feng Qianyun glanced at the maid and stood there calmly.

"Back down." The old man waved his hand, signaling the maid to back down, "If she wanted to hurt me, she wouldn't have brought two more people here."

The old man's heart is like a mirror, he can see clearly.

Even Han Mojue began to doubt the identity of the old man. Who could this old man be...?

The maid hurriedly made way for Feng Qianyun and stepped aside.

Feng Qianyun stepped forward and came to the old man, "Old man, first let me take your pulse."

"Since you came here after talking with Lu Dafeng, you should know that what I have is rheumatism. Do you still need a pulse?" the old man asked Feng Qianyun.

"It's true that the old man is suffering from rheumatism, but there are many types of rheumatism, usually divided into wind numbness, cold numbness, dampness numbness, heat numbness, dryness numbness, wind-cold dampness numbness, and damp-heat numbness. There are other types, and even the above-mentioned types can be subdivided. This kind of division is very general. I must personally diagnose the old man before I can prescribe the right medicine to ensure that the medicine will cure the disease." Feng Qianyun to the old man Made some explanations.

The old man nodded, "The medicine will cure the disease..." He repeated the words, "I hope your medical skills can be as good as what you said."

"Yes or no, the old man will soon be able to witness it with his own eyes." Feng Qianyun showed a proud self-confidence on his face, and then began to feel the old man's pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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